Here's why you should get up very, very early. Before six in the morning. It sounds scary, but psychologists say it's one of the best things you can do for yourself!
Most people shiver at the very thought of getting up at the crack of dawn every day, before six in the morning, but the results of a recent study showed that people who have this habit are both healthier and happier than those who wake up later.
People who go to bed earlier and get up earlier have a 25 percent lower risk of depression, than "night birds," according to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.
You can 'reset' your internal clock and get used to the new routine, and your body will be grateful because getting up early is much closer to our habits from ancient times, those that were innate to us from the time before the "fictional light bulb"...
It is human nature to be awake during the day and to sleep when it is dark, but nowadays we are constantly crossing those natural boundaries, waking up later than we should and missing precious daylight, time for socializing and hobbies.
The biological clock is affected by sunrise and sunset times. Most people are exposed to very little sun during the day and too much artificial light during the night.
This affects the time when we will feel sleepy, which is the main problem of night birds, which, due to their genes, are already prone to going to bed late.
By exposing ourselves to daylight early in the morning and avoiding artificial light when night falls, especially the blue light of mobile phones and computers, we can train the body to want to go to bed earlier.
People who get up late every day miss one of nature's greatest feats in live broadcast - sunrise. I adore the part when the day gets brighter, when the dark blue of the night turns to lighter blue, when the colors appear all around me, when nature is slowly painted in all those colors. Then I like to do my daily training and while I run I look at the sky and say to the world around me: ‘What a beautiful day!’.
The breakfast
When you get up early you have time to have breakfast. As far as I know, it is the most important meal without which our body has no fuel and energy. Then when we get so hungry at lunch time we reach for anything whether it’s healthy or not. The fatter or sweeter the better. But if we have breakfast we are calm until later.
,,Going to bed early and getting up early makes a person healthy, rich and wise!" -Benjamin Franklin
When did you get up this morning? Do you like to wake up when it starts to dawn? Do you feel like you can accomplish more things to do when an alarm wakes you up earlier than usual?
I am inspired by the saying of the Dalai Lama which says: ,,Every day when you wake up, think: I am happy that I woke up today, that I am alive, that I have this precious life that I do not want to spend in vain. I will invest all my energy to develop, expand my heart for others, experience enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings, cultivate good thoughts towards everyone, I will not be angry with anyone or think badly of anyone, I will do good to everyone as much as I can".
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