A Miracle story: plus celebration of our Saint
March 20
I wasn't active here lately because I have some errands that need to attend. My family and I visited the birthplace of my dear father. We decided to have our sleepover there so that we can attend the last Novena.
What is novena?
Novena (in the Roman Catholic Church) a form of worship consisting of special prayers or services on nine successive days.
Source: Oxford Dictionary
So, we went there last friday noon to the place where our grandmother and grandfather lived. It feels so good that I can visit again where I lived before. Yes, we lived before there and I finish my kinder and grade one on that place. Anyway, I was the one who decided to get there on that night so that we can attend the nineth day of novena.
As we went there, I quickly went to the altar where the saint located. I just want to see him again and let him know that we are here. Hehe of course, through prayer. Since, we get there early my parents prepared some food for our dinner. It's our bond as well to all my cousins, aunts and grannys. We really enjoy our dinner together with them. We took our dinner first before to start the prayer or the novena.
My grandmother who lead the prayer and we started the prayer together with our family. My father side is the one who has responsibility of this saints since this saints heirs by them with their ancestors. Actually, the house was already old and it composed of two household in one building. So, the vacant corner they build an altar.
This is the altar. As you can see why the saints is so small.
Here are the story according to my grannnys:
Way back before centuries, their ancestors walks around the seashore and I don't know what's the reason why they went on that seashore. While walking down on that place, they saw a piece of glass. Yeah, it was just a glass and their ancestor put it and have that as souvenier. It was just a glass without any carving of a portrait. This glass put in any places at it even put in the nest. Since they don't know about the glass they were just put it anywhere.
As time goes by, they already saw a drawing on it. Seems like a drawing without any color and it is just a line. While they tend to visualize it, it is something like a christ. So, they were startled and started to put it in a good place where it could be belong in the altar. Still, the glass was in the old house where my grandparents lived now. They said that it is something a miracle on this piece of glass.
Years had passed, it is actually be seen. His face and his body started to pull out and literally it was bolded. Like as what said to my lolo, he even used the stick of matches just to clean the side of this glass and there's no any color. They were just put it in the altar and have his light on it.
They name it as Saint Joseph and they even don't know that is actually a saint Joseph because the face of the saint was like Jesus Christ when time goes up.
Whenever his feast will be celebrated every March 19 he will really shine and his color autimatically shown. Like yesterday, we can really seen his eyes is blue, his cheeks blushing, his hair truly brown and his scarf is purple.
Glory to God by these miracle.
As you can see, it was broken above on his head because they said this glass keeps on falling.
As what lolo said again, that this stick that he holds it will have a flower.
It was really a miracle saints on a glass.
Yesterday, we celebrated his feast and we able to have a novena again and as well as mass to be followed.
Blessed the Lord our family where you are there who look for us and you even blessed us with miracles. You keep watching us through your light and you lift it up.
Our saint which our family is very grateful and blessedful by having you our saint in the house. May you guide us from the rest of our life. Amen.
A fairly common tradition here too, it's beautiful how traditions, religions, philosophy of life break borders.