The Subsequent Comfort.

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1 year ago
Topics: Art, Painting, Journey, Dream

How do artists work in the new age? Well, I will relate the answer to my experiences. First, social media is a thing for us. Social media helps us to find ad discover amazing references and it also helps us to give new ideas for our artwork. On the other hand, it also serves as a distraction. Sometimes, when I feel dizzy or have art block, the urge of using social media like surfing on Facebook attacks me. I may say it is an unwritten rule for me that before I create an artwork, I must look for related references on social media first because I always think that it might help me to further enhance the idea I have; it is sometimes a way for me to find a will to continue what I am doing. However, it doesn't happen all the time. Therefore, art shouldn't be forced. Let it flow. Let creativity be found unexpectedly. I firmly believe it is the time when the prime self of one will show.

The second one is the process of creating art itself. From creating grid lines; versions of them to sketching, and up to the process of what your art from requests. Creating grid lines is I could say the hardest one for me. I mean, impatient people could relate to what I meant with that because I feel bored every time I do it. The process of measuring and doing math while expecting the boxes is the hardest for me because I am bad at Math, really. Nevertheless, the world will turn around when you start to sketch and paint your ideas and that is when the fun starts. You know, thinking that you are just playing while drawing, painting, or whatever art form you are doing can help you to finish the piece faster. What I meant by that was you should enjoy and trust the process. I usually think about this when I feel unmotivated with the result of some parts I worked with but then, eventually, I will realize that it was all part of the plan.

After these two important phases, sharing the piece on social media is I may say, a somehow vital thing because of how helpful it can be to an artist. Not just that it can boost one's morale and confidence, but it can help an artist to get a client and to have more fame that an artist can use to boost their artwork. All artists know this trick. I also started this way and now, I am continuing what I have started. I also dreamt of having many likes on my post on Facebook before because the artists I saw who got many likes are now professionals and earning digits of money. Who wouldn't like to be them? Of course, I want to use this talent not to earn something I couldn't use but to earn something that could help me to grow. 

I just also want to mention the reactions I got to my latest art. I didn't expect that my post from a group will blow like this. I am always grateful for things like this. I always see these numbers on the works of my idols on the page but I didn't realize that I will experience it too. For those people who reacted and the amazing writers who appreciated my art in my recent article, I want you all to know that you are all appreciated. On to the next artworks. I assure you that every piece I will make is going to be posted here so that the unsaid and unseen thoughts on the masterpiece will be said through this platform. 

Thank you for reading this article.

You can read my previous articles here:

The Other Side of Life That I Need.

I'm Now a Second-Year College Student.

How Do You Remember Your Teachers?

Reflecting on Some Lessons That Life Might Want me to Learn.

Things That Shaped my Childhood.

Most Beautiful Creature on Earth, Charlaine

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1 year ago
Topics: Art, Painting, Journey, Dream



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