The Arbitrary Rule of Amaury; the Rhetoric & Actions of a Dictator?

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Avatar for SeanBallard
4 years ago

Here is a presentation from Amaury in September of 2019 on Bitcoin Cash culture, the dynamics of "Infrastructure" in coding & the real world, the role of users, businesses, social media, and developers in the ecosystem.

I implore all to watch before reading any further, as it provides the necessary context to comprehend not just this post, but the BCH ecosystem at large.

The Benevolent Dictator of Bitcoin Cash is a funny tongue & cheek nickname, and it works because it plays on a lot of factors which create the culture of Bitcoin Cash.

Separate blockchains, which implement different rules, are akin to different states, neighborhoods, sports leagues, churches, etc. Quasi-states, if you will. And with a Quasi-State, in the digital realm, comes a key distinction.

Blockchain "quasi-states" are inherently voluntary.

The rules of a "quasi-state" are not followed because it has the credible threat to initiate violence against violators. They are, by definition, consensual. Hence, the underlying mechanism for governance being labelled as "emergent consensus." Consensus, being the key word here, implying its consensual nature.

In many ways, blockchains enable Mises' ideal on the topic of borders & given rules in society. Stating the ideal scenario as one where it's easy to move, so that market forces may work in the realm of society, so that better societies emerge via the competitive forces inherent in a market, and the freedom for an individual to choose which is best for their unique circumstance. The ability to move most freely, voting with ones feet, so as to to demonstrate their preferences, and send a signal of consent for the utility of a given society's rule set, and how they accommodate the nature of a certain individual. Highlighting how these forces will drive freedom & antiquate tyranny. It is something of a utopia, made real via technology.

The costs of moving are inordinately high when compared to the gradual cost stemming from an increase of governmental rent-seeking, leading people to end up staying despite discontent, leading to Governments growing insidiously, doing what they can get away with.

In this new quasi-state landscape, these moving costs are removed, allowing any such abuses to get punished with the corresponding feedback in the blockchain mining marketplace. And hence, the prospects for the existence of a BCHN chain! A welcome dissolution in light of irreconcilable ideological differences, where Miners whom don't value the ABC client will move their hash.

We should also remember the apparent paradox of voluntaryism, or anarchism.

It is not no rules. It is rules, without rulers.

How do we get rules without rulers? The Austrians invariably cite Hayek's "spontaneous order."

A common example, beautiful in its simplicity, is the convention of walking on the right side of the sidewalk. Or, the rules in a pickup basketball game. It typically occurs based on the utility of a given rule, for the benefit of all involved in the game. It is something that became a rule because of its utility, hence most people naturally agree to it, and there is no need for violent enforcement.

This is the beauty of open source software and the blockchain.

There can be many visions implemented, and the ones providing the most utility will be the ones that are followed, not by coercive force, but by the obvious utility, leading to usage, demand, & increased value of the chain.

In relation to force when it comes to implementing ideas, I'm reminded of the memes regarding the underlying mechanism of socialism...

This is to highlight that, within blockchains, there is no single enforcer coercing action with violence.

This is why the coming split is beautiful.

Amaury is not enforcing the rules in this sense. He has made a proposal for Bitcoin Cash, based on his beliefs for how to fulfill the stated promise and mission of Bitcoin, as a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System for the World, and there is a critical mass of people that will agree on this belief, as ultimately demonstrated by their CPU.

We will see the arising order that springs from ABC's leadership in tieing IFP funding directly to the chain based on the merit of the idea & the utility/value it brings to the overall network, not as a result of ABC utilizing a military force.

There is no question that there is a legitimate ideological schism, representing irreconcilable differences, on the means towards fulfilling the Bitcoin mission, to become a P2P Electronic Cash System for the world.

How does this irreconcilable difference get solved?

A split. Testing each party's implementation of Bitcoin against the real world.

We have a rare opportunity to perform such a split in a mature, civil manner. One that sets an example for all blockchains, and demonstrates the integrity of both sides, instead of bringing out the vitriol of both, making each side worse off.

An event of adults "agreeing to disagree" and moving on accordingly. Not unlike the "Dissolution of the Union" between Norway & Sweden. Or an amicable divorce. Not done in spite. But in a respectful farewell, and recognition of the dignity in the other, despite such irreconcilable differences. To be contrasted with America's Civil War, in a violent attempt to "preserve the Union" for the "common good," resulting in the deaths of 500k people. Or in contrast with Shiite & Suni's civil war, and many other historical examples of ideological differences leading to violent conflict, often characterized by their respective "Tyranny of Vision" and "Quest for Cosmic Justice."

It has been stated many times by Roger Ver, that he doesn't care so much which technology ends up fulfilling the stated ends of Bitcoin, but just that it is fulfilled at all, for the sake of human prosperity. And that he believes BCH has the best chance of fulfilling that promise of a P2P digital cash for the world, in order to create a world that is free from coercion.

Roger Ver has also said that, "the means are the ends" in the course of his discussion over the underhanded tactics that BTC community used in manufacturing consent for small blocks. I'd argue that, rather, "bad means tether good ends."

Of the tactics, vitriolic character assassinations may be the most damaging, for all involved, as it forfeits collaboration & cooperation, in the present & the future. I'll let Thomas Sowell explain what I'm talking about...

In fairness, I believe that the manner of argumentation between more prominent leaders backing BCHN and ABC carries much more substance than the BTC tropes, one that was characterized by incessant screaming of "scammer, shitcoin, fraud, etc" followed by blocking, but there is a fine line being walked and let these examples be a cautionary tale.

I am inspired by the higher quality of debate & respect of many within the community. I feel the channels of communication are more open, and issues are being hashed out in a much better fashion. More mature handling of existing conflict. And the result of open/honest communication & the subsequent revealing of preferences, has revealed the irreconcilable differences of opinion, and enabled both parties to have the information necessary in order to move on early & forego any continuing pain by delaying the inevitable by not bringing such issues to light, and both chains can get back to working on their implementation of Bitcoin. Albeit, I understand the frustration of each party feeling that they know what's best for the group, fuelled by good intentions, & their own competency, and these beliefs not being shared or treated charitably.

As for the trash talk, I love it! I feel it has come alive in the spirit of competition, as a respect for the game (*chain*), not to be confused with the scorched earth crusade against an "evil opponent", as explained by Thomas Sowell in the twitter link already provided above. One characterized by a "Tyranny of Vision" as we can see in the BTC crusades, as well as in the USA political parties.

When I talk trash, it's because I think I'm the best, and I want you to be at your best. Spark that competitive spirit & get the juices flowing. Prove me wrong! All for the betterment of ourselves, and the game/chain. Iron sharpening iron. To cite a couple of examples, I've linked YouTube videos below of what I'm talking about...

The label #Bitshevik is part of this competitive nature. It is a caricature of what many see as the modus operandi for many prominent proponents of BCHN, that increasingly attempt to bolster their arguments by claiming to represent a "social consensus," utilizing this "social consensus" as a meaningful mechanism for decision-making/governance, which I think confuses the consumer/user (anyone transacting on the BCH chain) for stockholders (miners), and leads to a mob-style type decision-making.

I think this is a reactionary result of falsely applying the paradigm of coercive Government onto a new paradigm of open-source blockchains, which is an inherently voluntaryist paradigm, wherein hierarchies will naturally arise based on merit, where there is freedom of association, which naturally brings forth leaders, where groups/companies compete on utility/quality of their product, not by coercive force, and certainly not by claiming to represent & enforce the will of the proletariat via a "social consensus."

The #bitshevik being in contrast to the more #capitalist ABC, making their proposals based on the merit of the proposal itself (including the game theoretic incentive problems), their competency, substantiated by their previous work, bolstering the credibility in fulfilling the deliverables outlined in the Road Map, all guided by the support of groups invested in the ecosystem, namely miners, businesses utilizing the network, including exchanges. All of this after utilizing the donation funding model for infrastructure, and funding it insufficient. As Amaury frames the issue, it is Infrastructure that we are talking about. It is not sexy, but it needs to work. Requires very high level engineers, and requires some base level of maintenance. This article by @Cheshirecat does a great job of outlining the maintenance required, and ABC's role in that.

