If you're familiar with the bible, you will know that's the first thing God said when he was about to create the earth; let there be light and there was light. As most of you might still remember, I have been complaining about the issue of power outage in my area which lasted for about 4 days, it has finally been resolved 🤩
The past few days without electricity have been tough and I was getting to my breaking limit before it was restored. The first two days weren't so bad because my power bank still have enough power to charge my phone and I wasn't too bothered about where to charge them.
But things started getting stressful when my powerbank finally went off and I couldn't find anywhere convenient to charge it. The problem with having a powerbank with a big capacity (27,000 mAh) is that it takes a lot of time for it to charge fully, but I couldn't find a place to charge it for long.
The major problem with the unavailability of electricity is not even about charging phones and other gadgets, it's a water problem. My hostel's pumping machine has been bad for a while now and we had to depend on our neighbor's reservoir for water but they locked it yesterday because it was getting low and there was no hope of power getting restored soon.
I was praying and hoping that light will be restored today because I was already at my limit, I don't have water anymore in my apartment and everyone is locking up their tanks and reservoir for fear of it getting finished by outsiders. The off-campus community where I stay has gotten scanty because a lot of people have given up on the light issue and have run home to their parents 😆
I was on the verge of going home to my parents as well, I said to myself that if things aren't resolved by Sunday, then I am leaving but luckily for me, I woke up around 5am and noticed my wall socket was on; light has been restored 🤩 I didn't exactly know when it was restored, but I instantly got goosebumps when I saw my wall socket giving off a red glow.
I quickly got up as sleep instantly disappeared from my eyes. My friend was with my charger and at that point, I didn't care if he was asleep, at least he will appreciate me for waking him up to see that there was now light. I knocked on his door and he was already awake (lol). I collected my charger and plugged my power bank and phone.
I put on my laptop and started installing some software I downloaded recently. I worked as a graphic designer some years back but I abandoned it and started learning programming but recently, one of my friends has been bugging me to help her design some flyers and labels, so I had to download some of those graphics design software I used in the past.
When there was power outage, the community I stay was looking gloomy and deserted but when I went out later in the morning, it looks like life is slowly returning to the environment and everyone that locked up their reservoirs and tanks started opening them because they can now pump water. People are looking much happier because they can comfortably stay home and charge their phones without having to walk around in the sun looking for where to charge.
Sometimes I wonder how people in the ancient age managed without electricity, but I guess they didn't realize what they are missing because they aren't used to that way of life (you can't miss what you never had 😉), unlike us in the modern era that has gotten accustomed to living with electricity and our lives revolve around it.
This got me wondering if I will be able to stay on an island for 3 months without electricity 🤔 just relaxing with nature and not having access to any electrical stuff. Who knows? I just might be able to do it, especially if there are other people around in the same situation.
It might get very tough in the first month (like someone going through withdrawal), but after a while, I will get used to it because I really have no choice. But will I be able to do it if I have a choice of sticking to electricity and technology? Probably not. What about you? Will you be able to stay alone without electricity on an island for 3 months? And I mean with no gadgets or electronic tech around, can you do it? 😁
Thanks for reading 💖💖💖
Saturday April 2nd, 2022
Yeah you're right . Nowadays it's really hard for us to live without electricity. But I think it's a good idea to live in an area that don't have electricity like what you've said an island. Just enjoying the nature. Live life to the fullest