An Interview With Success Final Chapter (3)
So this is the final point to this great and wonderful event of meeting with the wealthiest person on earth, and this time it will be all him building up a wonderful speech for us all to listen to.. firstly we would like to bring on stage the mighty success and then the lights dimmed, all eyes facing directly in anticipation of answering every questions thrown..
From a recap last two sessions we had months ago where I literally asked a very conflicting question about who are the ones succeeding and what are key areas for me to deal with, your words did a greet job but it never stopped with only listening but applying in my daily life as well.. One thing I will never stop doing will be to relent when I ought to stand firm through the trial period. We loved you for sharing a bit of what you went through to be who you are, known all over the world..
I have some questions to ask you; How does someone who has been through all the huddles of life make wealth and not lose it all? The next question is who really are the successful people and what qualifies one to be successful in all areas?”..
Slowly adjusting the seat with lots of answers ready to be spilled, he came up with a strategy to hold onto what you have so as not to lose it, write your schedule deal with your schedule and lastly utility.. If you notice that you have made quite a few bucks, don’t feel over the world and start running towards things that don’t matter presently. For me to be where I am today it’s all through planning and understanding what and what not to do.. anybody can be a successful person, it depends on what the pattern is to everyone success journey..
I looked over at the crowd before me and everyone stopped and where very attentive to what was altered by ‘success’.. then said again; it takes time to grow and live in proper maintenance with a wrong mindset, we all know wealth can occur in any way if we become too carried away by trying to do the wrong things we fail.. This will always be the period when everything good comes by, I will even advice you to lock your funds away for sometime till your head is all clear and ready to work with it this will make a lot impact not just to your present but your future.
Asking about everyone here on readcash how far they’ve become now and if there are positive growth changes.. I told this person of my many supportive friends and clearly wants to you all. The last question before I finally break it all and say a proper goodbye will be to ask when is the right timing and how long can I wait to be successful ?”
Do you trust me success replied; I have retained my name for 40 years of my life because anyone needing advice comes to me directly to gain knowledge of how to be me, some would listen but majority don’t and the more I teach them these things the more I become wealthier.. it shows that whatever yea finds to do, do it diligently and with all your heart and be ready to face the heat. But you will pass through and overcome when you know what to do.. in that case that was how newer discoveries came into play..
You can’t wait for ages before you tell yourself that it’s the right time, at a young age you can be successful and unstoppable.. tidy up your goals and ambition and be ready to take them outside your zone.. I will always be around when you need me, You all can be just like me.. after all being said I told so much of my progress till date and there’s a lot of improvements but still needs a lot of work..
I hope you all enjoyed my interview with success and Learnt something new and fresh.. It’s not easy to be just like that but not impossible.. Hope to see all of us breaking bounds and becoming better in all aspect of life..
Lead image;
March 8th, 2022
Keep working on what you can now in reaching your goals. Keep learning for what works. Dreams change so is the process of achieving your goals. No matter what, just keep going.