Could we always consider that the battle is bigger than just an instincts, when our worrying factions fractures like fractions by our divisions putting ourselves over each other and multiplying by our differences....leaves nothing tangible when we allow our minds to be consumed with fear of absolutely an unknown factor.
It feels improper when we worry over every slightest thing that come by us, let me put together something "being in the world means you are a being in the world" whatever you feel is yours, don't allow tension to deprive you of have every rights to feel the way you do but where you may highlight this feelings may be much more worse with a part of your problem still present.
So you have lived in a world searching to find something and the more things are opening up to you you'd eventually come to the bottom of the facts and then hold!, you become at war with yourself. Sometimes you shouldn't put your entore life and vision in just a space or a box, feel free to blend and adapt to everything new.
This the part where I loose followers,but can you really interject an opinion without getting scared? If you feel it is right, why not proceed. Ever since BCH has been present many people have characterised it as a scam, because they are scared of committing time and efforts....maybe it will all vanish suddenly. But the people who stayed can still conform its credibility till now, and I am one of them.
Have you tried talking to someone about read and noice before and they will be like "leave that thing man it's all a scam" never even tried or been there before to make that kind of line. Sometimes we have to sacrifice a lot in the process to achieve what we want or desire, tension will only make you stay idle for a long time without opening your eyes and understanding to what is right there.
Let us all try out something today, a small practical " pick up a rubber band, pull it up and use it against something that is falling apart. You will see that a rubber band is useless if not pulled at both sides and always effective when at war with itself" there will be forces that cause you to maybe give up or may scare the hell out of you but if you get distracted and miss out on what is coming by you may loose your grip.
Questioning its usefulness, "are our minds judgements of our limitations? Do we always see everything as little as others see it till it blooms without our notice? What is your right way to ease up life tension?" I know you will think this is pertaining to what is happening or what has been happening throughout yesterday but not exactly...this is a long life question because from now everything changes with the decisions you make.
By answering these questions, I will like you to remember the last time you where confronted with something and you disapproved cause you where afraid..., then you regretted not taking that opportunity long lost...the cost of everything achieved today is fear, nothing happens at first without being scared of the possibilities of failure...that is what you pull in, then next is to have a rethink and likewise see the other side of the spectrum.
What do we then do in this condition?
Firstly you've got to do your research first, if it's something that wouldn't last long or be sufficient you can pull out. No harm in trying though, secondly manage it and control it.....don't be swift to reject or accept an offer.
The way I would handle tension, is to sleep over it....I don't know why I always choose to do that, but I can make my decisions if I hold back and inquire more I could be at peace with myself.
In conclusion
No one is beyond having doubts, but you solidly do not have a choice when it's not much of your capital investment but your time and may need to reconsider. Three words from the start factions, fracture and fractions take note of it....
That will be all for now, thank you for staying with and reading through.
This is still @KingGozie I love you all.
Like the 4p to anger management, we have the 3F now.. Its nice learning from you