Welcoming myself to read.cash blog academy.
What's up fellow read.cash buddies? Trust we are all doing fine. This present time has to be my first enrollment and blog on this great platform. It's really nice to be part of this blog team.
A friend of mine @Kvngzz which happened to be an existing user on this platform too referred me to this awesome site, let me rather say he introduced me to read.cash because he tried to refer me here but it wasn't successful in the sense that the link he copied and sent to me was mistakenly edited by him before sending it to me. But that doesn't prevent me from creating this account as he had explained to me how great and helpful this platform has been to him, though he seems not very active since some while back.
Since my creation of this account, that was yesterday, I made sure I read through and comprehend the terms and conditions of this platform. There seems to be a lot of them though, maintaining them is not that easy but I will try all my possible best to fulfill them all. I've also met lots of friends on this platform too, they all seem to be very friendly and interactive. Yeah, I love it that way when people don't neglect each other, most especially me being a newbie here, I wasn't treated like a newcomer rather they helped show me some successive paths on this platform which I'm really grateful for.
My stay on this platform ever since I joined yesterday has been so interesting personally to me not because I met new friends, reading and meditating on other people's article has been so helpful to me in the sense that it helps broaden my knowledge on some valuable things I didn't have an idea about. Things like new cultures and traditions, techniques and technologies, nature and it's environs etc. Sincerely, they all have been making my day and helped me in one way or another.
I hope gradually I will get to be familiar with this great platform and it's operations because there is a saying which states that " Rome was not built in a day". It's just a matter of time and with the moral support of my beautiful colleagues here before I get used to the platform.
Finally, I'm using this medium to thank myself for being part of the platform, and also for being relentless on my academic excellence and success in life.
Once again, it's good to be part of the read.cash blog academy. It's really nice meeting you all. Thanks to y'all for the love and support ever since. You're all loved β€οΈ
Welcome here. I'm a new user too but I'm yet to publish anything. I'm still getting familiarized.