She's Finally Home!
Hello there, healthy read cash peeps!
How's it going? What a blessed morning, everyone! I hope you guys have a blessed day ahead. As for me, it is indeed a blessed morning for all of us because, finally, our grandma is home with us.
I have shared it here what happened to our grandma, and it was a very traumatizing day for all of us, and it's too hard to forget in our memory as it already sticks in our memory the moments it happened to our grandma. Our grandma had a stroke while she was taking a bath, and we only found out when the water was already flooding the kitchen area. And if it wasn't for the water, we wouldn't be able to know that she was already unconscious. The doctor even said that if we didn't get him to the hospital early, she might end up doa. But thank God that she didn't turn off the faucet and it flooded the kitchen area.
After so many days of staying in the hospital, she's finally home. It's so sad because we couldn't visit her when she was in the hospital because they wouldn't allow visitors because of the COVID-19 restrictions. They only allowed one person per patient, and that person could no longer go out. She was admitted to the city hospital, and our only way of communicating is through video call. Our aunt was the one who looked for her and our uncle, who lives in the city, served as her contact in the outside world. Our uncle was the one who gave our aunt what she needed, and he would simply hand the items to the security guard, who would then deliver them to our grandmother's room.
The sad thing is when our grandma says that she's upset because no one visited her in person, not even a single one. We explained to her that we couldn't visit her because the hospital wouldn't allow us. Every time we video call, her memory is not as sharp as before. She started to lose her memory and she keeps calling names for the person who's not even there. She can already talk a little, only a few small words. She'll smile if she hears something that she knows.
On Monday, our aunt called to say that they would be home. When our grandpa knew that our Lola would be home, he was so excited and he even told us to clean the house and everything. You can tell through his eyes how much he misses our grandma. When our aunt called to say that they were on the way, we all waited outside the house waiting for them. Our other relatives came in and also waited for our grandmother's return.
They arrived at exactly 7 pm, and when our grandpa saw our grandma on a stretcher, his tears started falling. He went close to our Lola and kissed her forehead. He really misses our grandma so much. It's a precious scene to see how strong their love for each other is. They are each other's strength, and they will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this June.
Our grandma is now bedridden, but she can move her hands slowly. She was asleep when they arrived, and she woke up when it was already 9 p.m. When she opened her eyes, we can tell that she wondered where she was. Maybe she thought that she was still in the hospital. We told her that she's already at home with us, her family. The sad thing is she didn't know any of us, not even our Lolo, her husband. And we understand it's because of the medicine that affects her memory.
But the next day, she remembers and knows some of us. But she still calls me, who's not even here. When I ask her if she knows me, she smiles and nods at me. She'll smile and nod if she knows who the person is.
Last night, our grandpa lay down beside grandma and kissed her lips and bid her goodnight.
A precious scene for a precious couple ❣️.
Thank you for your prayers everyone! May God showers you with bountiful blessings.
Praying for your grandma's full recovery. God will make a way for that. So, trust him. He will do the rest.