Give Respect, Earn Respect...
Hello Everyone!!... Thanks greatly for the encouragement you've all given me so far, it serves and is serving as a great impetus for me to ride on and drive forward irrespective of challenges that may come my way.
It is a great evening here and as is your guess, a fantastic atmosphere to match it up. Lest I forget, my heartfelt appreciation should also go to the almighty one, he who has counted I and You worthy to witness another day. To my distinguished friends, subscribers and sponsors of this magnificent platform, I appreciate your support and encouragements so far.... God Bless...
To the Topic of today which boldly inscribes "Give Respect, Earn Respect..."
According to a school of thought, respect is reciprocal. Respect simply means an act of showing politeness to people as a way of accepting them for who they are. It means being able to show regard for people, their personality, behaviour, attitude, and to everything relating to them.
"A lot of people though, sadly dunnot have this trait, perhaps they weren't born with it or they just couldn't get themselves to have it" - A Friend...
From what this guy said, I could clearly see his misconception and tellingly, I couldn't resist that urge to make him understand that Respect is a trait that is earned and not inherited.
You cannot expect me to respect you because of the good attributes of your dad, probably he is a minister and he has proven himself to be a good leader by being dilligient, honest, and virtuous in the terms that he doesn't engage in unscrupulous activities like bribery and corruption.
Clearly, I cannot say that since you are his son then you are automatically a good person and as such you deserve my respect. Hell No. Infact, there is a high tendency that you are not in any way like him.
Then this I where, the fact that you earn respect comes in. Me working with you for a little while will give me clues as to the type of person you are. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't only give me clues, it will give me a true perspective of who you truly are.
Then from here, I see you worthy of my respect, then I give it to you. This means you earned my respect. What you give is clearly what you earn.
Furthermore, this is a two way thing, that is, You might as well be the person with that integrity and which I respect a lot, then I would now start thinking that you perhaps inherited the trait from your dad, and at the end of the day it turns out my logical guess was completely wrong.
Anyways, all I have been trying to pass across, is the simpleton that is respect is earned not inherited.
The Union Of European Football Associations (UEFA) is a body that actually knows the value of respect, they clearly understand what you give out is what you earn back. This is the main reason they have a badge of respect on every player taking part in UEFA competitions.
If you really ask me, someone that deserves to be respected will be shown respect without having to ask for it. You don't have to take people by force to respect you. Your character will do the talking, your behaviours and attitude will determine whether you ought to be respected or not.
There is a popular saying which I quote,. " Treat People the way you want to be treated,talk to people the way you want to be talked to, Respect is earned, not inherited"- Anonymous
Endeavour always to earn respect from everybody, respect everybody's personality, no matter how small they are. And always remember WHEN YOU GIVE RESPECT, YOU EARN RESPECT..
Also, I have to sincerely appreciate my newest sponsors, @foryoubtc09 and @FashTioluwa . Catchy names, right..?. I thought as well. Anyways thanks a lot, I so much appreciate your kind gesture, and I promise to repay your faith in me....
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The topic of your article is very striking. And yes it's true respect is not a heritable trait. It is earned by our actions and how we treat others