I woke up this morning with Joel's podcast titled "Seasons of Silence". I was dressing up while listening to it as I was almost late for Lecture but I was able to get something from the words he sent out. I already prepared this article and I want to chip in some words of hope to everyone of us.
When we keep praying to God and it seems He is silence, No, he is not. He is only preparing the blessings for us in His isolation and when the time comes, He will bring the right person or people to our path. It doesn't matter because those challenges you are going through are only making you stronger so that when the time of breakthrough arrive, you will have the strength to hold onto it.
Life isn't unsurprising. There are good and bad times as we go about our daily life. A large number of us need to trust God. At the point when times are in our favor, it can feel simpler. Be that as it may, when times feel troublesome, it is much harder to trust God. Trusting in God can give us a peace when things feel insecure and dubious.
Life can be coming flawlessly for a season. Your work is fulfilling. Your loved ones are happy and doing great. Your objectives, accounts, wellbeing and viewpoint appear to be awesome and fantastic. Then, at that point, out of nowhere, life rattles. Somebody you know becomes ill. You lose your employment. A companion or relative deceives you. The things you had a sense of safety in out of nowhere feel precarious and dubious.
How would you believe that God is present in these conditions? How would you trust Him when you're not sure what's going on? When you can't see a goal? These are substantial inquiries, and God needs to assist you with exploring them.
To trust God is to have confidence in the truth, capacity or strength of something. Along these lines, with regards to confiding in God, that implies having unshakeable faith, His Word, His capacity, and His solidarity. The Bible says that God can't lie. That He stays faithful to His obligations and words, that He adores you and has great things coming up for you. Confiding in Him implies accepting what He says about Himself, about the world and about you is valid.
Believing God is so important, it's a decision to have confidence in what He says in any/all situations, when your conditions would have you accept something other than what's expected. Your conditions matter and are a lot of worth focusing on. God thinks often about them both. However, those things alone are not dependable enough to put together your existence with respect to. They can change at any second, even in a moment. God, then again, doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and along these lines is deserving of your trust.
It isn't imagining that all is Well when it isn't. Believing God is carrying on with an existence of faith in and submission to God in any circumstance, when it's filled with trouble.
Some of us have gone through dissatisfactions, which have instructed us that we can just rely on ourselves. In any case, carrying on with the existence God has called us to implies forgetting that assumption. All things considered; we're intended to rest in God's agreement.
We might know to us that He has all intelligence, Yet, at times believing Him totally like that can be extreme. Every day we should deliberately drop our assumptions and give up to His orders and assurance.
Here and there, the best way to carry on with the everyday routine God needs us to experience is by isolating ourselves from the terrible impacts that continue to drag us down. That works the best when we begin seeking after something different in their place.
Put God first in all that you do, never think you can have everything figured out yourself, just trust that God has a better way to approach every situation.
Be careful for nothing, ask God to lead you always, in your daily life, business, career, family, everything.
Spend time in the word of God daily, things that helps us stay connected with God and increases our level of trust.
Pray everywhere! In the car, in school, bathroom, toilet, let that communication flow always, when you need to cross the road, talk to Him, when any insignificant things happen, talk to God.
Daily, praise God.
Above all, have a clean spirit, make your ways right before the Lord, do good unto people, check yourself at the end of each day and make sure you are at peace with yourself always.
Thanks for reading
The Spirit of the Lord is one. I was actually thinking about your topic today, trusting the Lord, total dependence on his word. It not easy but God always come true for sure .