I earn daily $11.26 BCH on read.cash & noise.cash! - gossip about the updates on noise.cash

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
3 years ago

Who we are, users of these platforms, we know how difficult it is to create content, especially when there is no inspiration, because not every day our muse visits us and allows us to have great ideas to share with the entire community.

And it is clear that one suffers from moments of writer's block, lack of motivation and other things, of which I have already spoken on other occasions and also other colleagues have provided us with very important information techniques that help us improve in this regard.

But today I am not here to talk to you about that, I have come to tell you about the surprising benefits of these platforms, and I especially want to emphasize this time about the updates that have been made recently in noise. cash, and in this opportunity I am going to refer especially to the last one that they have done at the time of my writing this publication.

Keep reading to find out and at the end, you will see the analysis of the surprising profits that I have had on these platforms.

Whether you are a new user or a veteran, you must review the information that I am providing you because I am sure that it will be of much use to you to continue moving forward and it will motivate you to share more with your neighbors and friends every day. and people in general about bitcoin Cash, read.cash and noise.cash, because what I'm going to tell you represents the reality of the benefits that these sites offer.

I entered the subject at once so as not to bore you.

Noise.cash update to June 23, 2021

We have all seen how noise.cash has grown from the beginning since the first moment the free tips system existed, where we had a percentage bar and we were allowed to choose the amount of dividend that we could receive back. I remember precisely how many users placed 80% for them, having as a consequence that after a few days they stopped receiving the free tips because the team wants people to contribute to the platform and not only that they seek an economic benefit for them (this term is known as milking the platform or the web page).

Then they suspended the free tips, they included the system of rating users, this was a very good thing because it helped control the number of spammers that lived on the platform, users began to realize that poor quality content was being created and they made meaningless comments and posts, they weren't going to get tips.

Immediately it was possible to see how all spammers gradually disappeared, and even better the platform for a radical change because the environment, in general, was filled with publications of the highest quality, about science, astronomy, biology, religion, technology, cryptocurrencies, computing, video games and people who share their daily lives with impressive images of what they do in different parts of the world, which In my view is one of the most magnificent things that I have seen in any social network because unlike Other platforms such as Facebook, the meaning of these contents is completely different and each one of them breathes the need to share and educate who is receiving that publication. In short, they are producing content that adds value to who is reading it, and not simply a publication that does not contribute anything.

Then the rating system came the option of being able to see the thumbnails with the amount of you that each person had offered you in your publication, and later came the beautiful implementation of the tips in green and red with animation moving from right to left when we press the heart button. This produces a very nice and addictive feeling to the platform, and it is one of the most attractive things about it from my point of view.

It gives you a feeling of peace and relaxation to see that animation, right?

It is beautiful, right?

I applaud this marvel achieved by the noise.cash programmers, this gives a very personal stamp to the platform, it distinguishes it from all the others.

After this implementation, they continued working and listening to the recommendations that users like me offered them about placing a menu where the different contents could be filtered by language when the platform was being explored.

Finally, after about 3 weeks in which I suppose that the programmers were falling apart with the code, they managed to offer us this important update where we can now select the content in the language of our preference, and thus we can support and review the publications that we most like. interest.

They found a very attractive and minimalist way to be able to perform this language segmentation pleasantly and efficiently for the users and for the statistics that the team needs to handle.

In the image below you can see what the most recent update looks like.

Surprising right?

This type of thing gives added value and adds personality to noise.cash, the website that we all love and that little by little is maturing more and more, going from being a baby that is 6 months old to growing and becoming a monster of priceless proportions.

And I know that it is very short term, it will continue to improve, even better things will come, which will allow what is bitcoin Cash to establish itself once and for all as the best alternative in the whole world and why not in all the galaxies? :)

All of this brings me very joy to the next point.

Keep reading!

$753 earned only on read.cash!

I have been part of read for 4 months, it has been a fabulous experience, I have come across very interesting people and even better content, I remember when for the first time I came across a publication of the platform on Facebook, it was someone who commented on one of their articles and I would not suggest that we read it and become part of the platform.

On this occasion, I did not take it into account and I ignored it, I simply believed that it was one more platform of the many that existed and did not give it much importance.

The months passed and sometime later I looked again on Twitter with very positive comments about the platform, which made me go to investigate, and immediately I created an account here.

Then I was surprised to see that barely an hour had passed and I had already received a dividend for the presentation I had made on the platform. And it was not something that elaborate, it was a simple ordinary presentation.

The days passed and I was encouraged to continue writing, beginning to receive the votes of our beloved Rusty, and there began the whole journey that has led me to where I am today.

Today I got up and started to review the accounts of all the dividends that I have received at the moment since I am in read cash, and the sum of all the publications gives a total of $735.31, a surprising amount, and let's take into account which could easily be much more because the price of Bitcoin Cash has suffered a tremendous drop at the moment, but if I had calculated it at $ 1600 which was the price it had recently, the sum would be around $ 3000, that is 4 times more than what I have currently earned.

Wonderful right?

And all this is thanks to the product of my work, to all the publications that I have made on this platform, and to all the interactions that I have had with this wonderful community.

And taking into account that this is the net income of read.cash not including the dividends of noise.cash which add much more to the account.

In addition, I am not putting another of the genius which is a fern from the affiliate program, which I am going to talk about next.


This is wonderful, how you can see in the photo only for having 31 affiliates $453 is generated in these 4 months! That means that if I had not written even one article, I would have had a monthly profit of approximately $ 113 without having written even a single letter! This is because I focus on spreading the use of read to my friends and acquaintances. cash And who are they followed my advice are currently earning a lot of dividends on this platform and very grateful to me for referring it.

So this is proof of another of how you can passively generate income here on this platform, the more active referrals you have, the more dividend you will receive, and the great part of this affiliate program is that allows you to receive 3% of everything your affiliates do with their account: the boosts, the votes they receive, and the sponsorships they receive.

Fortunately, I have been lucky enough to have a super affiliate that everyone already knows what @CryptoMax is, it turns out to be a rock star on the platform, and as a result, I receive a part of all the profits that he obtains. So every time he receives a very strong tip, I automatically get part of those gains, and I am very happy just like him.

If you focus on this part of the platform you will receive very good dividends as well and it is a form of passive income and one of the great benefits that Mr. De Mesel offers us with his sponsorship of this site.

This idea makes bitcoin Cash move so that it is flowing all the time and is an important instrument of change.

Getting affiliates is very easy once you show the profits you have obtained on the platform, at that time people quickly become interested AND want to enter and explain everything about how you interact in this place.

So what are you waiting for to invite your neighbors, friends, and acquaintances, to join? In the image, you can see the profits obtained only from that side.

And that is the other of the points in favor of Bitcoin Cash, which tells me about another of the wonders that we can enjoy here.


This is a very important part because in addition to the income you can receive from affiliates, for the publications and comments you make here, you also have the opportunity to receive a sponsorship from the people who trust the work you do.

This means that those people commit to donating a specific amount of money from their wallets each month that they decide. And it has the added value that your image will appear in each of their publications and also people will see you and meet you, so it is almost guaranteed that they will visit your profile and support your content.

Plus you can also sponsor your favorite writers, so this is profit wherever you see it.

Fabulous right?

And you can get all this just by belonging to this platform, dedicating a little of your time every day to reading and commenting on the publications that are in the place, and little by little you will build your network of favorite readers and writers.

I have been able to achieve it in four months, and this has improved the quality of my life remarkably, to the point that it no longer requires me to force myself as much as before in other platforms that do not offer me the same benefits as this one. Now I am focused here because the environment is much more pleasant and the benefits are more than 1000 percent.

However, I follow the precept that not all eggs have to be in a single basket and participated in different places with a special focus on spreading our beloved bitcoin Cash.

I think it is very important that all these statistics be taken into account, to finish I am going to leave you a general summary of all the profits that I have obtained in a detailed way on these platforms in 4 months:


  • Affiliate Income: $453

  • Total Earned: $735.31

  • Monthly income: $183.82

  • Weekly income: $53


  • Daily income: $7.57 (noise only)

  • Daily income adding noise and read(both): $11.26

The numbers speak for themselves!

Only bitcoin Cash allows you to earn $11.26 a day doing what you like the most and sharing what you think.

Then spread Bitcoin Cash because it is the tool that your neighbor, your friend, your mother, and everyone you see anywhere needs to start improving their life!

My dividends testify that Bitcoin Cash is the solution to Fiat money worldwide, its transactions are at the moment, the commissions are the lowest in the market, and the security of the blockchain is insurmountable.

May all these reasons keep you motivated and motivate other people to enjoy the good life!

Until next time!

Sponsors of MicroReylatos

$ 13.84
$ 12.00 from @MicroReylatos2
$ 0.55 from @CryptoMax
$ 0.50 from @Pantera
+ 12
Sponsors of MicroReylatos
Avatar for MicroReylatos
3 years ago


Yeah, bro! I like this platform because it encourage people who know about writing articles to be encouraged through the tips

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations mate, I personally can't earn any cent on those platforms ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thats expected of you, you work on both sides with a legit platform like read.cash and noise.cash, with quality contents.great job

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I read all through the article none stop... I must you just motivated me to write more here.. I just started today but with this article I'm motivated beyond any doubt that this platform is for me... In just 4months look at what you have achieved... I'm happy for you and like you did I will spread the goodnews of read cash. Thank you so much for this amazing article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happy for you getting that much income from noise. I am listed as spam by noise even if my contents are original. I did not do any spamming to my knowledge. I still kept on posting at noise though. I have to be active or I will lose virtual friends that I got to meet there.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's an insane income and very legit. I'm curious to how much time you spend on each site every day?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your affiliate income really blowed me 🔥

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How nice while some of us didn't even get tips. Kinda sad 😔. But still congrats 👏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You post make me so inspired

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations! Especially on your affiliates earnings from CryptoMax! All the best!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations on your income from both read.cash and noise.cash. It's all the rewards of your hard work, and you deserve it. You are in inspiration to many of us, including me. I've only been active for a month here, and I'm enjoying it so far.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Das en el clavo muy bueno tu análisis en noise Saco buenas ganancias llevo poco tiempo aquí la verdad creo que no me va muy bien sin embrago sigo publicando contenido la verdad tanto de ser variado ero aquí es pura dedicación puedo asegurar que solo ganado 0.02$

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This was a long read but absolutely worth my time. Best to be read by newcomers to gain more motivation. Keep it up, you're really doing great. ☺

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thanks, i am working hard you know lady. And you can success too, just be disciplined and cool.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is so inspiring! 5 days ago I think since I created read.cash account, and I'm on a process to learn it

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Take your time, just read, comment, and support the authors, that's the way to success.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting! I created an account on this platform today, and to be honest I have no idea how to start. I'm inspired by this article, though. I hope you make more profits during your stay here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very cool, wish it serves to you :).

Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me has dejado sin palabras, que sorprendente como creciste, yo voy por ese camino, actualmente Noise me ha sido de gran ayuda, y como tengo más habilidades en la escritura, recién hice mi presentación aquí y me sentí muy feliz que aunque es un pequeño grupo, me empiezan a leer. Me esforzaré por crear un contenido con mucho esfuerzo y que aporte mucho a la comunidad y sobre todo disfrutar de las buenas lecturas como las tuyas.

Bitcoin Cash ha sido la salvación de mucho, para mí lo fue porque estoy pagando gastos vitales en mi vida y aunque no me queda para lujos, soy feliz por tener como suplir esas deudas.

Muchos éxitos y espero continúes ganando más en un futuro no muy lejano.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Gracias Sarahi, a ti te va muy bien en noise, yo alla tengo exito también, pero aun no tanto como tu, creo que el ser mujer tal vez te dé un plus para obtener mas seguidores, es normal que ocurra.

Acá en read me ha llevado bastante trabajo, actualmente publico 2 o 3 veces a la semana , y lo que me provoca, porque no siempre llega la inspiración, pero cuando escribo, realmente lo hago porque me nace, más allá de esperar recibir un dividendo.

A diferencia de muchos no recibo apoyo de Marc, y es algo que me tiene sin cuidado, porque escribo para mi disfrute y el de los demás.

Con disciplina y constancia vas a lograr tu audiencia, solamente que el modo de trabajar aqui en read es distinto al de noise, requiere de mucha mas paciencia y comentar muchísimo en las publicaciones de otros.

Y para ganarte el diamante al lado de tu nombre (y mantenerlo que es más difícil aun), debes esforzarte bastante.

