How Much Was My Allowance($$$)?

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2 years ago

Happy Monday! I am back again here in One day's break is all that I need to reset my brain. It is healthy to pause once in a while. It will trigger my creative self again. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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Thank you to these people for giving me the drive to write more and to write consistently.

In today's article, I will be mentioning how much my parents give me as a monetary allowance when I was still studying. My parents' money is hard earn money so that is why I want to also thank them for providing us. Not all parents can provide so I am lucky that I have an allowance from them.

I will be mentioning my allowance when I was in Elementary, Highschool, and College.

1) Elementary Allowance

When I was in elementary from grade 1 to grade 3, my allowance is PHP 40 or around USD 0.80. We have two recesses, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. So, every recess, I have PHP20 or USD 0.40 to spend on my food. I usually buy a bowl of arroz caldo or fried rice for PHP5 or USD 0.10, and then for drinks, I will have the coke with vanilla. I do not know if that kind of drink still exists. I like the flavor so much. It is kind of sweet and zesty in my opinion.

In the afternoon, I will have a "palamig" or juice. It was about PHP3 or USD 0.06. I do not eat for afternoon snacks because I am saving it. to buy something after school. There are a lot to buy stuff for kids in front of our school. After school while waiting for our uncle to fetch us, we play a little, and then I buy cotton candy or fries. Depends on what I liked that day. At the end of the day, I saved up to PHP 10 or USD .20.

When I was in grade 4 to grade 6, my allowance was PHP 60 because I am the one who is buying my lunch. The lunch is around PHP 20 or USD 0.40. My drinks is usually water or small soft drinks that cost PHP 5 or USD 0.10. I will then get it from my afternoon allowance.

2) Highschool Allowance

In high school, from first to the fourth year, I have an allowance of PHP 60 or USD 1.20. I studied in the city away from my parents in the province. We are renting an apartment just a walk from our school so that it is not hard in commuting. Also, I am eating my lunch at our apartment. We have an auntie looking for us. She is the one cooking and cleaning for us. She is also paid for by our parents. Our parents do not like for us to do household chores, they want us to focus on studying only.

We only have one recess in highschool which is in the morning. I spent about PHP25 or USD 0.50. The rest of the money will be spent on projects and other necessities. Sometimes, my money is not enough so I have to ask for money from my parents but it is strictly for school purposes only. PHP 60 pesos is enough for me. What I really spent my money on was for cellphone load and printing.

3) College Allowance

College was a bit tough. I had my college in Manila city. This is the toughest part of my schooling. It was tough because we are super away from our parents. The ride is about 8 hours. At this time, my parents bought a house for us 3 college children of theirs. We do not like the concept of paying apartment because it would just waste of money, instead, we buy a small house. We have our auntie in Manila.

My allowance was PHP250 a day. I have a break in the morning and afternoon. I also have lunch. The prices in Manila are so high so my allowance should adjust too. I also have to commute too which the fare is PHP 7 or USD 0.14. Also, materials for school and projects are included in my allowance. I still manage to save some but not much. If I have savings, I sometimes treat myself food or makeup.

Final Thoughts

I am grateful for my parents great support financially. I am also grateful for my auntie that was there for us when we were away from our parents. I am happy that they can provide our needs while studying. I do not like to demand more allowance because I do not like to be a burden. We are not rich, but still trying to save as much as I could. I do not like our money going to waste. I do not like things to take for granted.

Thank you for reading my article!

