Glimpse of us

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Avatar for MidnightSky
1 year ago

"Said I'm fine and said I moved on"

A libretto from this song that makes me speculate and begins to ponder that results in my minds reverie...

Who else relate to this song, besides on Katy Perry's song entitled thinking of you, this new song of Joji entitled Glimpse of us has the same vibes... Gosh they are both so red and reallly a bittersweet song that I knew some of you can relate and that includes myself.

Ever felt seeing your past love to the eyes of your new lover, it's just a glimpse that could bring you back in time where the sweet and painful scenarios happen from your past with that person... And often time you just wished that this new person with you is the same person you once loved back then, however, yearning is not enough to bring back what was lost, we just need to moved forward even it takes a lot of time...

Spilling the tea time!!!

So I tweet something on my private twitter account where the the only followers is those significant people, ofcourse my family is an exception gosh I don't want my family to read those dramatic and chaotic happenings about my life, yeah because in my private account is like my own reflection, it mirrors the truth of my thoughts in my everyday existence, so again going back to the topic, I tweeted last few days ago and when I check on my private account last Sunday night, I saw that the person I least expected to see liked my tweet, and seeing that person's name feel like triggered something on me, that makes me felt the familiar emotions I rather not to felt again,

Longing? Anger? Sad? Happiness? Bitterness? Maybe those emotions I don't really know what to address that feeling I felt when I saw that name of that person who liked it, it's been years since we didn't have any interaction, how come I felt this way again...

My tweet

Okay so here's my tweet... I'm surely addresing this to someone who's been making me smile more that I used to since that person is being around with me, it's like I'm admiring this person I'm talking about in this tweet, not like but just admire, I felt comfortable when this person is with me, not romantically but yeah I noticed the bare minimums that I often hate but when that person does that unintentionally, it's just makes me started to appreciate small efforts, or what they call bare minimums,

Okay enough with the talks about how I'm so invested with that person I just knew for months now hahaha. I'm just so deeply interested hahaha,

So yeah maybe I'm just confused, but yeah the way I saw that person's name again, it makes me want to message and talk to that person again. But lucky me, I have the guts to initiate a conversation hahaha cause unexpectedly I've met that person last Monday night, I go to my friends house since we've got a plan to celebrate and drink ourselves off because there's a fiesta on their brgy. So I go, however, after we got drank, I'm more like a little bit tipsy but I choose to keep my self behave and decided go on for a walk with my friend to sober up but unexpectedly we crossed path to the person who's been circling my mind after the tweet, I act like nothing but this creature of mine called them yeah, that person saw me and look at me, I've automatically look down... Hahaa I avoid that looks duhhh I'm not marupok no.

They invited us, I sent my friend a glare to declined but she just smiled and go walk with them, gosh. So to make the story short, we have talks like nothing happens and I know that person is avoiding something when I first initiated it, that ends up asking me about that tweet, If I have a lucky guy na raw ba, hahahaha I just shrugged it off and awkward silence enveloped us haha so I just end our short talk and I was about to accept a stick haha yeah a cigarette to one of my friend since I need to relieved my stress, oh come just for this once, I stopped for a long time na, but this person beside me glared and hit me in my arms, I looked back and just bid my good bye. So I end up going home without waiting for my friend hahha I just message her that I'll go ahead first.

That person is my safehell hole, not a safe haven, because even it pains me like hell to be with this person still I felt safe, okay clearly enough that person is in a relationship so yeah, we are each other's almost,

"Do I still wish that it was you?"

This lines from the song put me on the same pedestal again, maybe...

I'm just finding you in every person I meet, and wishing that it was you who's with me and making memories... but it turns out you became just a memory, a beautiful melancholic episodes that turns out to be an epilogue between us.

So going back maybe, I just see that person in the eyes of every person I've met, I'm just so in denial.

That's the reason why I hate bare minimums, beacuse I don't want to be stuck up in that situation again, an option.

Okay enough with the tea I just want to save this one for me to remember hahha.

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By the way have nice Wednesday morning everyone, enjoy, and spent the rest of the day with a blast, I'll just rest and sleep since I don't have classes to attend to hahaha goodmornight. Stay safe and always stay hydrated .

$ 1.05
$ 1.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Kendy42
$ 0.01 from @Adrielle1214
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Avatar for MidnightSky
1 year ago


Standards are optional to whom we feel special lol.

Have a good day to you dear. Hope you will cross paths with the one you deserve and offer only the best for you, not the bare minimum.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, we also often forget those standards we set for someone if we love them, same to you dear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm deeply interested with someone rin because that was the first time na may kainigan ako sa work place ko, but she resigned. Aprang ate turi ko sakanya :(

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sad, pero malay mo ma meet mo sya in unexpected days diba, iba talaga pag nakuha ng tao interest natin.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ate, mahapdi. tamang tama ako, i was an option too. gosh, cheers nalang BWHAHAHAHAHHA

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yup the pain is too much yet we shouldn't just settle to that kind of love, because that's not what we deserve, we are worthy of love that we deserved so much better to let go talaga hahaha hindi tayo pang option lang.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hate ko yang bare minimum sis. Nakakadry haha! Pero depende rin naman sa sitwasyon baka busy yung tao ganun. Hehe

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hahaha dry talaga sis jusko whahaha oo pero iba yung kilig sa bare minimum kaso hahaa ganda naten wag papadaan sa mga bare minimums hahaha chariz

$ 0.00
1 year ago