Questions... Again!

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

August 10, 2021

 Yesterday I answered random questions from the 200 Questions To Know Someone in my article Monday and Questions.

Providing you the link should you want to read it.

I finished and published the article late at night, I think it was almost ten in the evening that I have it published.

I was still thinking of the bunch of questions that I read in the 200 Questions to know someone when suddenly my mind drift off to @Panky’s BCH Lottery. Every day @Panky asked random questions and he raffled off numbers according to commenters.

For more information here is @Panky’s article about his BCH Lottery. Hope you’ll find time to join too.

I tend to compare the questions found in 200 Questions to know someone against Panky’s questions. I find Panky’s questions more friendly and more fun while those from 200 Questions are quite serious

He started his BCH Lottery more than a month ago and luckily I get to join on the last day of the first week and won the lottery. Talking about good luck.

I first learned of his lottery thru the link above and decided to join right away. So I logged in at noise and answered his 7th day question.

The question was “country you’d like to visit”.

My answer to this is Ireland. This is because I so fell in love of Ireland upon reading Nora Robert’s books.

And of course when I am there I might as well visit other surrounding countries.

I was the 19th commenter on that post and luckily the wheel of numbers stopped at number 19. Yey, I won on my very first entry.

I tried to join every day, but forgetfulness has its own mind.

Here’s a few more of his questions that I have answered.

And I won again but using a new noise account as the old one was spammed. The question was to finish his sentence: I went to the shop to buy some….

I finished this with…. Chips and dips. It’s movie night and we need some snacks.

This is a very lucky draw as the jackpot price reached $2.48 which he upvoted in my latest post in noise. Thank you so much @Panky.

His latest question: Desert Island – take 1 item only…

This makes me think so hard. In the end cutting off boredom is what make me answer a crochet set. I don’t know if this qualifies, as a crochet set is compose of a yarn and a hook - that's 2 items. Crossing my fingers for another win.

It would be better if you head on to his noise account to know more of his questions. I just wrote down a few as I haven’t gotten yet his permission on this. I left a comment thou.

200 Questions To Know Someone

So I will try again the 200 questions but this time from the second set which is questions for friends.

What gets you fired up?

Coffee gets me fired up early in the morning. Lively music does as well especially when I get bored with my work. I would love to dance to a few steps just to get fired up. Sometimes thinking of the end product gets me fire up too.

What makes a good life?

Others may say when they are rich and others say when they are famous, that makes a good life.

For me it’s FAMILY. The strong bond of the family, the memories that we made together that made life worthwhile.

What irrational fear do you have?

Well, I have written about fear, you can read it here.

Feathered animals would be my answer to that.

What is one or two of your favorite smells?

1 - I love the smell of flowers, roses, specifically.

2 - My favorite perfume is Pleasure by Estee Lauder.

Have you ever given to any charities?

I may have… hahaha… this is for me to know and my God to cheer.

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

When my staff tells me “You’re the best” every time I get to solve her problems or when I suggest a solution to a difficult situation they are in.

What do you spend the most time thinking about?

Lately, its what topics to write in

I also have some morbid thoughts. Every time I feel something not good in my body especially from the start of the pandemic, I thought of something bad to happen. Then I will think of my family that I will leave behind.  Sometimes I turn around my thoughts to happy ones so that I cannot overthink.

That makes 10 questions for today.

I need to stop.  I think I am having a brain freeze. It just won’t cooperate with me right now.

I hope to get better inspiration tomorrow. Until then…

Thanks for dropping by.

Thanks for the 🧡🧡🧡.

Lead image by Unsplash.

$ 10.13
$ 8.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.50 from @Panky
$ 0.10 from @Bjorn
+ 10
Sponsors of Judith1969
Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


Being told with "You're the best" is really rewarding. My kids used to tell me this.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It makes our heart jump with joy. 😁😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Funny enough, I am just hearing about the lottery thing and I might have to read his post to join...if I can still join.

So you are also a coffee lover? Hahaha. I seem to have a lot of coffee lovers around me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana mkapunta dnako ng Ireland 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

congratulations in hitting the jackpot in noise,, keep it up maam, and thank you for this article newbie here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ma'am Judith it is our family to have a good life. I love Korea and Hollywood..🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ireland is on my bucket list, too! And all because of how Nora Roberts paints it in her books!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations Dear to win the jackpot ! :) Please help me with what to write here on It is very difficult for me to find a topic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have received the best compliments from all of you guys here and in noise. Thank you!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Isama mo ko pagpunta mo ng Ireland, ate hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure, mag save tayo para dyan. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako di pede sa perfume lalo pag strong ang scent pati yun too sweet.. Allergy attack hahhaha. Oo ganda din kc ng ireland.. Aq sa korea 🥰❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

naku ingat ka sa pag gamit ng perfumes then. Gusto din ng mga anak ko sa Korea. Yan ang nasa top list ngayon. Ang mahal kasi ng airfare para sa Europe. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago