April 7 two months at Read.Cash, every day learning about the art of writing

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2 years ago

Hello to all this wonderful community of readers in read.cash, today I am two months old since I started on the platform and I have 7 articles that I have enjoyed writing and responding to the comments, the night is my favorite time to connect to Read and feed the intellect with good reading, here are some of my publications.






image of my authorship

something that I have discovered since last year 2021 is how much I enjoy writing and that has led me to want to learn more about the art of writing, I recently heard on a television program that the first war in the history of humanity, It was in the year A.C 2700 before Christ, that perhaps there were wars before that, but writing had not yet been invented, without the written word and letter we would have the history of humanity in the darkness of ignorance.

Talking about learning and the new motivations that read.cash has given me, I began to investigate and study a little about the elements that are needed to write a book and although I still have a lot to learn, I would like to celebrate my two months in read. cash, sharing some of this information.

image of my authorship

the pillars of a novel and the key elements to start writing.

The history. How should the facts that make up the novel be and be able to differentiate the plot from the story and at what point is each action placed throughout the story, as for the difference between the story and the plot we are going to mention an easy example , saving private ryan, the story is war and the plot is to save the last of several brothers who died in war.

The argument. This is where the great questions that must be answered by the author are developed, the why of things, what are the motivations of the characters to carry out their actions and what they want to achieve, what are their objectives.

The characters of the novel, it is necessary to define what the relationship of the characters and the readers will be, the construction of the characters is a work of many details to make the readers fall in love with the characters or feel hatred for the characters, because almost always there will be good guys and villains and if a reader feels identified with a character it is the key to continue the story, that's why you have to give the characters a bit of realism and also elements that impact without overloading the character of this or make it so realistic that it can become a boring character, it is necessary to have a balance, it is also necessary to always keep in mind what their traits and personality are, from their age to the things they like the most or what they are afraid of and what its characteristics are reflected in the actions that the character carries out in the story.

The conflict. The center of the story, that is, the point of greatest importance of the events to be developed, against which the protagonist is going to fight.

The Obstacles. They are all the adversities that the protagonists and other characters must face, to keep the reader in suspense and not knowing what is going to happen, as long as the reader has the question of what is going to happen, he will continue reading to discover the following in the story.

The climax. On a generic note we would be talking about the final battle and from the reader's point of view, the emotion of knowing what was the conclusion of the events or the winner in the story.

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The first thing I want to comment on is the importance of the characters, I must say this depends on the type of writing you want to do because in a story the important thing is the story (what happened) in an essay the most important thing is the idea (example thesis ) in a novel the most important thing is the characters you may like the story but it is the characters that make you fall in love. What I am learning is oriented towards novel writing. The characters from the point of view of color. White- the good character with a clear and simple motivation Black - bad character with a simple motivation Grey- the character that has both elements which makes it not flat and has depth, said with a movie example The exterminator is a flat character because he is only motivated by an order and has no personality or motivations, but a villain like Thanos is a deep character with various emotions and motivations. How can you write characters? There are several methods but the most common is the Characters tab, where after you know what story you want to tell and what some elements of the plot will be, you start one by one for each character by writing all the aspects of their personality and history. Date of birth Sex Skin color What are you scared of Education your temperament what music you like And other elements that allow you to get to know the character and be able to understand how he is going to react to an event and how he is going to relate to other characters. The more important the character is in the story, the greater amount of characteristic you should know, although in the development of the story not all of them come to light, the important thing is to know the characters well so that it is easier and more fluid to be able to write about them. Some advices Avoid excessive use of clichés Not looking for each character to please the reader, the important thing is the intensity or importance that they contribute to the story, which would be a story without a good villain and on a personal note Venom Cruella maleficent Thanos suicide squad Harley Queen are in fashion. Clarity with the character can't be super happy and a character suffering from depression at the same time unless they're bipolar and it's not having two opposing elements we all have good times and bad times it's about the extremes that don't add up unless there's a reason.

TYPES OF NARRATORS. Before writing a story it is necessary to do some preliminary work and know how you want to tell the story and the type of narration will be from the beginning to the end of the story helping to make the reader fall in love, what are the main - Internal Storytellers 1- In the first person, protagonist, witness, informant, antagonist 2- In second person 3- In third person Omniscient and Observer - External storytellers 1- Omniscient, equiscient, deficient The most used are in the first person where the protagonist tells the story and reaches the reader in a way that is very close to what he does and feels but has the limitation of not being able to delve into the other characters, In the second person the story is told with a broader vision and unlike the first person who tells what he does (I am walking) in the second person (I walked) although not always the narrator in the first or second person is the protagonist, he could be a close character or one of great importance to the plot of the story. In Third Person The omniscient narrator has the characteristic of knowing everything and therefore is a widely used narrator who helps to introduce and develop many characters and another of his characteristics is that he can judge by what someone important in the story could be. The observer narrator is similar to the Omniscient one with the difference that he narrates in a more neutral way and without judging the characters. The Informant Narrator This tells the story in a very literal way as if it were a report.

narrative tenses Past the most used time to write stories and the main advantage is being able to make jumps in time. Present is a little more limited with what can be told but it allows a greater closeness with the reader, it is not as used as the previous one but that depends on the type of story that you want to tell Future is not very useful and is almost never used, but it should be clarified that narrating a story in the future is not the same as setting a story in the future. Finally I want to talk about the types of writers COMPASS AND MAP The Map writer is the one who needs to capture the story in plans from its point of origin to the end. I see him as an architect who, in order to make a building, must have all the plans with every detail. It is very common and, above all, highly recommended for writers. rookies. The Compass writing is one that begins to write with a clear argument and adapts any changes on the fly, this style of writing is generally used by expert writers, which is not a style that is recommended to a person who is starting to write . The same must be said that regardless of the writing style there is a previous work before writing.

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The Parts Of A Book. 1-Cover, the presentation where the name of the book stands out. 2- Loin 3- Back cover, short summary 4- Second cover or Portadilla, where the legal part of the book goes. 5-Dedication, which goes to the beginning 6-The index but this is unusual in a novel. 7-Preface, goes to the beginning and can be written by the author and deals with the reason that made him write. 8- Introduction, it is always written by the author and it is about a justification and a brief explanation of how the book is going to be. 9- Epigraph, is a famous phrase taken from another author, or a poem, or song that has to do with the atmosphere regarding the story. This is one of the elements that are not mandatory and therefore not all books have it. 10- Epilogue, it is written by the author and it goes to the end, it is a kind of alternative ending or as seen in the movies, a post-credit scene where you can see a little what happened next or a look at what may come. 11-Postface, it is a comment made at the end, generally by another author or some specialist, that is, if the book is set in the Second World War, it could be a comment made by a historian specialized in the subject of the Second World War. What about the chapters of a novel or the text or manuscript, well I will leave this part of the chapters for the next post after looking for more information about it, the information written here was obtained from reviewing some articles and videos about this topic. And the photo I took a while ago with my phone to my notebook.

This little investigation is not only due to the desire to learn about writing, I also have a challenge and that is to write a mystery story through weekly chapters, I hope to start next Friday, April 15.

very grateful to the entire read.cash community and to the comments and especially many thanks to my sponsor @ gertu13, I wish you all a wonderful happy weekend, EVERY DAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO LIGHT SOMETHING NEW.

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2 years ago


Que bonito es saber que Read.cash a impulsado esas ganas de escribir. Espero que logres llegar muy lejos y quien quita llegues a ser un escritor famoso.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Muy bien explicado todo; y lo que me parece más sincero es que estás utilizando tu propia experiencia. A mí particularmente me encanta prepararme como si estuviera hablándole a una serie de personas inteligentes que sé que me responden en forma adecuada; lo cual definitivamente ha ocurrido aquí mismo en esta plataforma y me preparo, sobre todo eso, prepararse.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

De eso hablamos de poder estar en un lugar, con personas que están haciendo cosas productivas y aprendiendo de los emprendimientos en la web, par ser mas inteligentes hay que estar cerca de otras personas inteligentes y mostrar el lado bueno de una red social.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's an extensive read. Indeed a lot of factors come into play when we write. Seems like you are on the right path :) Good luck!

$ 0.00
2 years ago