I like to think that birthdays are overrated but it would be a great insult to our Father who gave us the gift of life and a disrespect to our parents who in one way or another became an instrument for us to experience life.
I'd like to think that birthdays are just normal and ordinary days but it would sound bitter and sad and birthdays should be fun so I would want to end those silly beliefs of mine.
Twenty-three revolutions around the sun. lol. Sounds familiar? An actress in my country recently became a talk of the town when she posted a photo of her with a caption of "Twenty-two rotations around the sun". Netizens were quick to give her science lessons in the comment section to which she accepted positively. She even edited her post and thanked the netizens for their comments.
The actress could have reacted differently and slammed the netizens for some of the mean comments but she lives by her name. She is kind and she openly welcomed the constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism. I have heard about the word some years ago in college and it can't be removed from my mind. Once I will hear about negative comments of anyone about anything, I would think of it as a constructive criticism and an opportunity to work on and develop the things and aspects in life that needs improving. Sometimes in life, we tend to be busy and self-centered that we fail to notice the things that needs to be improved. So, from time to time, we need a different pair of eyes and mind to tell us of the things that we should further work on.
Nothing grand for my birthday this year. I mean, every year naman ganun. That is why I think that birthdays are overrated at least for me because we could be giddy and excited few months or weeks before our birthday, only to be disappointed on our very day haha. I don't know how and when the balloon of happiness exploded on me but something prick it with a needle leaving me in a deep pit of self-pity on this very hour.
Nonetheless, I thank God for holding me during the nights that I broke down. For listening to my cries. I thank Him for loving me extra during the days when I was most unlovable, unworthy and unforgivable. I thank Him for walking with me through all the challenges I have met. I thank Him for winning the battles for me.
I thank the people around me:my parents, my sister and my grandma. I know it was their prayer that saved me each day. I stopped praying the moment that I feel that God was distant. Just when I thought it was over. God was working in my heart, changing the way I pray. I used to pray in specifics. This and that. But when I learned that I have no power and God is not a genie. I started to pray that He would give me a heart that is obedient and submissive to His plans. It would be better if He would make me courageous too so I can face my battles and not cry over the failed plans I have for myself.
The year is 2021 and I am twenty-three. Tomorrow when I come home surely my mother would say that I looke like a highschool student.π But whatever my shape is, I praise God for I am wonderfully made.
Thanks to everyone too, my virtual friends from all over the world. I don't post something like this on facebook but here, I don't know you all personally. So, I feel safe and comfortable. Thank you readitizens, read fam and read-friends!
Until then! Thank you for reading.
Lateeee nakooo huhuhu. Peroooo Hapoies Birthday pariiiin sayooo sissy. I thank God for meeting someone like you. Your life is indeed a blessing to the people around you.