HASHTAG Let the Earth Breath

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2 years ago

There's a higher chances that you have heard about this news or maybe have seen it on the social media platform like Facebook, twitter, or tiktok apps. Where there are group of scientist who's peacefully rallying to care about the planets we are all living on. They said that, we must stop or limit the use of fossil fuel for it is excessively decreasing and it is very harmful to our earth environment. These professional people said that, If we don't stop doing what we are used to do then we only have 3 to 5 years on living on this planet.

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This issue is becoming the trend in the internet and I'm happy that many are concern, I didn't saw any post about politics nor hate or other scandal of other people but only this thing. I've seen some of my silent friend in facebook who's now sharing a post or putting one in their stories just to spread the awareness of what's happening.

Peter Calmus a NASA Scientist and is one of the member of this climate activist was arrested alongside with other activities by the city cops became of their peaceful protest to conserve the fossil fuel and to protect the Earth. He said that we only have just only 3 years to do anything about this climate change we are currently facing before bee face the worst catastrophic consequences of the Global Warming. However, the Government, business man and other high people doesn't do a thing now care about the issue. This Nasa Scientist and Climate Activities wanted to end the use of fossil fuels and those other bad sources of energy the adding to the rise of the temperature of our environment.

Scientist: image from unsplash

Actually we are now currently facing some of the consequences of climate change in slowly way. Not here in the Philistines because we were used to have 20 or more than tropical cyclone but I'm other countries is that they're facing a higher number of cyclone every year. In this Philippines however, is that we have now 2 new cyclone the Agaton and Bashang currently the Agaton is the one destroying everything in it's paths but Bashang is way stronger than Agaton and will lead to more destructions. I wanna add more about the effects of global warming but that would be for tomorrow Article.

Even though the effects of Global Warming, the climate change is on sight or visible in our eyes and was clearly shown in the data is that most people doesn't even care and the government doesn't listen about this. Everything is about money and the industrial companies are still continuously destroying our planet.

"Why Go to school when we are not going to listen to educated people?" If it's the scientist who leave their laboratories just to protest about the earth then that might be a real big issue there is.

Earth: image from unsplash

We all should act to save the earth. If ever I have a power to say something and everyone will going to follow me, then I would say that in every week is that we will have an earth day. Where no one will gonna use any electricity nor fossil fuel. I would say that we will going to live a normal life for a day in every week where there is no engine vehicle running in the road but only bicycles, roller skates or any other that doesn't need duel or electricity to run. With that thing Our mother Earth will have a time to breath and rest even little by little.

But for now? What can we do today? A commoner like me and you, we have no big power to influence everyone and people around us but we can influence ourselves to do the right thing. As for me, I'm using my talent to write to spread awareness in this platform that we must save the earth. Let The Earth Breath. What can we do to save our earth? Is the still a way to save the earth? Well that would be for another Article on the next following day.

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2 years ago


Puro nga ganito nababasa kp today. Good naman para makapag bigay ng awareness sa lahat. Mas maganda if sishare nyo sa iba pang social media site.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its not to late para gawin natin our respinsibilities as an individual to protect and save the earth kasi tayo mga tao lang din ang makikinabang dito.Sana lahat ng tao ay magkaisa at magtulong tulong para protektahan ang mundo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we, commoners can't influence others but we can play our part by doing what's good and best for our Mother Earth. Lahat tayo ay may contribution sa pagkasira ng ating Inang Kalikasan. Kaya sana mamulat na tayo lalong-lalo na ang mga malalaking kompanya na maging responsable at gawin kung ano ang tama. May ibinigay na kung ano ang mga dapat gawin upang makatulong sa sa paghilom ng kalikasan. Nawa'y sundin natin yun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, we people don't have the power to influence everyone..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Human will real what is being sow,this is a reality that we are facing today,there a big changes in our climate,and I can't imagine ,what will happen with the next generation. Is this to become even worse ,or well we can recover from this . I hope it's not too late.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After covid of 2 years, let the earth breath naman. After covid, there is war ongoing.

Sometimes I asked myself, why there was no protest during covid? And why there was no war during covid?

Wala lang, napaisip lang ako.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was also sharing this one ony facebook account as well as my Fb stories. I do love what you were plan but as what you said we are just a commoner and not known even just one organization. I hope in this platform will have an another way in order to save our earth. Just like what you planned about and I like it every week will be having an earth day. This is good idea snail. I hope and pray that everyone will already open their eyes and start protecting the earth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Louder snail. We must save the earth! Dapat talaga makinig tayo sa kanila. Dapat maging thankful tayo sa mga scientist. Ginawa nila yan para sa ikabubuti ng lahat. We should take care our mother earth. Let's protect it. Trending nga to sa social media snail ngayon. I hope magawan na ng paraan at makapag start na.

$ 0.00
2 years ago