LawPunks NFT Sold For RECORD 33 BCH! SmartBCH Volumes SPIKE!

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2 years ago

With the release of the SmartBCH sidechain and the introduction of smart contracts, developments are rapid in new Defi platforms, Dapps, and NFT collectibles.

After Poolside Puffers, another NFT series on SmartBCH sold out.

LawPunks had a pool of 10,000 NFTs and the last one was minted yesterday. This is one of the first NFT collectible series on SmartBCH and a very successful one so far.

The first four in this collection are unique, containing popular figures of the crypto space, and it seems they contain an enormous collectible value.


There are many rare LawPunks and depending on their stats, and the mint number, the rarity increases.

In the last 24 hours, two records were broken in LawPunk trades, since two of the top-4 NFTs (No:4 and No:3) were sold for 6BCH (~$3800) and 33BCH (~$21,500) respectively!

Two big sales: #4: 6BCH, #3: 33BCH

Law Punks have been active for more than a month, and just a couple of days ago 50% of the tokens were minted. Yesterday, though, one event changed the demand on LawPunks drastically.

The sale of LawPunk No #4 (CiZi ) by @Kain_niaK for 6 BCH was the definitive factor for the massive increase in demand for LawPunks.


What we witnessed after that sale is quite amazing!

Just hours after the sale of “Cizi” for 6BCH, NFT collectors minted thousands of Law Punks in a frenzy! It took about 10 hours for thousands of LawPunks to be bought and eventually the pool run dry.


New Record: 33BCH

And this 6BCH record was massively broken just hours later!

Today LawPunks #3: JustingF..Sun was sold for 33 BCH!


The page above contains the details of this sale.

It is quite remarkable for a new network like SmartBCH to see such growth so early. As with the case of Poolside Puffers that sold 2,100 NFTs, LawPunks now sold 10,000 NFTs and the trading volumes are proliferating.

The price of LAW token, which can be used to buy the LawPunk NFTs instead of BCH, has also more than doubled and reached 160%, holding a current total market cap of $1.29 million.

Lawpunks can be traded at the BlockNG website (link) for either BCH or Law tokens.

In Conclusion

Law Punk #1 (WuGiHam): Source

There is a rumor about the OpenSea marketplace introducing SmartBCH NFTs.

I don't follow rumors often, but mostly announcements, still when there is an NFT market with high volumes and huge interest, OpenSea is certainly going to try to integrate it.

It would be simple to add the SmartBCH market since it is EVM compatible and OpenSea would require just minor adjustments in the marketplace code.

It would choose to add SmartBCH since it will increase traffic and fees. However, we have also news on developments of SmartBCH exclusive NFT marketplaces that will be soon released (e.g. OASIS).

I am expecting a massive influx of NFT creators in SmartBCH, and perhaps with this kind of excitement by collectors (buyers), this event could induce extremely bullish conditions.


Lead Image from: Unsplash, by Maria Orlova(modified)

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$ 18.41
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2 years ago


Im getting more and more curious about lawpunks😭 Can you make a tutorial for a newbie like me? Like how to buy lawpunks and how to sell them and explain more things about it hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This article is really wounderful. I would like to read more about this BCH. Have a wonderful day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In new record the bch. I love this crypto I dream of the day in the month to get to earn even 10. Hope is the last thing to lose. You know a world of cryptos I love this from you. Happy night and my greetings from Cuba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your articles are really have tell us some many things about bch visited all your previous articles and I have feed my eyes with beautiful write up and u are really doing well I like it. how good and informative your articles are. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is going be a big project.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really insane!! I think this is the highest payable BCH NFT, right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So far, yes. Maybe it could be an indicator for what is coming within the SmartBCH ecosystem.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah SmartBCH tokens and NFTs marketcap also increasing. You knows a lot🔥🔥

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! 6BCH and, 33BCH? Sounds unreal, but it happened!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good write-up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely Genius man,i have shocked it remains constant at $1.29 millions market cap of BCH,i thought that BCH rate will increases to $1500 at the end of 2021 becuase bitcoin is starting up day by day,BCH smart chain a well designed Platform for collector. I appreciated your work for this post ☺️☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

From what I heard .... the dude listed and bought the 33 BCH Punk himself!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How can we verify this? Since this is a blockchain transaction, somone tracked and found a link between accounts?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Heard it at Kain so valid source

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't think the source matters unless it is the owner of the NFT that admits it. Someone said that it looks fake. Doesn't mean it is.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

fair point .... but rumors start from a hint

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you have something concrete I'd love to see it, this is just talk about hints and rumors. What matters is there is a 5% fee taken by the website since the transaction was in BCH. 5% BCH in this case is 1,65BCH. Isn't that a lot for someone to pay just to create an impression and fake a transaction?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

@Kain_niaK can you help me out with this ... don't want to spread fake information

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So? Any leads with this?

... don't want to spread fake information

I didn't accuse you of this. What do you mean though? That I want to spread fake information? The transaction as I see it happened. I didn't even consider it to be fake as I have no reason.

Instead I considered a BCH whale wanting to hold one rare NFT depicting Justin Sun. I didn't even held Law Punks and only bought when I saw Kain_niaK selling his. This was a major advertisement. I don't know why should I consider this transcaction to be fake. This is why I am trying to find out when you and Jane told me.

You guys probably discuss things in a private group, but I'm not part of any group to know things you might know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such a massive record of bch. I have visited all your social handles and what a amazing content you are giving to the people I really liked it . how good and informative your articles are and I like your name @Pantera.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Thanks friend. I'm glad you enjoy my content and I will try to keep bringing more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much brother keep giving us more n more content that we will enjoy it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The rumor is more likely that OASIS will be as easy as OpenSea, but of course it would be even better if OpenSea integrates sBCH.

I am very lucky that I bought punks as well as law quite early. :)

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Both will be grade. OpenSea will bring more volumes and OASIS will be dedicated to SmartBCH, so I don't think there will be too much competition. OpenSea has some big pocket traders that would massively jump into anything new.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totally agree! Just never heared of the rumour that OpenSea will integrate sBCH so I thought you somehow misunderstood it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If there is enough money to be made it certainly will add it. I'm sure this is something we all consider but not something OpenSea actively seeking at the moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago