Bitcoincash endless possibilities

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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago

PUBLISHED :- 29 November 2021

Yesterday I got a voice note from a friend I introduced to and He asked this and I quote

“ Levi how far , apart from selling your earned BCH for cash what else can you use BCH for ? Can I buy with it ? Or trade or anything like that”

I was so happy that he asked me that question because it just shows how much dedication and focus he has as regards his BCH ventures. I sent back a voice note to him but it was kind of too long because I just couldn’t stop talking about BCH. I had a lot to tell him, honestly it is just so exciting for me to see myself talking about BCH and smartBCH like I am already a master of it meanwhile my whole journey started just 3 months ago..

I promised him I was going to write an article to help and every other person wondering what else they can do on the BCH network chain. So without any delay I am going to discuss a few things I have done with my BCH earnings in the past 3 months..

SmartBCH possibilities

I can’t and won’t talk about all these great possibilities and endless opportunities that Bitcoincash brings to the table without talking about smartBCH it is just impossible.

First thing first ..SmartBCH tokens … the likes of $EBEN, $CATS ,$KONRA, $HONK, $MILK, $MIST and many more with DEX likes BENSWAP MISTSWAP and MEUSLISWAP are available to all BCH holders. Also I just learnt that 1BCH DEX has just launched you can access their DEX via this link
These tokens are just so many and that is the beauty of it, smartBCH offers a variety of token in which Bitcoincash enthusiasts can invest in, and for me that is just brilliant.

This is not a compete list of all the tokens but this is what My phone could capture … click image for source


Personally, I was so blown away by the idea of smartBCH tokens up to the point where I invested my first month earnings on here and put together to get some smartBCH tokens. I remember it’s was around 56$ or so. I got a few $EBEN at $2.722 and some $sBUSD at $1.103 with intension of holding and selling later when the price goes higher. Unfortunately for me in weeks to come $EBEN fell to about $0.3 so did $sBUSD. I felt bad but of course I knew $EBEN was a token I could my trust on and right now it’s rising and has even been listed on coinmarketcap already.

My advice before you invest or put your money into any smartBCH project please DYOR ( do your own research) because recently some bad people have been trying to sabotage the efforts of honesty smartBCH enthusiasts with the introduction of fake tokens that have rug-pulled with so many investors money. So please be as careful as possible not to fall for their tricks , although I am sure the smartBCH teams and other enthusiast on here and are working tirelessly to make sure that this scammers do not repeat this diabolic act again.

So yeah .. you can buy and hold smartBCH token using metamask wallet the past I have written Articles on easy ways to send BCH from your Bitcoincash wallet to your smartBCH wallet(metamask).. you can check them out here if you are a newbie to the smartBCH community.👇🏻

Apart from buying and holding tokens till the price rise so that you can resale you can also…


Immediately I bought some $EBEN on BENSWAP DEX, I immediately staked them. What is staking? Well let me try to explain in the way I understand it ..

Staking is basically putting your token in the smartBCH bank after which it immediately starts compounding there increasing in value. When I started my smartBCH journey I staked over 23 $EBEN and since then I have made close to additional 5$EBEN token bring my total available $EBEN to 29$EBEN token available on my metamask wallet.

Apart from $EBEN you can also stake $MIST on MISTSWAP DEX and $MILK on MEUSLISWAP DEX like I did. Just go on your metamask wallets browser type in the your desired DEX address connect your wallets and start staking ..


If by now you don’t know what an NFT is or haven’t heard about NFTs then you must either be very new to the crypto verse or you might live under a rock. Okay I think I would go with the first option if that is the case well not to worry check this out

and then come back to this article, if not .. then let’s continue..

The BCH network offers opportunities for creators and investors to buy and hold NFTs…There are a lot of NFT projects that on the BCH network like Lawpunk NFTs , CAT NFTs and FATCAT NFTs.

The most popular of them all Lawpunks NFTs gives one the opportunity to stake and upgrade when they buy. Some popular lawpunks NFTs are zombie law punk, the vampire law punk and many more…

The first is listed for just 3.75 Bch and the second is listed for 1.5bch as of the time of drafting the article the prices might go higher in the future .. you can purchase them on blockNG. You can also stake $CATS NFTs and it can also be sold on OASIS. Finally the FAT CAT NFTs can go for as low as 0.01bch cool right ? Investors could buy and hold for as long as possible.

Another thing that caught my attention some days ago after reading sir @nurain ‘s article titled update on the Bitcoincash nigeria flipstarter campaign was the part in the video where he talked about

Merchant adoption

Screenshot from video

The idea behind merchant adoption is to use bitcoin cash as money. In some other countries provisions have been made for Bitcoincash owners to use P2P (peer-to-peer) to pay food goods directly to Bitcoincash merchant, even some countries have Bitcoincash ATMs.

Now after watching that video I was so interested in this merchant adoption, imagine going into a store in Nigeria and after shopping for goods you can just pay via your wallet easy and simple. Wouldn’t that just be glorious ??huh

Also the merchant cash adoption is creating an atmosphere where traders of any kind can conduct businesses and make payment using Bitcoincash .. the problems associated with this are

  • Merchant education

  • Bitcoincash peer-to-peer liquidity and

  • Merchant tools and support.

Of which the teams across the world have taken these things into consideration and are providing the services to tackle these “problems” to help Bitcoincash merchants all thanks to the help of the @SatoshisAngels

I made a comment under the post that I was interested in becoming a Bitcoincash merchant just like how @HappyBoy proclaimed some days ago via all his social media handles that all his cash transactions henceforth should be carried out using only Bitcoincash .. and honestly I think that is a great idea.

Here is a video as posted by Mr @nurain on the Bitcoincash Nigerian flipstarter campaign

Other opportunities of Bitcoincash ..

Earn BCH by playing games online for fun..

You can also play fun games online with your friends on Axie-infinity. If you want to know more about that check out @PVMihalache ‘s article on how to go about that …👇🏻

Closing thoughts

There are so many other BCH projects and prospects that I didn’t mention here maybe because I am still learning more about them but be rest assured BCH is a game-changer and I feel very blessed to be part of something this huge and innovative..

Thank you for your time I know this was quite a long one but thanks for sticking with me to the end …stay safe and support

Plagiarism check

Every word in this ARTCLE is 100% unique and originally written by jumper.

©2021 jumper

$ 4.62
$ 4.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.07 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.05 from @CoquiCoin
+ 9
Sponsors of Jumper-01
Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago


BCH is the currency of the future, though I'm not playing axie because of chance, I believe that is a good project.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah nice one bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This was actually informative, I still have questions though

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Come to my dm 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is an event circling around, a writing contest I believe about "My Smart BCH contest". I believe GarethGrey shared it yesterday in here. Why don't you submit an entry there? Winners will get 1BCH,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I have heard of it and I have an article in my draft already .. it’s just I haven’t really had a new SmartBCH encounter .. because normally I writer from experience and inspiration but I would try my best to come up with something.. thanks for the heads up ma 🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow, I hope you won there!.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well described of possibilities with full detailed note on each and every angle. It gives bundle of knowledge to newbie like me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh welcome to Bitcoincash world you would enjoy your stay

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Merchant adoption is already happening in Nigeria and some merchants around the country are already accepting BCH as a means of payment, I just hope it spreads wide in the nearest future

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I want to be a merchant too self

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oww very informative post coming from you. This is my first time knowing this. And thanks a lot to you dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow thank you for your kind words .. you flatter me 🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This article is full of vital information, I really like the breaking down of everything. Keep it up bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you original i want to be like you my oga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well explained and very Informative. Indeed, there are so many things that we can do to our earnings in BCH.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah a lot of things .. so many opportunities

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very good and you explained a lot.. truly it is endless opportunities and we just need to see things differently more often…. I may not even be at 1% in use of all of the possibilities but I’m sure going to get into the game fully.. thank you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yea me too thank you for stopping by gozie

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you resume, you go take me through nft I really want to know more about it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No problemo I got you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow So informative I’ll make sure to reread so to understand better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah bro this was for you

$ 0.00
2 years ago