Ten (10) myths about creation and existence

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2 years ago

25th of March 2022

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10. Japan's flaming vagina

In this creation myth, Japanese deities Izanagi and Izanami had several children, and this gave birth to the Japanese islands. But horrifyingly, one of these children was a fire God whose flaming body burned Izanami’s vagina so intensely that she died. Izanagi beheaded the fire baby and tracked down Izanami who was rotting in the land of the dead.

Terrified of his wife's maggot-infested body, Izanagi sealed her in the underworld. In revenge, Izanami vowed to kill 1000 people every day. Izanagi responded by vowing to create 1,500 lives a day.

9. Chinese cosmic egg

 Ancient China's creation myth states that the universe began as an enormous cosmic egg. After eighteen thousand years of existence, the egg exploded sending an axe-wielding beast named Pan-Qu hurtling into the cosmos.

Using his axe, Pan-Qu carved out the earth separating Ying from Yang and the earth from the sky. When he died, his breath became the wind, his eyes became the Sun and the moon, and his long-matted beard became the Milky Way

8. Native American beetle

One Native American creation myth states that originally all animals lived in the clouds and beneath them was only water. As the sky became increasingly crowded with animals, an adventurous Beatle decided to explore the oceans below, but he found only mud and the deeper he went the larger he grew until he expanded to become the earth.

One of the animals attached the sky to the earth with strings and sent a buzzard down to prepare the earth for the arrival of the animals. However, the bird was exhausted by the time it reached America. Its wings hit the ground and the impact formed the mountains.

7. Zoroastrian seed explosion

The ancient Persians believed that a race of gods preceded the universe. One of these gods Mithras is said to have slaughtered a sacred Bull with shocking consequences. When the bull died, holy seeds sprang from his genitals into a giant mixing bowl.

The resultant mixture created every living creature on earth, but this was also the start of the struggle between good and evil as a scorpion sucked the holy seed directly from the Bulls testicles giving strength to darkness.

6. Nigerian matriarchy

The Nigerian Efik tribe believes that Abasi the creator made the first human couple. To control them, Abasi decreed that they could not live on earth or procreate but the couple soon disobeyed him and learned to survive by themselves on earth.

Against his wishes, the first humans soon had a family. Abbasi grew enraged and blamed his wife for the humans’ frivolous activities. Abasi found to resolve the situation by sending death and discord to earth to keep humans obedient to the gods forevermore.

5. Scandinavian fire-demons

The Scandinavian creation myth states that a blazing fire melted the ice caps of a land of fog and ice known as Niflheim. A massive cow was formed from the melted ice and an ice giant called Ymir. Ymir's armpits gave birth to more ice giants who mated and produced offspring including the god Odin. Odin then murdered Ymir whose remains were used to create the earth.

4. Amazonian child killer

The Sanema people are a tribal group that live in the Amazon rainforest. Their creation myth states that before man, the Moon spent its time devouring the souls of semi-divine children.

However, this perverse behaviour soon angered the gods who stabbed the moon in the stomach. As blood cascaded from the moon's bellybutton, the drips formed the first race of men whose spirits still lurk in the forests today.

3. Malian genital mutilation

The Malian Dogon tribe of the central Plateau of Mali believed that a male god named Amma created the earth. Amma then married the earth, but the Earth's clitoris rejected his penis and she refused to procreate.

In retaliation, Amma cut out her clitoris and eventually the couple produced three children including Ogo. Ogo also had a sexual relationship with earth which produced a stream of menstrual blood. This flow of blood formed plants, animals, and humans.

According to the myth, white people were born beneath the moon and black people were born under the Sun.

2. Ancient Egyptian incest

Deity rah was alone in the universe until one day he masturbated furiously eventually ejaculating children who went on to produce the race of Egyptian gods including Osiris. Osiris was elected king of the gods, but he was murdered by rival god Seth who chopped up his body and scattered it throughout the land.

After a long search, Osiris’s wife Isis recovered his bleeding penis from a fish's stomach and was able to impregnate herself. The resulting son was named Horus and after avenging his father's death he became the ruler of Earth.

1. Ethiopian coffin builder

Cloud dwelling Ethiopian deity back oversaw the earth while it was flat. While building the earth, Waq locked the Earth's only man inside a coffin and spent the next seven years hurling fire at the earth to create mountains.

When whack finally unlocked the coffin, the man leapt out still alive but incredibly lonely. To find him company whack extracted a sample of the man's blood and created a woman. The couple fell passionately in love and bore 30 children.

However, the man was so ashamed of having that many offspring that he hid 15 of them who transformed into demons and animals. And the rest is history!

Disclaimer: This article and all material used in this content is used for entertainment and educational purposes only.

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2 years ago


😂😂 some of this myths are hard to believe. They are all about sex and bearing children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Another one, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.. And it went on like that, I enjoyed the article, some myth are just so craze and funny at same time.. And some kinda send chill in my bones

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of our myths here is about Bathala ( the supreme deity) created the first man and woman that were placed inside a bamboo. A bird pecked those bamboos to free Malakas (the first man) and Maganda (the first woman). Malakas means strong and Maganda means beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was very serious when reading your article but for a moment I blurted with laughter like did ancient people really think of those stories? I am not swayed by these myths hahaha. I'll still go for the Big Bang Theory and the pre-existing cells that caused life forms on earth 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some myths are really funny and unbelievable. We can conclude that humans race have a wide variety of culture and beliefs which birthed to these kind of myths.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I find some of the myths quite funny and unrealistic. But what can I say? They are myths! All in all, it was nice reading this. thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago