It's a new month guys! The sixth month of the year. At the end of this month we will be halfway into the year. Wow! How time flies. It was just like yesterday when the year started and we were wishing each other Happy New year. This shows that time is ever changing and life goes on no matter what. So I will ask you, what have you achieved so far in the first five months of the year.
June is a month in which we recount what we've been doing so far in the year. We analyze how far we've gone in achieving our goals, how far we've gone in keeping our new year resolutions and if we need to make new plans or adjust the ones that we have already. In short it is a month to go over your plan and see if you've gone wrong anywhere.
June being the middle month belongs to both halves of the year. The beginning half and the ending half. It is also the month that people realize that the year is no longer young but it is far spent. I guess the saying time waits for no man really hits during this period. The year doesn't wait for anybody so it's better you make the most out of it because one thing you can never recover in this life is time.
Time keeps moving in the forward direction and never looks back for anybody or anything. It literally doesn't wait for anybody. I know this may sound sad and make time look like a selfish entity but we need to realize that it is only like that so that we do not take it for granted. We might think we have all the time in the world when infact we have nothing. Humans take a lot of things for granted and do not appreciate the little things of life. We need to stop with that attitude and cherish time. It is an invaluable resource.
In this new month I want us to go back to the drawing board and see how far we've gone so that we will know how far we still have to go. I know, life is not easy but we need to keep pushing forward. You might not have achieved some of the things you wanted to this year but the good news is that you still have more time. Six months might have just gone but you still have six months to go. Look at the cup as half full and not half empty. Be optimistic and not pessimistic.
Hope doesn't always kill and faith isn't foolishness. The fact that you believe you can achieve something is enough. All you need to do is to be resolute in your ambition and never look back. Keep telling yourself that there is still time. All you need to do this time is to plan better and be more ambitious. The patient dog no longer eats the fattest bone. It is the ambitious dog that eats it.
Like my brother told me, you have to work smart and not hard especially in this modern times where it is your skills that gives you value.
Let's use this month to plan better and watch as we achieve our new year resolutions.
We all should wait and see what's going on in the future. I am the one who love to be patience.