Ultimately though, it is miners who are directly effected by the IFP fee, and it is the job of ABC to make the case to miners as to why this funding mechanism is adding value to the chain, and ABC is completely at mercy to the miners for the implementation of this rule change.

To further contrast the ABC operation with "social consensus", I see "social consensus" as being akin to "Social Choice Theory."

Social Choice Theory substantiates the maxim of "talk is cheap," and specifically within a system that coordinates resources & decision-making on the basis of each persons voting, treating each vote as equal, as a quantitative measure of the "social consensus" which #Bitshevik is appealing to for coding decisions. But the social consensus referenced is mostly a popular reddit sentiment.

Additionally, I feel the IFP debate has much of the Bike Shed problem in it, which is something to consider.

In conclusion, this analysis has come from challenging assumptions & exploring this new landscape of open-source software projects, revolutionized by Bitcoin & blockchain, and trying to intellectually orient myself, and figure out the paradigm. It is important to start from first principles, and get it right in that regard. And this is my attempt.

I want to get it right, not be right.

As such, please provide all of your constructive feedback. And sure, throw a little spice in there.


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Avatar for SeanBallard
4 years ago


Interesting article keep it up dear ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

thanks for this very informative. keep on writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article reading!!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Intersting artical

$ 0.00
4 years ago

China virus haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wrt Amaury and Bitcoin ABC, their intention is clear. They don' t do anything against the rules, they are free to write what ever they want. It is an open source software, if they write something malicious, then the miners can decide not to use it. If they provide something not good, then the miners will decide not to use it, or the market can punish the move. This is a risky move for Bitcoin ABC, so unless they want to quit, they should have very big ambition behind. For me, I will support whatever meets my needs. It is what called freedom and competition!

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Many visions can be implemented, and the ones providing the most utility will be the ones that are followed, not by coercive force. Amaury's policies are coercive

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are right…Social Choice Theory substantiates the maxim of "talk is cheap," and specifically within a system that coordinates resources & decision-making on the basis of each persons voting, treating each vote as equal, as a quantitative measure of the "social consensus" which #Bitshevik is appealing to for coding decisions. But the social consensus referenced is mostly a popular reddit sentiment.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Grear and interesting article. Keep uploading man. Good job

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4 years ago

Wow, it's a great .please Subscribe and view article

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4 years ago

I want sponsorship please help me

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4 years ago

Great information about this article

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4 years ago

Good article,thanks for sharing👌

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4 years ago

Wow, it's a great article.please Subscribe and view article

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Great article i love the way write it its long i cant make some articles that so much long but you it seems it easy for you to composed it you are very intelligent person.. Im looking for more post of articles from you and i subscribe you already pls do subscribe me too

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I read it. I find what's going on in bcaah now entrancing. Agitators with an administration. I need to perceive what happens to it. You all should attempt the two forms definitly.

BCH won't be bitcoin by any stretch on the ABC chain however.

Something needs to rival BSV. Gives up.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good Articals......

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, it's a great .please Subscribe and view article

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4 years ago

Very Valuable article

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

that's great

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4 years ago

interesting article

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

I am subscribe, please subscribe and follow me.

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4 years ago

Beautiful article

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4 years ago

I love this article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article

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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great one

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is nice and informational article for us.Theory are talk cheap . bitcoin cash are the "bitcoin cash".Keep updating more article.Best of luck.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, it's a great .please Subscribe and view article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah theory are talk cheap . bitcoin cash are the "bitcoin cash" nothing else. Alot of factor to create.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article

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User's avatar lea
4 years ago

This is nice Article...... Thanks for post.....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep updating :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

beautiful video

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nice article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice . Keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nowadage growing this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The Benevolent Dictator of Bitcoin Cash is a funny tongue & cheek nickname, and it works because it plays on a lot of factors which create the culture of Bitcoin Cash.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Di subscribe you please subscribe me

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4 years ago

Subscribe me i will subscribe you back

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Stating the ideal scenario as one where it's easy to move💪

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your kind information great job sir.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great article, Sean. Please DM me to collect your BCH payment! /s

$ 0.10
4 years ago

🤣🤣🤣 before seeing it was you, when I first read your comment I was like, wow thats a new one & rather egregious LMFAO RE; all this mofo spam on here pining for the points payout ughhh

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

It took me 20 mins. to finish reading it. Thank you for this wonderful article. Keep it up!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I read it. I find what's going on in bcaah now entrancing. Agitators with an administration. I need to perceive what happens to it. You all should attempt the two forms definitly.

BCH won't be bitcoin by any stretch on the ABC chain however.

Something needs to rival BSV. Gives up.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bitcoin Cash is as Bitcoin Cash does. We will get to see which one builds the chain which best serves as a P2P electronic cash system for the world. Outside that, the label of which one is "the real BCH" or not is simply conventions. The substance is more important than the form

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful post..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I read it. I find what is happening in bcaah now fascinating. Anarchists with a government. I want to see what comes of it. You guys should try both versions definitly.

BCH will not be bitcoin by any stretch on the ABC chain though.

Something has to compete with BSV. Lets go.

$ 0.00
User's avatar TOG
4 years ago

@zaibimayoo 🧐

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Nice article

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4 years ago

plese subscribe me

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

The Arbitrary Rule of Amaury; the Rhetoric & Actions of a Dictator That is a great post. You are so brilliant person...

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4 years ago

please subscribe me

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Uploading more articles...

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$ 0.00
4 years ago

Stating the ideal scenario as one where it's easy to move💪

$ 0.05
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep uploding article

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Rr
4 years ago

I agree with your view of voluntary association around rules and market feedback but this world intersects with other real constraints that make it more messy. The exchange ticker and ownership of domain being the most prominent examples. Although, in principle, it's perfectly possible for people and services to coalesce around a different ticker and domain, those create an inherent cost for splitting and trying new ideas.

A counter argument may be that had the split, from the default, a strong enough proposition then there would not be these questions (like BCH split from BTC). It can be seen as a feature (dampening of minor discontent) and not a bug.

Another counter argument can be made towards education. Many people mingle their identity with the state or, in this case, the quasi-state. Splits are an internal conflict about identity and therefore there's a greater attachment to things like the ticker and domains as representative of that identity. Maybe it would be useful to start describing blockchains explicitly as products. If you're shopping for p2p cash there are several products to choose from and it's harder to define yourself in terms of the product you use.

I still struggle to find the above counter arguments sufficiently convincing. What's your opinion about the claims of "unfairness" associated with ABC being the reference implementation and owners of

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you forthe nice article..

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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just started joining this industry and I could barely understand things in the crypto world. But with subscribing to users like you, I get to understand and learn new things each day. More articles like these please, thank youu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice concept.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That was amazing to read the arbitrary rules and Amaury. And we know that very well... If you have more articles and posts like this we want to see this keep uploading we also know about new things Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

We need to consider that the IFP debate has much of the Bike Shed problem in it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nices pic,,, sUbscribe my Channe...... My cubscribe you Channel

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4 years ago

woah you are so talented my dear keepnon posting such an article like this beacause you inspire us.

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4 years ago

Very informative article sir.keep shearing more

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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice post

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very nice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really so useful info.. subs done, back me dear. Advance thanks

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4 years ago

Nice article place support me and subscriber me

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4 years ago

Nice article place support me and subscriber me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice boi,,,,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah the good obe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Many miners questions Sechet fo his decision in introducing 8% fork direct to unknown wallet address as he told us without implying and asking for their suggestions and recommendations.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

He tried, and realized it was futile. I feel ABC exhausted these options in trying to follow "the community." But at the end of the day, stuff needs to get done, and consulting the illusory "community" for infrastructure funding that ABC see as vital was not going to work.

They also announced the Global Network Council for their proposed governance/decision making model.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That nice.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

While your article certainly seems reasonable on the surface, this response implies to me that you have, in fact, picked a side and are, in fact, defending it in spite of claiming "I want to get it right, not be right." I will admit that this seems odd to me considering one of your previous posts, "The Simplest Reason against the IFP." Given that, I could assume you are just playing devil's advocate here, but then why wouldn't you point out how the global network council IS the problem discussed in the aforementioned article?

Nonetheless, to address points actually made or implied in this article, while tickers SHOULDN'T matter and the longest chain SHOULD be relevant, the fact of the matter is the majority of the population is not well informed and therefore claims that seem fraudulent to one side or the other certainly justify a social campaign which practically guarantees a civil war. This is arguably true regardless of whether a given side is motivated by money or utilization. For those of us who have been around long enough and joined the Bitcoin community based on seeing our ideals in the whitepaper (not technicals, which sometimes need adjusted for various reasons), it is easy to see history repeating itself. For instance, ABC is practically claiming "I am Bitcoin Cash" in the same way that Blockstream practically claimed "I am Bitcoin." In many minds, that certainly invalidates most of your discussion about force. Sure, it's not physical force, but there are plenty of other methods of coercion, and claims of authority still have no place here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You seem to think that someone has to be either for or against ABC, and dismiss the possibility for someone to be neutral. If the fork happens, there will be 2 different governance options for the market to choose from. More choice is a good thing. You could stay neutral and decide later, based on the first few months or years post fork, which governance works the best.

My main reason for being anti-BCHN is not because I love the IFP, it is because of their "neutrally follow the longest chain" policy, which ensures that the eventual fork will be much more messy. There must be another way of doing a clean fork without abandoning the claim to the ticker symbol. But so many people in the BCHN sphere are claiming that if there is not a clear BCHN majority, they won't even develop their fork, but they will rather rage quit.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

shame. i wanna see both experiments play out

$ 0.00
User's avatar TOG
4 years ago

My initial point, and the reason I replied to a comment instead of the article was actually that the article seemed neutral, but the comment (by the article author) did not.

I can understand your concern with a messy fork. I can also recognize that you said anti-BCHN vs pro-ABC. However, the ideals in the whitepaper include the longest fork being correct and monetary policy not being enforced by code. On the other hand, the very fungibility Bitcoin needs would be destroyed in any clean fork against ABC, and BCHN has little to do with this. Every alternate node is going to follow the longest chain because that's what you're supposed to do. ABC is the only software with code that will cause this messy fork. If their code required donations on their blocks but accepted other blocks without them in the chain, there would be no fork. As I understand it, every miner has the option to invalidate a block permanently in whichever node software they choose. Given this, BCHN doesn't need to do anything problematic here and, IMO, being against them because they aren't problematic begs some self-reflection. In the meantime, while the POTENTIAL fork COULD be messy, it doesn't HAVE to. Separately, regarding a "rage-quit," if the non-IFP fork doesn't have support, why should it continue?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Are you saying that the whitepaper does talk about monetary policy & how it shouldn't be enforced by code? If you could cite where you see that, I must've missed it.

And can you expand on how a potential split ruins fungibility? Would it just be bc UTXOs before the split are more valuable bc they are spendable on both chains? If so I don't see why this as a problem...

And as for the fork, as mentioned, it is two legitimate factions that deserve a right to follow their conscious on what they believe Bitcoin Cash is. We can get into the execution of such a fork, how to best do it, & why it's messy, but it clearly needs to happen eventually, one way or the other.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Let me walk that back a bit, as I honestly haven't reread the whitepaper in years, so I could be mixing on-whitepaper ideals with others. When I say monetary policy shouldn't be enforced by code, I mean in terms of the fungibility subsequently discussed. If a block can be invalid because it doesn't have a specific output, then a block can also be invalid because it does have a specific output. While developers can be coerced to write such code and miners can be coerced to run such code, that doesn't mean we should treat it as an acceptable standard under voluntary circumstances.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

anything that can be done in bitcoin will be done. the fact that we don't want a thing to be done in bitcoin doesn't mean it's a good idea or even possible to "vote" against doing it. If you want to make such moves by developers impossible, create a REAL competitor, so that their actions are limited by choice. The fact, that they are our "only" reliable choice right now is not their fault. It's the fault of all the current and would-be competitors not doing the work, that has to be done, while they did. And this is also not news, the issues surrounding all the drama is always relative to this fact. On top of that, the supposed investors, who want to be "heard" do not nearly make enough expenses for infra funding and clearly not without strings attached. A prerequisite, which was always a given in BCH infradev donations.

People like demesel, who claim, they could not pay ABC want us to ignore the fact, or ignore it themselves, that they can anonymously send BCH to an ABC donation address at any time. So the fact stands, there is not enough "donation based" funding. The fact, that ABC would objectively earn the lion share of such donations is just the icing on the cake, that makes all of this even less of an issue.

$ 0.05
4 years ago

The fact, that they are our "only" reliable choice right now...

The "fact" that they are our "only" "reliable" choice right now...


Bitcoin Unlimited has been around since before the BTC split and has been reliable the entire time. All this ABC vs BCHN nonsense is nothing but posturing.

Regardless of whether or not donations could have sustained ABC, there are multiple buttons ABC could have pushed that would NOT have been nuclear.

The suggestion that anything from this money grab would be "objectively earned" is hilarious. Why not argue it's all been "objectively earned" already? Perhaps it's all backpay. Please...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ahhh an actual comment & not spam! so refreshing thank you lol

It wasnt my intent to hide my belief that an ABC IFP fee has a good chance of fostering the BCH mission. Why would "picking a side" preclude me of wanting to get it right? If I'm wrong, I don't want to be wrong any longer than I have to be, and I invite people to show me why I'm wrong in my beliefs.

And I'm glad you mentioned that article! It was my attempt to throw my hat into the debate in the advent of an IFP as a brand new idea. It was nubile in nature. It's been 6 months since then, & I've thought much slower, longer, & deeper on the subject, leading to an evolution of my understanding of the landscape. I was operating on a false paradigm in that post, which I believe is highlighted throughout this renewed post. Namely, the ease of moving hash, which changes out existing idea of the governance/government paradigm. This is the free market mechanism for holding the fund accountable.

And as for the Global Network Council, it is an attempt to bring those with skin in the game to collaborate on making decisions to improve the chain. There may be better ways to execute on that vision, but overall I think it is positive.

And as far as force/coercion, nobody is doing either to have you call ABC's Bitcoin implementation as Bitcoin Cash or not. You are free to claim it's not based on your interpretation & choose an implementation that better reflects that. Ill also quote a previous comment of mine on this topic which is relevant...

'Bitcoin Cash is as Bitcoin Cash does. We will get to see which one builds the chain which best serves as a P2P electronic cash system for the world. Outside that, the label of which one is "the real BCH" or not is simply conventions. The substance is more important than the form"

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why would "picking a side" preclude me of wanting to get it right?

I could be off-base here, but I think picking a side implies wanting to be right. While you could want to be right AND want to get it right (run both in case your side is wrong), you specifically used the word NOT be right.

Namely, the ease of moving hash, which changes out existing idea of the governance/government paradigm. This is the free market mechanism for holding the fund accountable.

While it is easy to point miners at a different chain, one could feel/argue that the current ABC software is designed to make the ethical chain unprofitable. One could argue about ABC being the reference client or about precedent being set with previous scheduled forks, but IMO, those arguments ring hollow (you can read my articles for more on that if you're so inclined) and this split isn't amicable because ABC isn't making a new chain, and I think I already covered that upthread.

And as for the Global Network Council

To me, this "Global Network Council" looks like a last ditch effort to feign legitimacy. If it was the plan all along, it could have easily been announced at the same time as the not-up-for-discussion change to the node software. There have also been accusations that the "members" who will control the funds all operate under the same umbrella for lack of a better way to put it. Regardless of whether or not those are true, control of the funds may require more trust than decentralization should need. Further, I'm not sure how much familiarity you have with the history of Bitcoin, but "The Bitcoin Foundation" was created for BTC and appeared to have good intentions. I think this happened even before the reference client was renamed to Bitcoin Core and IIRC, it ultimately ended up just being a phantom limb of Blockstream. Also included in that charade was a global conference where miners told Blockstream what they wanted and then Blockstream didn't provide it. That is what ultimately lead to BCH, and this mostly just looks like history repeating itself to me. I can't find a reasonable path to expecting differing results, and to be honest, the order in which things are happening just makes it all seem more suspect this time around.

And as far as force/coercion, nobody is doing either to have you call ABC's Bitcoin implementation as Bitcoin Cash or not. You are free to claim it's not based on your interpretation & choose an implementation that better reflects that. Ill also quote a previous comment of mine on this topic which is relevant...

But that's what every argument has been about ever since the first fork. "We're Bitcoin because we were here first" vs "we're Bitcoin because of the ideals in the whitepaper" is no different than "we're Bitcoin Cash because we created the fork" vs "we're Bitcoin Cash because we maintain the ideals in the whitepaper that lead to the fork." Moreover, as long as users are truly confused about what is "the real Bitcoin," none of the systems can serve well as P2P cash. That point was conceded when replay protection was provided for the legitimate fork away in spite of the fact that everything had to be rewritten to deal with it (a structural change was made so that users wouldn't have to jump through hoops to spend only on a specific chain). That point was then confirmed when the cashaddr format was introduced (a UI change was made to help users avoid accidentally sending the wrong coins due to similar identical addresses). Given this, why would anyone drop a contentious not-up-for-discussion change into a functioning P2P cash ecosystem if they truly wanted to support the same?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

"current ABC software is designed to make the ethical chain unprofitable."

This sentiment is what underlies the #Bitshevik movement.

Follow your conscious & follow the ethical chain.

I don't view implementing a fee for funding infrastructure as unethical. I view it as adding value to the BCH chain, funding a competent team to take care of infrastructure, and I think profit-seeking Miners will too. And if they don't? Hash directed elsewhere. And this is the sentiment which underlies the more #capitalist ABC movement, & the beauty of Bitcoin's voluntary governance mechanism.

It may be subtle, but it is the irreconcilable schism that drives everything else.

As for fork details, let's start filing the divorce papers.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

1) I said "one could argue"

2) I did NOT say the fee for funding was unethical

Suggesting this is capitalism is a bit of a stretch. It isn't a competitive market when ABC claims ownership of a chain they don't own and sabotages the competing fork it is more like antitrust.

An amicable fork would certainly be far better, but divorces are seldom amicable.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The Miners don't care if ABC claims ownership or not, so long as they write valuable code commensurate to the IFP fee. Perhaps it's bc the real "owners" of any chain is the people behind the hash supporting it... and to cite antitrust when BCH is competing against an endless number of currencies is not a good argument. We should band together accordingly, hence amicable fork leaving that door open.

Also, relevant quote "Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism. Not only are they compatible, but you can't really have one without the other. True anarchism will be capitalism, and true capitalism will be anarchism" Murray N. Rothbard

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You say miners are the owners, which implies that a hashwar is the answer. A hashwar may be what happens, and we may see where the cards lie some time after the fork. That's all well and good, but then you keep going. You say we should "band together," which would NOT be a hashwar. You say that in the same sentence where you say we should "split amicably," which would NOT be banding together. All of this in spite of the fact that you have to be able to see that ABC is acting like a vengeful spouse, ensuring there is no chance of an amicable split. There's clearly nothing left for you and I to discuss here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A hashwar is not what I was implying. An amicable split would foster better relations following a split. Band together, in the sense we recognize our vision for p2p cash, but different means of achieving. These are all points I made in the article. It may help to go through it again. And ABC is the one that's the vengeful spouse in this scenario? Lol

$ 0.00
4 years ago

For you and I specifically, our goals are different. I think reading my articles would clarify how I think and what my goals are.

ABC is the one throwing an ultimatum out there. Seems vengeful to me. The way I see it, everyone who divorced Blockstream married ABC in the process. Some of the comments aired by Maomaury and crew, which may or may not have subsequently been taken out of context, seem to indicate he's done with them.

There were plenty of other ways this could have been handled up to and including designing this not-for-discussion change without the ultimatum. For instance, if ABC said "we will have a mandatory fee taken out of blocks mined by our software, but we won't invalidate blocks from other software that don't follow this rule," then everything you're talking about could play out. Any alternative client that might simply be a fork of ABC could fall into disarray and miners could have good reason to run ABC and pay the fee. In fact, depending on how things go this path might have lead to more money for ABC than a split regardless of how much purists despised it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good one

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow....amazing story dear😮😮👈👈

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4 years ago

Thanks for this article. Please subscribe back.

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place subscribed me

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so good

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nice article dear🥰🥰🥰

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Good article

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really appreciate your work on this article and keep upliading more and keep updating about it

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