Sibling Rivalry

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

August 14, 2021

 I recently watch a Netflix series entitled Zero Chill.

It is about a family of four, a father, a mother and a pair of twins. Both twins are into ice skating. The boy, Mac, is into hockey and the girl, Kayla, is into figure skating. They live in Canada and when Mac was offered a training with a famous hockey player in England, the family has to relocate to England. Without giving Kayla a choice. Although they support her figure skating but they give more priority to hockey.

They have this family motto: Home is wherever we’re together. Hence, wherever hockey brings Mac, Kayla is always the one to sacrifice. This create a sibling rivalry.

As an onlooker I cannot blame Kayla for being hurt and make nuisances as a result of the unfairness of the situation

Sibling rivalry is sort of a competition between brothers and sisters or siblings. This usually occurs when there are more than one child in the family.

It is very common for siblings to fight especially with regards to toys, food or attention.

The above mentioned story is just about a brother and a sister, how much more if there are more children in the family.

I have a first-hand experience in sibling rivalry. I come from a large family. I have a sister and three brothers. You just cannot prevent jealousy from being happening within the family especially if the parents shows their preference too.

Yeah, I admit that I am jealous of my sister as I can always hear my mother comparing me against her. She always admires my sister to others in front of me. Who wouldn’t be jealous of that? But at least I have my father to run to. That is why I am a papa’s girl.

Can parents be blamed too for sibling rivalry? I think they should be if they don’t put a stop to it or they themselves lit fire into it.

As a parent myself, I try to bring balance into how I treat my children so that there will be no sibling rivalry. But no matter how I tried, I can still see rivalry within my girls. My eldest is a proud one and she is always the one putting a wall from her sisters. At least the two younger ones does not harbor anger and are humble, they just brush it off and wait for their elder sister to be okay again.

What can a parent do when there is sibling rivalry in the family?


Parents should not get involved as much as possible. We should only step in when there is danger of physical harm. And if ever we did interfere, resentment might be developed and could foster more sibling rivalry. On the other hand, the child that is being favoured might feel that they can always get away with more. It would be best to encourage the kids to resolve the problem themselves.


As parents, it is our role to make our kids get along all the time. It is our role to set simple ground rules for an acceptable behavior. Such as no name-calling, no cursing, no bad words.

It won’t be wrong too if you have fun together as a family. Family bonding is the best. Spending time together really helps. May it be watching a movie, playing board games… something that involves all the members of the family. This is to establish a peaceful way of spending time together and help reduce conflict.

Sibling rivalry may not only be between brothers and sisters. It could be a daughter against friends, catching attentions from her father. Or can this be called sibling rivalry?

Per Mr. Google, Sibling rivalry is another type of competition or animosity among siblings, whether blood-related or not. 

Back to the Netflix series, Zero Chill. The coach of the Hockey team has a daughter who was forced by her mother to be a figure skater but all she wants was to join her father’s hockey team. But her father has no eyes for her. He only has heart for his team of boys.

He shows how he cares for the team in front of her daughter and this made her daughter jealous. Her rivals are a bunch of boys. Her mother did not help either as she is being forced to practice figure skating. But at least this girl is strong-willed. When she was full of her mom, she put her mom in place. She also talked out to her father who eventually gave her a chance to join the team during practice but put her in bench during games.

In the end she told her father that she is done. She is done getting her father’s attention and she quits. This makes her father realized what he had done to his daughter and he finally make amends.

Sometimes there is a need for us to confront what bothers us and speak up. Communication does plays a big role in repairing family factions and misunderstanding.

That's all for now folks!

Thanks for dropping by.

Plagiarism checked!

I am forever grateful to these beautiful people who extends their support and love. You guys ROCK!

Thanks for the 🧡🧡🧡.

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


We're 6 siblings at di talaga mawawala yung favoritism sa family. Alam kong mahal nila kami lahat pero mas may pinagtutuunan talaga ng pansin. Nakaka sadddd to the highest level. 😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its completely normal for kids to fight each other. I remember I and my elder sister used to fight a lot while growing up. Now we don't do so anymore cos we already understand each other and we're basically grown beyond irrelevant fights. We were like rivals before. But not anymore.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, we're like that with my siblings. Eventually we all matured and have an understanding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naalala ko tuloy yung araw na isinigaw ko lahat frustrations ko kay papa haha..tapus naglayas. Pro after nun..nagbago si papa..cguro napagtanto nya mga kasalanan nya

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Minsan dapat din pagsabihan ang mga magulang. Hindi lahat ng panahon sila ang tama. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The worst thing that could happen in a home is for parent to prefer one child over another. You are causing rival against the children and it can make them hate each other. There should be equal treatment and balance with each child.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, so true. That is why parents should not interfere with child quarrels unless something can cause physical harm to the kids.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are three siblings. We are good in different ways but I never experienced my parents compared us to each other or maybe it had before but it didn't persists. I guess we are all together growing, but we have grown different and that difference seems say a lot to why we should never be compared. I feel bad for those who experience this as children should be treated the same or the treatment should be balancing especially when they are still growing up

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is good for your family to be all treated equal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perhaps because of our age gaps there really wasn't any sibling rivalry among us three girls. My Dad was mostly away for work while we were growing up and my mom was busy running the household so there wasn't any chance to play favorites. Besides, as the eldest, I liked taking care of my younger siblings so we just developed a good relationship. But I have been witness to families where siblings were competing for attention, and it was not pleasant.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's great!

Yeah, it is indeed unpleasant if there are siblings rivalry especially if until the old age they are still competing. I know of one like this, they are so old already, my grandmothers or rather my father's aunts. One died without speaking to her other siblings. So sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They must have disagreed over something monumental to take it to the grave.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe, I was still young then, I don't understand the works of the adults. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Especially from their era... hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di talaga maiiwasan yang rivalry kapag sa mga mag kakapatid, lalo na yung favoritism, parents tends to compare their children kasi so naiisip ng bata na ay mas magaling si ate sakin, ay mas maganda si bunso, sorry hahha experience ko na kasi so ayun sana iwasan na yung ganyang culture na pagkokompara. Thanks din to your suggestion, would help a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dapat po talaga pag may comparison na nangyayari ay huwag ng gagatungan ng iba at dapat itigil na agad. Minsan po doon kase talaga nagsisimula yung kapag kino-compare sila sa isa't isa. And strongly agreed po ako saga suggestion nyo on how to prevent siblings rivalry.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So true, dapat walang maki-alam kasi yung mga bata pag nag aaway, sila rin ang makipag bati agad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Opo tama po kase pag pinakielaman mas lalo lang sya lalala.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I might watch that movie. Every time I try to watch something, I always end up coming here or to noise and then forget all about the movie :D

There never was a rivalry among us siblings. I guess we were raised to share what is there and work on what you want to get it since we were too many that my mom can't look after us all by herself so we have to learn to be more independent.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are one of the lucky ones then. 😁 That's great!

$ 0.00
2 years ago