An obsession that leads to a horrifying death

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2 years ago
Topics: Hospital, Horror, Ghosts, Random, Write, ...

Before I proceed, I just want to apologize for not being able to visit your articles. It's because there's no internet connection again. And yeah, it sucks. I just ended up writing this to ease my boredom. Hope you'll like it. :)

This is the continuation of my previous post, "Do You Believe In Ghosts?" Feel free to read the first one if you haven't. I'd very much appreciate it. 

As Joe tells Mike about his covert ghost research, he persuades Mike to partake in the study alongside both of them. This proves to everyone that the spirits can be communicated with and that they are real. Mike remarked, "You're a surgeon, not a psychic." Joe then began informing Mike about the prestigious award they could gain if they could publish a book claiming that humans can communicate with the dead. It might be a huge accomplishment for both of them. But Mike wasn't convinced; he believes that looking for something that doesn't exist is a waste of time. Joe, on the other hand, would not let himself fail to persuade Mike.

"The ghost at the vending machine was my second ghost encounter, and it was your first. Now you're telling me that ghosts aren't real?" Joe stated this as he was trying to convince Mike. Joe's first encounter with a ghost is when it was the second night of his father's wake. A figure of a man appeared right in front of him, but he didn't see the face of it, but he was sure that it was his dad. Because of that, he was so thrilled to know more and encounter spirits. If they were able to successfully prove their theories, it would be a great achievement for them. All those hours worked for so many years would finally be paid off. They would be the first surgeons to prove such things. 

And because of that, Mike just couldn't say "No" to his best friend and decided to go with what Joe had been up to. He took his hand and then they both shook their hands in agreement. Right after that, they decided to go back to the vending machine where the ghost appeared right in front of their eyes. They'd been waiting for hours, but there were no unnecessary movements. It was 3:45 AM when one of the chairs suddenly moved when there was no air. They looked at each other and a sudden thought popped into their minds. 

The next morning, they went back to their meeting place, which was the old building. The ghosts that have been seen in photos uploaded on social media are all made up since the ghosts couldn't be seen on a camera. There are types of ghosts that are visible to the naked eye, while there are some that use things to scare people and to know that they're around. 

At night time, they went to the most haunted part of the hospital, which is an abandoned room or serves as a 'bodega' They went to see if there was any presence around or any movements. And all of a sudden, the drawers started to open and shut and a wheelchair started moving towards them. 


"We need someone," stated Joe. He thinks that those ghosts are just lost souls wandering around. Joe then suggested that there's a girl admitted in the hospital who won't last much longer. He wants Mike to make the girl his first girlfriend and make her fall for him, so that when the girl dies, she will surely come back because of Mike. But Mike disagrees with Joe's suggestion because it's absurd and it's too much. Using someone just for some research is too much for Mike. 


Their conversation was cut off as Mike's phone suddenly rang. When Mike answered the call, he froze for a second and then rushed back to the room where his mom was. When he arrived, the other doctor told him that they were able to save his mom for now, but that the situation was getting worse and maybe she wouldn't survive the second time around. "You have to choose." The doctor then patted Mike's shoulder and left.

His mom was admitted for seven years to the hospital where he works. He had seen his mother suffer so much since the day they arrived at the hospital. And perhaps it's time for his mother to let go and finally rest peacefully with no more pain to endure. He moved closer towards his mom and whispered something to her ear, then gently removed her oxygen. And when he removed it, the line went straight, indicating that his mother was finally gone. He then burst into tears, hugging his mother tightly. His mother was his only family left, and now it's already gone. 

Mike arrived at the hospital a few days later, emotionless and depressed. He went to their meeting place and said something to Joe that made Joe worried. As what you've said, in order for this research to be successful, someone needs to cross the afterlife, "Mike said with an emotionless expression. And as for him, that someone has to be him. Joe got close to Mike, with mixed emotions written on his face. "What are you talking about? Don't do that! " Joe was the one who brought Mike into this situation, and they shouldn't have gone to this point. "If anyone has to go, it should be me who goes to the afterlife. I'm the one responsible for this. I shouldn't have brought you into this. "


Mike insisted that his decision was final and he was ready no matter what the outcome was. Joe notices that Mike won't listen to him no matter what he says. "Okay, if that's what you want. But to make it fair, let's flip a coin. And if it's a tail, I'm going, but if it's a head, you're going. "Deal?" They both agreed with the decision and took a coin out of his pocket. Joe then started flipping the coin, and when it landed in Joe's palm, when Joe opened his palm, they both stared at each other.


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Jini's Note:

Hola! Thanks for reading. You can always hit the Like and Subscribe buttons if you want to.

Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


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2 years ago
Topics: Hospital, Horror, Ghosts, Random, Write, ...


Ate I don't know but it seems the story is familiar with me. Or maybe I just read and watch horror movies a lot. I like the plot though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayaaan na naman sila sa pabitin na story huhu. Mamsh baka naman gusto mo ng i publish next part.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love reading about ghosts stories, and I am glad na may kasunod pa hehe waiting 🤩.. buti hindi ko binasa to at night. Ahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAH nindot pag gabie gi basa, para mas thrill

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, it's good that I'm not reading it at night because it did leave me with that feeling of fear, which is not very pleasant. However, I loved reading your article and the emotions they used in me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also prefer reading horror stories at night because it makes the story more interesting and it gives off eerie vibes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang galing talaga nito mambitin andun na ee. Next na agadddddd

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha sana di ako tamarin mag sulat ate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Who's going? Why do they stare at each other? Is there a continuation of the story ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

what do you think is why they're staring at each other? haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And I am reading this at 12:25 am. How in thee world can I go to sleep?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAHA Literally the perfect time to read horror stories

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmmmm scared of ghost now reading at 12 am HAHHAHAHAH give me goosebumps

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAHA It makes the story more interesting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, I am already depressed up and after reading this I am now curious. Hehe, why you ended this in suspense. I was reading this in a very serious way and was thinking it will end today. Btw, story is ended or next part is coming?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha Honestly, I thought of ending it last night, but my hands get tired hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, okay no worries. I will wait for the next part.

$ 0.00
2 years ago