Helping others is the proof that you’re still Human

18 72

Date: 28th June, 2022. Tuesday

Helping others will help you one day. That's a common dialogue used by our elders who inspired us to get fit with this word and remember it for life time. When we help someone, we help the entire mankind. The humanity remains fresh in our mind. We feel it from the deep of our heart. Because we feel satisfied in the end. A happy feelings run through our veins which inspire us, motivate us to help people more and more. Some people think that people are now have less feelings but no my dear, we still have humble and kindness among us. Yes, my today's topic is based on it. So allow your host, Lucifer to explain more about it.

Recently occurred flood in my country has put us to a limit to understand how helpless we are in front of the nature. We still have no idea how we will face the upcoming days. Predicting when the next rainfall will happen is the only thing we are good at. But if it get worsen, we have no way to fight it. That is what happened for the last 15 days. Heavy rainfall and flood made people suffer of my country. The northern east part is affected by it. Ongoing S.S.C. exam has been halted by the education ministry department. Because more than 3 millions people are suffering from it. The flood has overshadowed their homes which forced them to live over the rooftop and even on boat. Children and elders are suffering the odd situations. Lack of food and pure drinking water have added more salt on the wound. Non stop rainfall has made it unbearable. There is want of foods, water, clothes, medicines and shelters.

The country was in trouble but we didn’t lose our hope. The ongoing sufferings of those place spread fire all over the world. Breaking news were given every now and then. We all knew that a big situation has arrived and now we need to prove it that we can handle it with proper management and maturity. The first help started from the religious leaders. They donated money and started raising funds from everywhere possible. We, the people love them a lot and helped them unanimously.

Next the students joined the forces. Man, it was something like joining a war against time. From every corner of the country, the students showed there power of positivity. They not only collected money but also stepped forward to help them physically. The government also provided funds for the sufferer. Online gamers, content creators, media personalities joined the helping aid. It seemed like the whole nation pledged to leave no stone unturned about the situation. The people from every districts started sending foods and other necessary things. The volunteers never felt uncomfortable while helping them in spite of heavy rain, thunderous stormy weather, flood. They were keen to help others at any cost.

Now, what is the outcome of all these matters? We have learnt a lesson of humanity. This is the help that we all needed to win this battle. We performed well and were to raise awareness that no one need to be panicked in the time of disaster. We all are one. We never thought that we need it back. But we all know one day this help will come back in return. This is the beauty of helping others. You help one and be assured that one day someone will do the exact thing for you.

Humanity still exists my dear friend and that’s why we feel it that way. Your little help will not be that impactful, that's your opinion but some little amounts restore a huge amount to help people when they need it much. So no need to feel upset if have contributed a little. It doesn’t matter how much you helped. The matter that makes a statement in your mind that you are still alive in humanity. Your heart still speaks with love. Your help is the proof of your being human.

  • All the pictures are clicked by me.

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The more the help, the more we see our reason and purpose here on Earth. We give but didn't wait anything in return.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it's in these kind of situations that you will see and feel the unity of the people to help and serve others

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Feeling bad to know the situation your country is passing through, but I am glad at the same time that people are helping each other. May your country get rid of this this calamity soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We also don't really know how long we will live or how long we are keeping this strength that we have, therefore it is better to help others who are in need. We will not immediately reciprocate the good deeds we do now but soon we will be rewarded in a different way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I help others and that is in my nature and I never expect anything to come back to me. It feels good to know that you have helped someone. If we all did that, the world would be a better place to live.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

when we help others, surely we will be helped by others in the future, when we do good to others, our kindness will be repaid as well, but some people are reluctant to help others, because they are afraid that their kindness will not be rewarded. reply.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humanity must exist anytime and everywhere. May you overcome everything and hope that everything will be back to normal soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The "Thank you" that others say after receiving our help gives the best satisfaction ever... helping is so amazing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helping is Indeed an act of kindness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helping each other will make us United if we can able to help the needy then it's a great feeling if see someone smile just because we help them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I felt you that way when the typhoon hitted us.And last day a passenger boat was burn out in the sea and some fishers men help and rescued the passengers ,they help with out asking anything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helping others makes me feel happy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helping others is such a great feeling and a total happinessfrom the heart

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Flood effected our northside badly and many people show the humanity by support each other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are naturally generous, especially in times of need. God bless humanity and the whole world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry about the condition of things in your country, I hope things will get back to normalcy. I think that's one of the major disadvantage of deforestation. And I would have suggested more trees are planted

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Helping others is one of the basic human feature no doubt. All people are not needy but it is our obligation to find them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whatever help we receive, we ought to pay it forward. It's unnecessary to help the person who helped you. It's about creating a chain of people who helped other people without asking for something in return.

$ 0.00
2 years ago