Dearest Hometown: An Open Letter

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Avatar for LeticiaFelize
2 years ago

Date: April 2, 2022 (Saturday)

April 1st of year 2022, 6 in the evening.

I am sitting comfortably right next to the welcome plant in the terrace. After a long day at work, finally I have the moment to spend some time looking at the surroundings while embracing the cool breeze of the air. How I miss this moment of spending my alone time in the terrace while drinking my favorite coffee and allowing my mind to wander from one place to another. I can't help but feel glad for this moment. I also enjoy sipping my hot coffee while observing the surroundings. I am truly amazed by this moment.

Now, as I allow myself to indulge to in this moment, I can't help but appreciate what's in for that time. I love listening to the crickets enjoying their journey as the night breaks. I love looking at the plants swaying peacefully as the air touches their greens. I love how the surrounding makes me feel at peace. And as I look at the sky, I'm in awe looking at the diamonds in the sky. How wonderful it would be if I stare at the sky to see falling stars above. It's been a while since the last time I witnessed one; when would be the next time? I wonder.

As I give more time for myself to relax and reflect on things, I look at my cellphone for a moment and as I see a post about a place, I suddenly remember my hometown. The hometown where I grew up with. I suddenly remember the things I usually do around and the feeling that it carved in my heart are priceless. I can't help but think of it even more as an astounding place worth appreciating.

An Open Letter to My Hometown

To my dearest hometown,

It's been a while since the last time I thought of you. How are you? I heard you have a lot of developments already.

How's the big mango tree near the park? I heard that it's gone now. I could still remember before, we used to play with my cousins around there. We used to play hide and seek. I even cried everytime I got caught. I can't stop laughing now that I'm older whenever I remember that moment.

The ice cream vendor at the park, I heard he's no longer selling there. I miss the tasty ice cream that he was selling. With the different ice cream flavors that he sells before, I can't help but ask my mother always to buy me one. I wonder where is he now, or is he still selling ice cream or now.

By the way, I'm sorry for the time back when I was a child when I thought of leaving you. I was too ambitious that time that I want to leave our place and move to the place that never sleeps. The place where lights are flashing one place to another. The place where I can see enormous buildings and visit establishments in a snap. Back then, I simply wanted to experience what I saw in the movies. A moment where people are so flashy that I want to be like them.

But you know what? The moment I went to the city to study, I realized that there are a lot of charms that you hold that I can't see to the city. The sunset with the magestic sunset sky that I used to enjoy in your place was no longer seen in the city. I still need to find a spot where I can see it as the surroundings was covered with big buildings. I can't even appreciate the moon at night as what I could see around are the glowing lights on the streets. The cricket sound that I usually hear in our place, was covered with the beeps of the car on the street. I can't even hear even a little sound of the crickets; how I miss them. And you know what? The cold breeze of the air which I tend not to appreciate before was being missed the moment I live in the city. It feels hot even at night that resulted on me not able to sleep well at night. After that moment, I suddenly miss you. I regret not appreciating the beauty that you hold when I was young. I realized that you're a diamond. You're worty embracing for.

Now, I'm 24 years old. I'm proud that right now I am here in your place, working in a wonderful workplace and living the best out of my life. I'm so grateful that I am here with you. Just so you know I'll always be thankful to have you. To live, to grow, and to dream with you. I can't wait what the future will hold, but I hope you'll develop to be the best version of you, like what you wanted for me to become.

I wish you all the best my hometown. Know that you will always hold a big part in my heart as you molded me to what I am now.


Leticia Felize

To my dearest friend @alicecalope , I appreciate your support. I'm beyond grateful for the blessings you have shared.

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2 years ago


I just suddenly felt sad as I am also missing my hometown. My hometown also change a lot, from a very quite place into crowded as many buildings has been built. I miss those days where all I see was rice fields, but now they turned into mall and supermarkets. I miss those old and Golden days.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Me too my friend. Just so you know there's big field at the back of our house before, but now it's turned into a housing place. Although I hwve many neighbors right now, but the field still hit different.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really miss your hometown my Friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes my friend alice, I miss my hometown so much that I decided to just stay for good. My hometown has so much to offer that I failed to notice it back when I was a child.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's good to know my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I felt how you missed your homwtown when you are in the city, I hope your hometown will develope sooner as you develop also as a person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Awee, I surely hope for that my friend Aiah. Can't wait for that moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This made me miiss my hometown. The store where we used to sit back and relax after playing and the store owner who were always pissed of because we were so noisy everytime. Oh my gosh, why do I feel like crying hahahha!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yayy, we surely were surely back when we were kids ny friend. I remember when I was a kid, I used to visit my neighbor and they find me annoying sometimes because I'm too noisy and always asking for food haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, that's how kids are.. I hope I could go back to my hometown again..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It really feels so good to be back at your hometown, me too! I'm back in my hometown. :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yayyy, so happy that you're finally back in your hometown my friend. Hope you're having a great time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am happy friend LeticiaFelize in my home town. I only went home once because my children and I live differently in the city. But my hubby and I's home town is in the province

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wherever each of your family members residing, I hope all of you are living happily my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The village is a palace that cannot be measured by value, that's where we collide. Life since birth grew up from a beautiful peaceful environment. always a hope for all those who have left and feel will return by remembering moments that will never be forgotten of all time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If only we have a time machine to visit our past memories, hiw wondefuo it would be my friend, right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

if only the time machine came true maybe your wish will come true and all roads will work out to be done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree, but things don't turn out to be what we wanted it to be, so our only choice is to accept what's the reality has in store for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Missing my hometown too especially the place where I was a kid, those memories that I really treasure.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We sure have a lot of memories before that we miss so much If only we could visit it again, but we can't.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You missed your hometown badly Leticia I felt it while I'm reading your letter. I missed our hometown too Leticia. I want to have a vacation right now but I couldn't because of my work. 😭 I want to have some vacation. It's been almost 3 years now. 🥺

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Almost 3 years of being away from your hometown is truly a sad thing my friend Ramona. My only wish is for you to finally visit your hometown and witness how is it going on now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Leticia it's really sad. 🥺 I'm hoping that soon this year I can visit my hometown.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After reading it made me think of my hometown too. Sometimes we feelt happy because of the progress yet felt sad when we remember those days.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree my friend lhes. We're indeed happy for every improvement we have seen in our hometown, but we can't deny the fact that we also miss how it used to be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Words from the heart. I feel it & love that. Home coming vibes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Awee, thwnkss my dearest friend Luci. Surely, those words all came from my heart for the love of my hometown.

$ 0.00
2 years ago