Retrospection 6

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3 years ago

This time I will not discuss my own production, but rather assume the role of reader and bring some attention to other authors, or specific articles by other authors. I was inspired to this article by 10 Best Articles I've Read So Far... by @LucyStephanie.

It is not easy to find the gems in the huge production that is published at every day. I am sure I have not found more than a fraction of them, but I would like to push a little for those I like. So, I will give some exposure to a few authors/articles here I feel I can really recommend. For most of them, the attention they get here is insufficient relative to the quality of their articles.

We start with well-known profile @Telesfor, who has a large following and whose quality is indisputable. He might be the exception that really got much attention all by himself. Most of you have probably read him, so I don't feel he needs any closer presentation. But he is one of the very few who explains cryptocurrency matters in a clear and simple way. That means that he is a good writer. Bad writers make simple things look difficult; good writers make difficult things look simple. If you don't understand cryptocurrency, @Telesfor is the first you should read.

His most read article is probably How to split BCHA from BCH using Electron Cash?, and I certainly recommend everyone to read it. It is a little late by now to make this split, but if you just save your earned coins, you might still have some non-split BCH/BCHA in your wallet.

Next, I would like to recommend @aniruddhasen without emphasising any particular article. He writes about many topics, of which some might interest you more than others - but he is a knowledgeable individual, a clear thinker and a clear writer as well. Unfortunately, he has not posted anything new for some time.

Third is @Shounenbat, especially if you are intellectual and interested in history. I would mention:

Worst Jobs in Ancient Rome: Actress

Unsolved Mystery: The Death of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

I want to push two articles about Binaural nutrition. The first is by @Gwenie, Binaural Beats and Their Healing Ability. Unfortunately Gwenie did not continue her writing here. I had the pleasure to function as her mentor and she had promising talent.

The second article about Binaural nutrition is written by @Gemstone: Freewrite: Testing Out The Subliminal Messages & Binaural Nutrition

Then we have @Luna1999, who writes mainly about psychology, but in a very mature and professional way.

Another interesting author is @sanctuary.the-one-law. Not so much for his writing as for his ideas, which he consistently conveys in a clear way.

Finally, two of my favourites here.

@hamedbkh is an old acquaintance at; he was here already in 2020, but was then absent for a long time and returned some weeks ago. He has more than one topic on his repertoire - but of his production since he returned, I want to recommend his articles about history, where he sometimes binds together seemingly disparate details. A much more advanced way of writing than what is usually seen at

The night of the long knives

Los amantes de Teruel: the Spanish "Romeo and Juliet"

Princess of Lamballe: when noble values become a death sentence.

… and especially this, which is one of the best articles I have ever found at Hitler's wild hunt: Odin's awakening and the religion of a psycho

@Hanzell is a special case; a matter of fact, she is one of the most interesting authors at this platform. Just as I am myself, she seems to be interested in almost everything. Well-read and knowledgeable, she writes fiction and non-fiction alike. She is also my most loyal reader here, one of the very, very few who did read me before my long absence (August-December 2020) and who still reads me today.

I don't want to highlight anything special in her production. It is very diverse and the quality is overall high. However, what you like the best depends on your own interests; but take a look at her profile.

My series “Retrospection” is primarily created for new readers of mine, as a manual into my production at this platform so far - but it can be read by anyone who wants to explore my articles topic by topic, rather than doing so in chronological order. In addition to that, my retrospections contain new comments and from time to time short personal stories connected to the relevant topic or topics.

In occasional issues of “Retrospection” I assume the role of a reader instead of a writer, discussing other writers, or articles by other writers... things I recommend.

Previously published “Retrospections” are:

Retrospection 1 (About Japanese Art & Cultural History.)

Retrospection 2 (About Egyptology & about Coffee.)

Retrospection 3 (About Quotes, Sayings and Proverbs; and about creating new words.)

Retrospection 4 (About dinosaurs, reptiles, dragons and to some extent birds.)

Retrospection 5 (About Privacy, Freedom and Politics.)

Copyright © 2021 Meleonymica/Mictorrani. All Rights Reserved.

You find all my writings on Read.Cash, sorted by topic, here.

My 5 most recent articles:

Sepia, Grisaille & Verdaille: Monochrome Art... and how about Japan?

Pictures at an Exhibition

On the Genealogy of Script III - VIII

On the Genealogy of Script I & II

Anagrams, Palindromes, Cryptarithms And Alphametics

$ 34.75
$ 33.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
$ 0.20 from @CryptoMax
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Avatar for Mictorrani
3 years ago


Thank you sir for finding my articles interesting and worth mentioning here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have said it before; in my opinion you are one of the most read-worthy authors here. Have you permanently stopped publishing new articles, or is it just a temporary break?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Temporary break sir.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cool curation work. I wonder how this platform would react to a bot that curated the best content and published a weekly newsletter or something. It works in some places... Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, why not.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know what to say. 🥺 That article you mentioned sir won't be possible without your help. Thank you very much for the mention. ❤

Guess this is not necessary but I still want to share that I abandoned my account because there came a time when I was out of topic to write. But yeah, I did not try hard enough to write again. Since then, I just became a ghost here, checking my account and other people's article but not writing anything.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I though you were simply too busy with something else. Have you ever considered to leave your status as ghost and return to writing?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much for the mention. Btw, I also consider you to be the best writer on this platform. You write very good ideas especially in the field of health.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the shout-out! Definitely checking out some of these authors I haven't seen yet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm seriously honoured that you acknowledge me 😯😯😯 cuz I really look up to you as a writer (and I think you're a researcher too) Tho I'm mostly interested in the spices, food and health related pieces you make 😅 the other ones, I still have to do extra reading after cuz some of those I really am clueless on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Posts like these are really helpful for newbies like me to find some inspiration from great authors. Thanks for sharing it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much for your appreciation. It is an honor for me to be called a good writer by you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So I've Gone through your recommendations one by one and I have to say you are definitely right. They are really really good writers.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh nice. More people to read articles from. I'm going to check some of them. Hehe.

I've never heard of Binaural nutrition before. Am only familiar with the music so I'll check on that too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, please do. I'm sure you'll find something of interest.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much! It is a pleasure to have one of the well known authors on RC recommending my articles. That makes me happy to the core honestly.

$ 0.01
3 years ago