Existence before time and space

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Discussion, Sunday

6th of February 2022

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Hello read.cash peeps! It’s a Sunday today obviously, and I must confess that I gave myself one hell of a break. Been giving myself a lot of stress lately. Words alone cannot explain the amount of stress I’ve been going through, but today I decided to do things differently by relaxing. I stayed on bed all day and did nothing but sleep. I told myself there would be no work today, hence I suspended all things work related till tomorrow- Monday!

Though I didn’t sleep till past midnight yesterday, I didn’t get up from bed till a few minutes past 8am, after which I ate breakfast and went back to bed! Yes I didn’t go to church! I didn’t wake up finally until about a five thirty or there about. After which I decided to engage in a little bit of discussion with some random person... Lol.

This conversation didn’t last 15 minutes as I’m not a very talkative person- I prefer the silence. We had a very weird conversation after which I retired back to my in-house office to write this article. I didn't have plans of writing today but I just had to since a topic of discussion already came up and I wanted my response to be known while giving an opportunity to my readers to share their idea in the comment section!

I’d be writing about the discussion in a few minutes. My response was a very weird one so pardon me for ranting!

It was more of a religious discussion which I like to stay away from but decided to listen this time since the plan is to do things differently. During the conversation, a random person asked me the silliest question on earth….

How long did God exist before he created heaven and earth, and who created him?” and blah blah blah…

He felt it was my duty as a Christian to have more information and if I couldn’t answer then maybe, just maybe I was a Christian after all. More like legal responsibilities... Lol! I consider it a good question which I decided to answer out of logic- here we go!

You are assuming God is limited by space, time, and matter. Well, He isn’t. He created time, space, and matter. God is outside of his creation. There was no “time” before God created it, time is irrelevant in God’s case. There is cause and effect- God is cause, he is not effect!

Time is the duration of events, the rate at which things happen. The Bible starts with the following words “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”, and goes on to say God took six days to do it, then rested on the seventh!

What can we take away from this in respect to time? God created time, and God is outside of time. In fact, we could say God is time because he is in the Past, Present, and future simultaneously which are all the same to him.

The only problem I have with the above question of “how long did God exist before he created heaven and earth and blah blah..” is that the question has no meaning.

By definition, a God is eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and so on (in time and space). If something is eternally existing, then there was never a time it did not exist.

Altogether it was a wonderful conversation, and the above statement was my response to the question being discussed. I’m not a professional on these things, but simply stating my opinion from my unintelligence!

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Discussion, Sunday


Why someone ask you like that, he had no common sense awe sorry haahha why he didn't ask his self so that he can lesrn about God.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So you had a religious conversation with the random person. It's true God is omnipotent and creator of this whole universe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No matter how someone answers this question, unbelievers, we keep asking unnecessary questions. Time begins to exist since day 1 the creation starts.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Time only exists in God creation, I mean the universe he created and I don't think God biography was written in the scriptures on how God became God.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Our spiritual values, such as faith, are a matter between one's self and God. Beliefs, whatever they may be, deserve respect and a certain moral value. I do not allow anyone to come between me and Allah and I do not attack anyone's spiritual values. Every faith deserves this respect!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well said. The question triggers me a little bit too. Why would someone ask that, If they're not a believer then they should zip questioning, cause whatever we say or explain if they are not a believer, it will be all nonsense.

$ 0.01
2 years ago