Ask Me: "Get to Know Me More!"

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago

Hello there, awesome reading cash peeps. How are you guys? I hope you guys had a great day and the time of your lives. Let’s treasure every moment and second of it because our life is precious and we don’t know when our time will come to leave everything behind. Anyway, I had a great day when I opened my eyes in the morning because the first thing that I saw when I woke up was the sunlight’s reflection from the window and the sun rays that got through the window, which makes it look so magical.

It is truly a great and blessed day because, after all those never-ending heavy rainfall days, Mr. Sun finally showed up and greeted us with his warm hug early in the morning. Even though there are still some areas in our neighboring places that are still covered in water and still flooded, so far there has already been progressed with everything, especially on the roads where it needs to be fixed right away since it’s a highway.

Okay, let's set aside the typhoon first. For today’s topic, you will get to know me more as I will be sharing some things about myself and random things that I like and hate. I saw this post in my news feed as I was scrolling. It was a shared post from my friend, and there were lots of people engaging in it. I thought to myself that maybe I should try it. But I don’t want to post and share it on my Facebook timeline because I hate replying to them. So it gave me an idea. I will be making an article out of it because I’m more comfortable sharing it here with you guys than on other social media.

So, buckle up and let’s head to Jini’s world of imagination!

Do you exercise lately?

Sad to say, "NO." But I do lift barbels with both hands, but only if I want to. But most of the time, I don’t want to because I get busy and no longer have time to do exercise. But if I have free time, I lift barbels and do stretching since I’ve been sitting and staring at my computer screen recently.

1 meme for your life right now.

This meme right here explains my situation right now. Like, literally. I have been in my room all day, sitting and staring at my computer’s screen for a long time. I only stand up if it’s time to eat or if I have to go to the bathroom. I literally look like a shrimp right now. And it’s funny because as I was typing this one, this is exactly what my position looks like, and yeah, I know it’s too funny to imagine what I look like. Just imagine that photo is me staring at my computer. LOL.

How's your mental health? 

My mental health right now is floating somewhere in the void of never-ending darkness. Well, honestly, I've been so stressed lately to the point that sometimes I skipped meals all the time and I didn't even feel hungry at all. My body's getting so low already and I, myself, can feel it and can sense that there's something wrong with me. As you may have noticed, my abrupt disappearance from and sometimes on this platform, it's because I feel demotivated to interact. Not just in the virtual world, but in the real world as well. I just stayed in my room with the company of my computer. But I've been trying to push myself back again because I don't want to stay in that void again because it just makes me go crazy.


Do you like yourself now?

I love myself. I truly am. But sometimes we all have that moment when we feel like we hate ourselves, especially when insecurities and anxieties attack and make us feel so small about ourselves. But having those moments in our lives is okay. It's okay to get insecure sometimes, but we should always be proud of what we are and what we have within ourselves because we are all unique in our own ways. We may not be perfect, no one is truly perfect and we all have flaws. But do you know what makes a person perfect? is someone who loves himself or herself confidently.


What annoys you the most?

You guys already know how much I hate kids. I have been sharing this with you for every article of mine that involves "Getting to know you" questions. And what annoys me the most? are the noises they make. I love kids that are so well-behaved and obedient and will listen to what we say. Unlike those kids who are so annoying and disrespectful to someone who's older than them. They said kids don't lie. Well, not now. 


How much do you drink a day?

I can drink 2 liters or more every day. Because I always drink water, like every hour. You guys should drink a lot of water too. Stay hydrated, everyone!


3 things you like to eat.

I've been craving these foods lately, but it sucks because every time I crave these foods I always run out of money. I've been craving for these foods: Dunkin's Choco Butternut, Hawaiian pizza, and Jollibee's spicy chicken joy! And just by imagining these foods as I was writing, this one makes my mouth water. lol.

Lead Image

Stay safe and stay hydrated everyone!

Sending warm hugs!


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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


Hi friends I hope this doesn't bother you. I grumbled a little lol, apparently you prefer to be in a calm state like me too but loneliness often makes me feel empty and bored because I'm often bored with the same situation constantly being faced that makes stress, what you feel is also almost similar to me maybe to get out of time -In times like this, we have to look for new air outside, such as looking at the state of nature and its surroundings so that when we return, the atmosphere of the place and room will be warm because we have lived for several hours.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are absolutely right. And thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. And by the way, we just had an overnight camp last Friday in the mountain!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Disrespectful kids also annoy me to the fullest hayst and I can really relate to that meme of yours hahhaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also don't exercise lately because of the same excuse you have: time! But I think I will start now to make out time for exercising, it's actually good to stay fit and keep in shape 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakita ko rin to. Baka sign na gagawa din ako hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natawanako dun sa meme eh, hahaha..

Pero wala naman yatang kids na di maingay beh, hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

okay lang naman sakin yung makulit ate, yung sobrang hate ko is yung mga disrespectful kids

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naku may mga ganyan bata talaga, sarap kurutin sa singit eh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko na talaga magpa full body massage kasi yung likod kooo huhuhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

taaa, magpa massage ta sis HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Langga sometimes stress talaga tayo kahit ako langga naiistress din minsan pero tuloy parin Langga. Laban lang tayo palagi. Oo nga Langga masarap din Choco Butternut yan kinakain din namin nung sa Cebu pa kami tas Hawaiian Pizza ng Albertos. Sobrang sarap niyan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

lami kaayo Hawaiian ate ay, maka crave ko everytime ma mention HAHAHA

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2 years ago

You do need to sit properly while in front of your pc haha. The shrimp meme made me LOL! And I love that you drink lots of water, I do too. Water is life, hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True ate, Water is Life! Hahaha let's stay hydrated ❣️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako din ayoko ng mga bata sa kalsada na madudungis at pala mura. Mas okay naman kapag makulit ka lang. Pero ayun nga, nako exercise ka na din minsan. Ako dati ganyan din ako super busy pero naghanap lang ng motivation tapos aun, working out na ko parati.

Magda dunkin talga ako sa easter wahahhaah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

nakapag dunkin kana ba sis? HAHAHA

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2 years ago

Last kong tikim sa dunkin donuts matagal tagal na while yung spicy chicken joy naman last month pa. Nagcracrave na rin tuloy ako AHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sakin naman yung sa dunkins last week tas yung spicy chicken joy is nong last February pa HAHAHA ka gutom tuloy huhu

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2 years ago

I cherish my mental health a lot. It's the top two priority in my body aside from spiritual health. I don't want to burnout myself or drained my body that my mental health cannot handle.

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2 years ago

hays, sana ganyan din ako noh :< But I always try my very best din naman

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2 years ago

Nayy. Natakdan kos imo craving maamsh. Wa may choco butternut diris duol uys

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2 years ago

hahahah pag palit na sis

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2 years ago

Ako dij yuko sa maingay na bata sarsp kusutin e hehe. Hmmm i just had Dunkin choco last night hehe

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2 years ago

mabilis akong mairita kapag sobrang ingay ng paligid ko eh

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2 years ago

Ako gusto ko magkababy.. Haha.. Tas pag naging naughty, papaluin nalang para matanggal pagka-irita ko. Bwahaha. Bad ko ba? Patience lang talaga pagdating sa kids sissy.

Anyways, may food na naman ako'ng nakita.😍 Yay! Gusto ko na naman kumain ba..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

trueeee patience is the key jud ate, kaya lang akong pasensya kay mas mubo pa sa akoang height HAHAHA

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2 years ago

Ako sad dae kapoyan ko maminaw og bata nga banha ,unya karon kay inahan naman ko ,need nakong sabton😅 Murag ganahan ko magsuwat ani duh kung ma empty napud akong utok😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha sapoton ko anang mga badlungon kaayo nga bata te unya dili maminaw storyahan, makalagot hahaha

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2 years ago