Lead image edited on Canva, Images from Unsplash

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$ 5.57
$ 5.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @zolabundance2
$ 0.02 from @jasglaybam
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2 years ago


Sa'kin nung elem mga 10-20 pesos lang. Sana ol. Pero nung high school mga nasa 50-80 na. Lumalaki habang tumataas year level haha. Pero atleast naka survive kahit limited lang ang baon, napagkakasya naman hehe.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Hap
2 years ago

20 pesos naman ang allowance ko nung elementary, inaasar ako palagi ng mga pinsan ko kasi nagbabaon pa ako eh kapitbhay ko lang ung school 😂

Saan ka nagstudy sa Manila? Sa Manila rin ako nag aral nung college.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a little bit inggit sa baon mo nung elementary 🥲 hahaha jk. Natatandaan ko 10-15 lang yata baon ko HAHAHHAA pero para sakin oks na yun kasi kahit papaano maraming nabibili

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang di ko kaya yung 2 recess sa isang araw lalo nung elem ako, kasi half day pa nga lang umiiyak na ako hahaha. 10 pesos naman sakin nung elem, 5 sa alkansya ko then yung another 5 pangbili ko ng soup sa school.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang laki ng allowance mo nung elem be. Akin ay 10 pesos or 5 pesos a day lang ata eh hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang laki ng baon mo dati noh, ako nong elem 5pesos lang, makakabili kana ng dalawang puto cheese at ice candy haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kasi mahal din paninda sa loob ng school hehe. Pero nagsasave rin ako mga 5 pesos a day rin hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

your thoughts are beautiful that yu do not need to spend lavishly, well right now I am a university student but still I do not get any allowance for myself and had never get before in my life, hahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

uyyy anllaki ng allowance mo hahah. ako kasi nung elementary ako, 10 pesos lang. tapos nung highschool ako, nasa private school kasi ako non so bente lang kasi malapit sa bahay tapos may lunch na kong baon. nitong college naman baon ko 100 na hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mahal din kasi paninda nila sa school hehe. Pero kasama na dun mga pang projects namin. Nung college naman nagcocommute ako. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

nako, naisurvive ko ang highschool ko na di gaano nag aambag sa projects ses, pakapalan lang that time kasi broke pa talaga kami ng family ko..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As I remember Po yung allowance ko per day nung elementary was 12 pesos at nung highschool 40 pesos, still thankful na merong nagsusuport financially.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, big or small dapat thankful pa rin tayo na may baon hehe. Pero dapat parin magsave at mag budget tayo :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow sanaol May allowance sis. You're lucky indeed. Sa amin minsan lang kami mabigyan ng pera nung elementary, pinakamalaki yung 2 pesos lang. Minsan wala pa nga akong papel pag pumasok sa paaralan kasi walang pambili, huhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww so sorry to heat that sis. :( Yes, I am generous to my classmates pag wala sila paper. Because I know how it feels.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buti generous ka sis, nung elementary days ko walang mag share sa akin kaya pag May ipagawa yung teacher, minsan nakatunganga lang ako

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are very lucky to have allowance, I remember back then I don't have anything but still I waited for the day that I will have it. I had it when I was in highschool.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My parents before don't give us money to buy some snacks instead sent us biscuits and juice our snacks before. When we are in highschool my parents give us money and it cost only 20 pesos a day hehe. That's small compare before about 50 to 100 pesos a day, it's because snacks or food right now are increasing their prices.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is true. Everything is increasing prices. We should know how to budget properly of our money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think we should do that cause we have a inflation right now. Prices are fluctuating due to small demand of goods and amidst pandemic and calamities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naks . Laki naman nun.. Ako, when I was in my elementary years pinakamalaki na yung 10 pesos. Tas high school naman 20-50 pesos, kung may projects. Nung college na medyo malaki kasi malayo yung school. Mamamasahe pa..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My parents made sure to look for schools near our home so we don't spent much on transportation. In college, I was fortunate to have been accepted in the State University, which was also nearby. Some days I would walk to school, or mostly going home. When possible, I would take lunch at home so that helped me save my allowance. I remember my mom would give me a weekly instead of a daily allowance so I had to learn to budget my money carefully. I think I did a pretty good job, and was always able to tuck away money for special things. Any expenses for projects would be given in addition to our allowance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You parents are so good. I always find ways too to save up money. I think we are the same in terms of saving up based on your story. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago