Some of my Favourite Poems, VIII.

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2 years ago
Topics: Poem, Poetry, Blogging, Motivation, Life, ...

I doubt if this series would ever end because I have an amazing collection of my lovely poems which I have been encouraged to share with you all from time to time. I love my poems in simple form as most would have noticed and that's what I want people to relate to the most. I want people to understand in simple terms and then explain it the way they can in their heads and on their terms. I like making it relatable and with rhymes too. It doesn't have to be complicated and with big words. Most people run away from reading poems because they feel they are confusing but I always make mine simple, fun and enjoyable too.

Here are some of the poems I've shared before and you can catch up on them below. Enjoy them.

Some of my Favourite Poems.

Some of my Favourite Poems, II.

Some of my Favourite Poems, III.

Some of my Favourite Poems, IV.

Some of my Favourite Poems, V.

Some of my Favourite Poems, VI.

Some of my Favourite Poems, VII.

Where is Our Humanity?

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Most people would tell you they want the good life
So they would sell themselves to the devil as the wife
They don't want to go through the process, they think they won't thrive
So, they employ ways to cheat the process, even engaging in strife
We are all chasing after different things in life
Some feel it's okay to cheat others, even offer the bribe
We all want to do what we think is best for us as long as we are the ones ahead
We don't care whose ox is gored in the process as long as we have our way
Humans can be ruthless sometimes when it comes to goals
We can be self-centered to a large extent too
Without checking the toss of each side of the coin
Life can be so demanding and hard but there is a place for our humanity
We don't have to lose sight of what's important
Just because we are trying to make ends meet
We don't need to take another life in the tussle of life just to get ahead
It's easier said than done, yes, but there is no higher court than the court of conscience
Every man for himself but we should strive to do better
There is no success worth losing our humanity over


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Sometimes, when I need to be light,
weighed down by burdens, treading on the rough path;
The road seems broad but rough,
in the deepness of darkness,
in the richness of wants,
my major want happens to be the light,
to lighten the shadows of darkness,
Because I just can't feel myself.

Sometimes, when my hands are full;
full of emptiness, with no towel to wipe my tears;
the gift looks rosy but with thorns,
piercing deep into my flesh,
tearing down my meat,
my greatest need is comfort,
to soothe my wounds and injuries,
Because I just can't feel myself.

Sometimes, when my eyes are fixed,
gazing on the ephemeral pleasure that lasts for no longer,
the sight that sparks my appetite and awakens my hunger,
the sight that doesn't want me to look deeper,
to know if this pleasure is actually for or against me,
my utmost desire is a vision,
to distract me from the ephemerals,
and attract me to my being,
Because I just can't feel myself.

Sometimes, I'm heavy, burdened, blinded,
Sometimes, every time and always,
I want to be able to feel myself,
hug me and love myself,
I want to be able to stay afloat,
regardless of the circumstances around me,
To be me, I need to feel myself
And to feel myself, I have to be me!

I See Clearly Now.

Image Source.

I stopped disturbing my head years ago about what people think
I reflect on my actions mostly and I let things sink
Now, say all you want, I know the truth so I won't even blink
I am my critic so my actions and thought processes I always link
Like a writer with a thought process that flows through the ink
I weigh my actions better now so I would have a rethink

When you don't dance to their tunes they say you need a shrink
When they want to emotionally make you do things, they give a wink
When you don't give in to their demands, once, they say you stink
Humans can be selfish so do what's best for yourself and have a drink
Everyone would always have an opinion like seeing a man wear an outfit with pink
I'm no longer bothered with unnecessary opinions
As long as my heart, my words and deeds are in sync

Gone are the days I would feel bad for staying true to myself
For not being at the mercy of what others think
My opinion matters and I don't have to live by your rules
As long as my conscience is clear enough to sleep at night
And I didn't cheat you, hurt you or sabotage you in any way, I am good
Everyone would always spin the story the way they look good
They want to paint you bad to excuse their selfishness and greed

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks. I am love's chemical content in human form and that's why  I advise people to take a dose of "Olawalium" daily. 🙈

Kindly follow me on Noise.Cash... I am trying to engage more with people and connect with everyone with this account. I look forward to seeing you there... You can say hello to me there so we can get familiarized as well. Click here.

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2 years ago
Topics: Poem, Poetry, Blogging, Motivation, Life, ...


If all we as individuals do all day is listen to what people say about us, we will never do well in life no matter what we are doing. The best of us will only be discovered if we do it our own way as long as it is safe and makes us feel happy and important. I stopped putting peoples opinions on the top of the list when it has everything to do with my personal life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are really smart to put yourself first above what others think or say. That's the best way to live. I love that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sir..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anytime...and thank you too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My favorite line among all is this:

Gone are the days I would feel bad for staying true to myself

Hopefully, I can. Soon!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You can, my dear friend. I've stopped listening to what others think because they would say just anything to emotionally cage me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a healthy mindset, I'd love to have and maintain..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can. Just try... Won't be easy but you can. 🤗🤗🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Among all the poems, the one that touched me the most is 'Where is our humanity' because in the world we are living in now, everyone seems losing their act of humanity and degrading the rights of each other.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, my friend. A lot of people are selling other short, allowing greed to rob them of their humanity and most people have sold their conscience to the devil. It's quite sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They should keep on coming too also having a take from them am inspired too to write more poems these days and just love the idea of people pouring out their hearts in words and in poetry like this, I wrote one already and more are still coming too. Won't it be wrong or bad it I should mention you in one of the articles please?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I would be more than happy to have you mention me and I would read it as well. Thank you so much and I am glad you are inspired. Well done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really interesting, how I wish I can go through most of your poems .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can, just take it one step at a time 🥰🥰🥰. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really think we have lost out humanity, that statement " all man for himself " I think that is what everybody is upto now, we don't have conscience again, we are running towards a thing we don't want to work for, which is not suppose to be so, we need to be smart and learn and always work hard, because hardworking pays, not just you sitting down a home and be thinking that money will come and walk to your door step or you think goodness will walk to your doorstep, or you think prosperity walk to your doorstep

Thanks for the poem really learn something 👏🤲

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, everyone is operating under every man for himself. We need to be the best we can be while also helping one another along the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is disease that mostly of us suffer that what other will say. All your words touched to my heart although I am newbie and reading your words first time. I must you are adorable 🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you for your kind words and I agree, it's what most of us suffer the most. Good to have you here and welcome to Read Cash. Have fun and stay good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whatever challenge we are facing right now,be fair to everybody and live a life with conscience is the best feeling that I could be proud of

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love that...we are expected to be fair to one another while having the best of conscience while at it. Good one, Maria. 🤝

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great ideas put in your poem I stopped disturbing my head years ago of what people will I wish I can do same

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You can do the same. It's about understanding the fact that you have to watch out for yourself and nothing else. Being the best you can be while helping others along the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How many poems do you have in your bag uncle.. Is there a poem for Janey? 🤣🤣 Just kidding..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 I have over 100 poems Janey... And don't worry, I can easily come up with one for you... Poems come so easy for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago