Bacteria which eating PET plastic

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3 years ago

Every year, 4 to 12 million tons of plastic waste enters the oceans, mostly across rivers.

It is believed that only one percent of the sea plastic contingent is visible to the eye. The exact location of the remaining 99 percent is unknown.

Every creature found at a depth of 10,890 meters in the Pacific brought at least some kind of artificial materials into its organism.

Scientists from the University of Newcastle made a shocking discovery while exploring the Challenger Deep Valley in the Mariana Trench, known as the deepest point on Earth. The team first found plastic in the stomachs of sea creatures at the bottom of the ocean, which means that there is no longer a part of the world's oceans that has not received human waste.

Scientists assume that in the seas currently finds about 300 million tons plastic waste, and that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish ...

Really disturbing! !!!


There is currently a huge amount of plastic in the oceans that drastically endangers the lives of all sea creatures. Classic methods of cleaning and recycling simply do not do this job well enough because plastic is accumulating more and more, which calls into question the entire survival of our pallet.

That is why scientists from America created a special bacterium, which is programmed to feed only on PET packaging.

This bacterium eats only PET plastic, which means that it is safe for all animals, as well as for other plastic things that make ships and other things that may be on the sea surface. The bacterium cleans the surface of sea water 6 times faster than any other method, so scientists hope that this will bring a revolution and help us clean our waters.

The bacterium is still in the testing phase, but it is planned to be released in a controlled manner to the most polluted parts of the world in order to see how quickly it will clean the water from the plastic. If it turns out well, then it is possible that we will have this bacterium in all waters, which will be our protector.

Let's be responsible and conscientious, let's not throw waste into rivers and seas!

The following facts are also astonishing:

It may seem harmless to us that an ordinary bag can harm someone, but it can - and a lot. There are more and more cases of dead animals that swallowed plastic bags and died of starvation, because real food could not pass to the intestines because of the bags. One example is a whale that was found on the coast of Norway in February 2017. 30 bags were pulled out of its stomach. In 2016, several dead whales (the largest teeth with teeth) were found on the coast of Germany. The officially determined cause of death is heart failure. It is strange that these were young individuals from 10 to 15 years of age and in excellent health. Aphids feed mainly on fish, squid and crabs. But plastic parts of a car and a 15-meter-long fishing net were also found in their stomachs. However, one of the obvious examples is a whale found on the coast of Greece in 2011, whose stomach was extremely bloated because it ate over 100 bags. His stomach was so full he could burst, and he was still hungry.

There are even more turtles that mix a floating bag with a jellyfish.

I hope that these frightening facts will change the consciousness of irresponsible people, and will start protect our waters and the living world in them!

$ 1.74
$ 1.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Cole47
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Avatar for MarijaJak
3 years ago


It's terrible what people are doing to themselves!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako ne zaštitimo prirodu, posledice će biti dalekosežne. Nećemo moći da ispravimo neke greške.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kod nas "niko" ne prlja, svi opominju komsije, prijatelje, itd. A svuda prljavo....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nas narodto nkad nece nauciti, gledam prvog komsiju umesto u komtejner da baci djubre on baca u reci koja nam je tu u blizini i umesto da nam bude cista oni unistavaju prirodu

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Uzas! Bezobrazluk i bahatost!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kod nas u trgovinama samo vrečke koje se razgrade.. al imamo previše svega još u plastiki pakirano. Al ima i mlekomata..doneseš svoju bocu i nalije ti mleko. Nadam se da bude sve više takvih stvari.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To je odlicno i bas mi jee drago da cujem to!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pozdravljam svaki pokušaj u ovom pravcu, mada nisam optimist da će tako i biti...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja se uvek nadam, na neko poboljsanje, pa budimo optimisti...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lijepo bi ovo bilo, ako se ne radi o clickbait naslovu i članku.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Vest koju sam ja nedavno citala, pa clanak sam na osnovu toga pisala...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ma mi smo tako naopaki, da je to poražavajuće. Pokušali su da nas sve dovedu u red postavljanjem kanti i korpi koje su jasno obeležena koji otpad treba baciti u koju kantu. Čak ni različite boje ne privlače pažnju, pa otpad se baca po principu-koja kanta, kontejner, korpa mi je bliža ili praznija. Katastrofalne posledice za našu planetu pravimo i direktno učestvujemo u tome mi sami.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Takvo smo drustvo, nazalost! Kad bi ljudi placali kazne za neodgovornost, onda bi se mozda I opametili, jer kad nas udari po dzepu, onda se svest menja...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

realno sam vrlo skeptican po pitanju ovoga ali pozdravljam svaki pokusaj u tom pravcu

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Daj Boze da bude od toga nesto, ali ljudi I pored toga moraju da povedu racuna o svojoj zivotnoj okolini!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Godišnje se proizvede oko 300 miliona tona plastike, a od toga 56 milijuna otpada na PET . Od toga se samo manji deo reciklira. Veliki deo ostane dugo u prirodi, gde razgradnja traje veoma, veoma dugo. Razgradnja samo jedne jedine plastične flaše potraje 450 godina, tvrdi nemački Savezni ured za zaštitu okoline.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To je bas strasno kad znamo koliko je godina potrebno za razgradnju jedne jedine plasticne flase, ali ljudi su i, daljeI nesavesni, I bacaju gde stignu!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Problem zagadjenja planete je ogroman, sa nesagledivim posledicama. Mislim da vecina ljudi nije dovoljno osvescena da razmislja o tome i pokusa da nesto uradi da se to stanje popravi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mora svaki pojedinac da krene od sebe, prvo to, ali bi trebalo reagova Rio na drustvo u celini.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Most of the indian and pakistani beaches are full of plastic waste 😢 Lack of literacy and lack of moral values. People show their behavior to our environment too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago