Hello Read.Cash! I'm New Here!

Avatar for LucyStephanie
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

3 months ago I signed up to this site, however I didn't write anything until yesterday. Last month I discovered Noise.cash and have been more active there than here.

Didn't want to post anything long so I prefer to use Noise than this site. But of course when I get the urge to write an article/blog, I said to myself I will post it on Read.cash. Before I write more articles though, I will share this introduction first.

How Did I Discover Read.Cash?

Well, I've been a long time user of myLot. It's kind of my go to place when I want to mingle with people online or answer questions and such. It's still a fun place to visit from time to time. That's how I discovered Noise.cash though. I forget how I found out about this site. (Thinks some more.) It's possible I found this one on Steemit (S) or Hive (H), Medium or through a search result. Ah I just don't remember anymore. 😅

Oh wait! I found it on Twitter when a fellow online friend shared his article there. Aha! Thanks to @JLoberiza I learned abt this site. Not sure if I was able to use his affiliate/referral link though... 😅 Didn't know there was such a thing when I found it.

Even after finding out about Read.cash I didn't feel like writing so just left my account blank. Why not when I thought it'd be complicated to have to use just one wallet per device. Then again I was able to survive S & H so this is just peanuts compared to those two.

Why Write Now?

Recently I wrote something long and thought I'd post it here. Perhaps it will be better to publish it here because BCH is higher in USD value than STEEM or HIVE. Maybe now my writing dry spell will end. I dunno.

Since the pandemic I stopped writing articles other than for sale posts/ads. Somehow it's weird that's the effect of quarantine on me. I don't think I got depressed or anything but maybe I was tired of having to "scrounge" for upvotes or "beg" for attention just to earn crypto. Haha~ 😝 Also all the communities and such there, ah I don't want to use anything complicated anymore. It seems my age is catching up to me. Am feeling quite old these days. 😅

Long story short, I also found out the other fellow writers/online friends I have on S & H have been here since 3 months ago! Oh heck. I feel left out you know. 😂 Then again it was my choice to stop writing anything anyway. Now that I have something to publish, I'll see how it goes for me here.

What Will I Write About?

I thought about this and decided I will probably make this my sort of travel blog. Ads and real estate posts won't be posted on here like I used to on S & H. Perhaps there'd be some referral/affiliate links/images here and there but not much maybe. Or I'll use an article/post signature, is that allowed here? 🤔 I haven't even checked.

Yes I've read the FAQ section and I already created another account specifically for "classifieds" posts. It makes me wonder if that account will be flagged as spam or not. 😁 So far I've never been marked as a spammer on S & H so perhaps it will be the same here soon?

Other than travel blogs, I may write something about art, food and movie/TV show reviews here. I do have another blog for the reviews but haven't even written any lately. I watched a lot of shows and movies since last year but like I said, I didn't feel like writing anything at all. This is why Twitter and Plurk comes in handy. I can just write a sentence or two (or more!) of whatever's on my mind and I'm done. And now I'm doing it on Noise too.

Or heck maybe I will write a controversial post about things in the world that annoy me. Haha~ Am also a nature lover so I may post about such from time to time. Sometimes I sound like I am lecturing people to take care of the environment whenever I see social media posts of careless, greedy and irresponsible people. What, I can rant on the injustices of the world anywhere like everybody else. We have freedom of expression so I could post such here from time to time. 😆

Personal thoughts like this one will be posted too. Unless I change my mind. 😆 Am thinking I will write two articles each, one in English and one in Filipino. Not sure but I might or might not, depending on my mood. Still trying to figure out what I can do here so it's gonna be a learning through experience kinda thing as usual.

One thing's for sure, I might not be able to post articles regularly. I will just publish whatever I can whenever I am able to. As for the images I will use, if I don't have any watermark on it, it means it's from Pixabay. Otherwise the picture will have a source info as caption.

Wait, Who Am I?

Okay I almost forgot to say I'm currently a real estate agent in the National Capital Region (NCR/Metro Manila) of the Philippines. You can call me Lucy Stephanie, or if you're from S & H you may know me as Artgirl.

Before getting into real estate, I dabbled into being a financial advisor or insurance agent for a short time. Hey I also got into the BPO industry. Oh wait, what is this, my resume? Hahaha.

I used to do art/graphic design too. Well I still do but only when I feel like it and if someone hires me for freelance work. Sometimes I still draw when I can force myself to do art. Haha. Man that sounds so bad. 😅

Art is another one of those things that I have somehow outgrown. Used to love drawing/designing all the time and such but now I don't feel like doing any of that anymore. Must be the left and right brain thing. Business and artistic abilities don't mix? 😅 (Art is more on emotions, business/sales is more on data.)

Might also be on the verge of changing careers again. I hope so but most likely it's because I prefer to travel and live somewhere else. I would like to leave and be in a different place within the year. I've stayed here for far too long. Used to move around a lot but now I can't seem to find a way to leave. Ah life.

Anyway that's all for now.

What about you? What are the things you write about here on read.cash and do you have any advice for me? Feel free to share in the comments. 😊



$ 5.50
$ 5.00 from @ewyr
$ 0.20 from @JLoberiza
$ 0.05 from @jasglaybam
+ 7
Sponsors of LucyStephanie
Avatar for LucyStephanie
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
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Ay wala palang post about pusa pa. But still. Welcome to Read Cash. haha mas matagal na ako yata pero di kasi active 😅 thank you for checking mine out! I think we’d be good friends :) see you around!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe waley pa pic ng pusa. :) Ok see you around!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do not have to beg for upvotes and tips, just talk to other writers and engage. you will be surprised

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. Unlike in other sites omg hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome and have a pleasant time in Read Cash. Followed after Jloberiza's recommendation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello and thank you. Nice to see you here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome to read, I tend to write about nature, and also post chapters from a book I am writing which some Filipino readers describe as bibin :) Anyway I did comment on Noise what is your username, but I have found you na. I joined many moths ago but am only now starting to write haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What bibin? Is it bitin? Lol. You sure know how to use some Filipino words. hehe.

Haha glad you found me. Thanks for dropping by!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

haha oo bitin ! it has been a long day, by the way add a sponsors block and I will sponsor you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh what? You are sounding more and more Pinoy to me. Are you a secret Pinoy? Hahaha.

Okay I don't know how to do that yet. Wait I will check. Thank you for the sponsorship offer. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have many Pinoy friends , so try to learn a few words :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aha that's why. Cool!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome! We've got a pretty good community here. I look forward to reading what you have to say. I write just about any topic that interests me at the moment, although it seems that history is a favorite of mine, judging from my post history...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks. Yeah it looks like this site is a good place to write and interact.

Oh maybe I will look at your history posts too to see what I will find out. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome to read! Former Steemian here :D I am actually reposting my steemit blogs here :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well hello and thank you! Haha.

Former? So you don't write there anymore? I think I will not write there anymore too. Hahaha. Anyway it's been forever since I posted anything worthwhile in those two sites. Maybe I will redo my blogs there and post here too so it's still original. hehehe

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Ou, tagal ko na di napunta dun. May SBD pa man din ako dun pero wala na siguro value? hehe.

Katamaran galore ako kaya copy paste na lang dito. May kunting edit naman kahit papano :D Ung mga susunod na mga posts mo, habaan mo mga 4-5 minute read. Madali lang naman sayo yun hehe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kunin mo n ung mga SBD/STEEM m dun sayang din uy. hehe. May value pa rin yun kahit konti.

Checheck ko pa if alin ipo-post ko dito. Buti nga pwede pala yung ginawa mo kaya gagawin ko rin lodi. Hahaha.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Parang nakalimutan ko pano magwithdraw dun haha! Sige try ko.

Nitry once. Wala naman naging issue kaya tinuloy tuloy ko na haha! Un last post ko naglagay na lang ako ng link nung original post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ah buti na lang pwede. Hehehe. Kasi at least ayan may bunga naman ang inedit ko hahaha. Teka need pa ba ilagay link ng original post? Dalawang version na kasi nun nasulat ko eh. Pangatlo na ito mas updated shempre. Hahaha!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome to read.cash.😊 Enjoy your stay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome to read.cash. Kanina Lang pala to. Nag change ako ng cp unit kasi ako kahapon Kaya medyo hindi ako Naka check.

Nung December ako nag join dito, Pero March na ako nagging active dito. Hahanapin din kita sa noise later. For the meantime, follow @jonicabradley for the writing prompt.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh I see. Hehe. Ok I will check. Thank you. :) Ano po meron pag nagsulat using the writing prompt? Mag-upvote ba siya ng malaki?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

mostly personal experiences..som prompts some fiction stories and the likes..ehhhehe I'm not good in writing but I'm trying my best..And I get a lot of friends here through reading other articles.. glad you came here in read cash finally after months.. hope to get along with you.. God Bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh nice. It's ok whatever we write as long as someone can understand that's good enough I think. Will check them too. Hehe. Thanks for dropping by!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

glad you made it here..

$ 0.00
3 years ago