Time to say 'goodbye'

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2 years ago

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When I was preparing to leave for boarding house, I can say it's quite exciting. When my parents were buying a lot of things for me, I can now own a lot of things on my own, my dad had single handedly inscripted my name on every of my belongings. I didn't think of how I would survive when I get to the boarding house, how I will mix with new people, sleeping together and doing things together. All I could think of is that I am going to another place entirely, far from home to start schooling. For a girl who is just 10 years old I can say I have grew up under my parents, I don't think I have lived elsewhere, even when it comes to a festive season, we just stay at our hometown for celebrations.

Everything has been planned out and we were set to leave the next day, my mum had packed a lot of provisions for me, beverages, cereals and some other things. I couldn't sleep the previous night, I was so curious of how the whole journey will look like. Early the next morning we set out to leave, my self, my dad and my mum. Anytime I'm filled with anxiety I wouldn't eat, all, I could think was of is getting to school.

Well, upon our arrival at the school, things didn't go as planned for me, I was asked to bring my belongings for Inspection, they have to check if I bring all necessary requirements and make sure there is no contraband. They checked my clothes, bedsheets cutleries, shoes, church wears and all other things. All my provisions was returned, I got disappointed, they told my parents that foods will be provided for all students no need for that. I got angry and sad, all other boarding house I have seen and heard of all accept provisions from students, they told my parents the reason they rejected the provisions is that students don't always eat foods provided for them at the dinning hall because they know they have their provisions in their cupboard and so the food provided by the school will waste. Although, they changed their policy few years later and student are allowed to bring their provisions to school.

Finally it's time to leave for my hostel, time to say goodbye to my parents I wanted them to leave without saying goodbye because I knew something I didn't like will happen but my parents won't leave until they see me for the last time. The principal told me to tell them goodbye, I didn't realise when I started crying, I have been forming "big girl" all these whileπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I began to cry more than I expected that I myself was feeling embarrassed and all my parents and the principal was to smile. They told me to be of good behavior and take good care of myself. I learnt there is nothing like visitating day here, a day where parents could come visit their children. The only time I can see my parents is during mid term break that's after 7 weeks that's a long time to me.

Well after I leave for my hostel, I was helped by a senior, she is kind helpful to me, maybe she likes me at first sight πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Well, I had a friend there already, she had been my friend when we were young we both went to the same school then. She helped me a lot she had resumed two days earlier so things were easy for me with her help.

The first problem I had was food, I don't eat much but the rule then was that, you must finish your food, no remnant, no waste. What will happen to we that cannot finish it? You have to finish. You must finish it. What!!! I cried again, but crying doesn't help at all. Though I adapted later and I learnt some tactics later (you know student have their way of the things, we are always smart in our own way).

Another difficulty I had was waking up as early as 5am and bathing with cold water. I cried alot early in the morning. I was still young then and I can't imagine I will be waking up as early as 5am. At home, I will wake up just to take my bath and go to school everything will be set up by my mum. No morning duties, no laying of bed, no sweeping or any other thing of such.

Well, all that I experienced then wasn't waste, if I had stayed at home, in one way or two I would have experienced this but not all. At a young age of 12 I learnt how to travel to school on my own even though it's not a short journey. I learnt how to do a lot of things as a girl, I met new people from different places and with different personalities.

Even though saying goodbye was hard, I experienced a lot of things on my own that has helped me over the years of my life. It got to a point where there were regrets, discouragements and lots of challenges, I know the journey was not a smooth one. But through all of that I never give up. Anytime I looked back at my life I am grateful for how I lived my life because those experiences made me stronger even until now.

Thank you for reading.

I will be sharing some other childhood experiences of mine later.

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2 years ago
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I bet you grew to be one of those nice seniors

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel the same.. When i leave my home i can't watch my parents face.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Almost all of us have experienced this. The difference is that someone you know is with you and is supportive. this is a great thing

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you a lot 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago


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2 years ago