Muchos éxitos querida Sarahi, y un gusto verte por aquí, ya me doy una vuelta por tu presentación y te apoyo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gracias por tus consejos amigo.

Sí, muchos me han comentado que puede porque sea mujer obtenga más atención, lo cual suena discriminatorio para los hombres, pero aún así tu has demostrado tu talento :') y a te ha ido bien, lo cual es digno de admirar.

Pero sí sea por eso o no, me esfuerzo en crear contenido interesante, hablar sobre temas, ayudar a quiénes lo merecen, incluso hace poco empecé a donar de mi bolsillo, aunque sea un poquito. Y aunque conocí a Noise primero, me emociona y me aterra read, pero soy una persona constante. Sé que aquí es diferente pero espero que la constancia y la buena calidad me hagan crecer de granito en granito, y poder ayudar a otros en el transcurso.

Disculpa mi ignorancia ¿puedes explicarme sobre el ícono del diamante? O ¿tendrás algún artículo sobre ello o... Alguien que hable sobre eso?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

El diamante te lo otorga la plataforma si estas entre las 50 personas que han dado mas tips entre las 180000 aproximadamente que tiene read.cash.

Y si quedas entre los 10 primeros que dan más tips, te dan un diamante de color anaranjado.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's great, my friend! I love Noise.cash and how it allows us to interact with many people around the world. I've never been a big fan of traditional social networks. I mostly use Twitter to know what is happening. But Noise.cash is much more than a social network.

I keep looking to find my way in Read.cash. I didn't start on the right foot mainly because I didn't engage as I did in Noise. But I don't give up. I'm determined to succeed here as well.

You're right when you say that there aren't places like these on the internet. That rewards you so well doing something that we enjoy. And that also pays us in BCH. Is so valuable!

I congratulate you on your achievements and wish you many more in the future.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Even I had read this article twice, I always interested. So meaningful and eager tobe followed, hope as new comer for crypto I can follow your ethos.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks, but i am always on constant learning man.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's very useful for me as a new user of read.cash and also as a user of noise.cash for months. Your article can defined the meaning of hardwork and persistent, congratulations for achieving this goal of yours

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Upon reading your this article of yours, feel motivated and inspired. Im only new to this platform and at first I thought i wont be able to publish atleast 1 article but i just did. Currently i have 3 articles published. And i am enjoying using these platforms the noise.cash and read.cash. I hope i will learn more from you. Thankyou! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow good work. Realy want to follow your track.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome, just try to interact and keep making good content, and you will success.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! So Cryptomax is your affiliate, how lucky! I am working on this are because it's hard to on board new users in my place.

I am a new fan now. I am looking forward to learning more from you. :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, i am the referrer :) Just work hard and you can have luck too!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

OMG, thanks a lot for this. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Agradecido por tu aporte deja todo más claro imposible gracia de verdad amigo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me alegro que te sirva, te deseo muchos exitos.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well done mate, I'm going to follow your advice but I have to see what that affiliate program thing is like. I have to read well all your article and analyze it thoroughly. Thanks for sharing the information...

$ 0.01
3 years ago

You are welcome, just focus and you can reach the goal.


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations!, this is great

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you my friend!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is great. The biggest thing is consistency. Keep doing it, even if only a little bit at a time.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That is the attitude, especially because in this way we help the community at the same time that we help ourselves.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes help others and you help yourself in the process.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The first expression that came to my mind was "wow!!" after reading through the post.

You are one of the people I secretly look up to and learn from on both platforms and reading this tonight is a big motivation to me and many other people who work on read and noise due to passion.

I am still a work in progress on both platforms because my best is yet to come. You have achieved a lot with the platform and I see more success coming your way because you have a good interest in BCH in your heart.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks, but you can do it too, it just requires planning and organizing. I hope you have launched the initiative to educate the people of your locality so that children learn to use these platforms, I would like to read the progress you are making with that.

Because that is the way to get BCH to reach the whole world, that they know it, that they use it, that they learn what it is about and that they enjoy it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can at only congrats 👏🙂 I am so envy 🙈

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thanks! :D

You can also achieve it, in my post you can see how using affiliates and noise you can achieve the goal you set for yourself, you just have to work hard at it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago