Is Crypto Really Dead? | My Thoughts

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1 year ago

We know that everything can happen overnight. In a snap, crypto can be gone. What will happen if this will come true?

I wrote this blog in connection to what I wrote last time. You can check it here. Since the collapse of FTX, which lead to the brutal bloody market, some people on the internet began chanting "crypto is dead". Some withdrew their money from the exchange platforms because of fear. Well, I do not blame them.

Users from Binance withdrew a staggering amount of $1.35 billion in one day after the collapse of FTX. You can read more of the news here.


Here is a column by Chetan Bhagat. I found this on Twitter.

Well, as a small fry like me, it will not really affect the whole crypto world if I do something about my portfolio.

Personally, I will be sad and devastated. I invested some of my hard-earned money in crypto in the hopes that I will earn some. I do not expect to be a whale. Little drops of earnings are just enough for me. That is how shallow my happiness is. I just do not like my money to go below what I invested.

Also, for me, crypto's transparency and decentralization can combat a lot of corruption and transparency issues.

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I truly believe that one day Web3 will dominate the game. Decentralization makes you the true owner of your account. You have the power to decide what to do with your account. Also, it is like a public space. Everyone can see you, everyone has a copy of the data, thus no one can tamper it. Don't you like that?

Doubts crept to me (of course I am a human being too, I got scared) I was contemplating if I am going to withdraw some of my coins. This is the psychological effect of the dump, FUD “fear, uncertainty and doubt.”

So, bottom line is, I do not believe that crypto is dead! It is just a hurdle on the way, but will not stop crypto.

Disclaimer: I am not a crypto expert, just stating what I know.

That is it for this blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited.

Date Published nov 18, 2022

Check my other articles!

💖 What I Understand and Know About Crypto Today

🎉 Do You Believe In Zodiac Signs?

🎉 My Sunday Highlights | Crypto, Cooking, Anime, Christmas, Drawing

$ 2.48
$ 2.47 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago


Crypto will never die... Sa dami ng projects, I don't feel na mawawala lahat yan in just a snap. Ayun nga lang, dapat naka diamond hands tayong lahat eh. Iyak lang sa mga shrimps na onti lang asset huhu

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Huhu cries in shrimp 😩 lavarnnn lang tayo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We cannot blame them from withdrawing, I did that too because it seems that it will not go up anymore. It will stay down up until next year.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True sis. After all it is our money naman. Cheers!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Most people who always think negatively of crypto will surely tells this haha, well crypto never kills, there will be a lot more things coming for sure, and maybe somehow it will change the name haha. But for me, my portfolio is dead for real haha...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

totoo, wag tayo makinig sa mga nega. Ang ganda nga ng crypto e, haters gonna hate ems.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis. Crypto is not dead. Tiwala lang tayo. Hold lang tayo. Earn lang ng earn.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, sis! Tiwala lang tayo, wag bibitaw!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sis kapit lang at continue. 💪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hold lang ji and let see 5 years from now baka maging okay na ang crypto world.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, ate. Hold lang po tayo. Basta wag malugi ok na yun.

$ 0.00
1 year ago