Have You Had Water Today?

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2 years ago

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was fine and I spent it just at home. Anyway, to those from the Philippines, have you noticed that the temperature went higher this past few weeks? The heat is melting me, huhu. It is so hot my fan cannot give relief to me. Right now the clouds are dark hoping to rain in about 15 minutes.

I just want to share my NFT collection named Grumpea. You can take a peek of them in this link https://opensea.io/collection/grumpea 💚🎶

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In this article, I will be borrowing sis @itsmeCguro 's questions from her article in this link. You can visit the link to know her answers too!

So let us begin, shall we?

If you have a lighter, what color is it?

I never smoked before, maybe once because out of curiosity. I never had a lighter in my whole life. If I have one, it would be the color blue. Maybe I will use it to light some candles. It will also come h=in handy when we will go on camping trips to make fires and repel potential animals roaming around in our camp.

Do you like pasta?

Yes. Actually, my favorite comfort food is spaghetti. I like the sour sauce rather than the sweet Pinoy style. I like to blend at least two tomatoes and add some spices like pepper, salt, and thyme. I then mix it with the pasta with meatballs. There are some exceptions though. I do not like pasta when it is mixed on like a soup. Not that I hate it, it is just not my go-to pasta dish.

Are you only doing this because you're bored?

Not really. I like answering random questions that I see from my fellow co-writers here. I am really fascinated with their answers that is why I want to try it to myself too. I am writing this because it is my pledge to myself to publish an article everyday, whether it is about me, my thoughts, opinions, etc. I have to publish one today haha!

Can you swim?

No, I cannot. One of the things on my bucket list is to learn how to swim. When I was still in elementary, my cousins are trying to teach me how to float but I think my body is not buoyant enough to float. Up until now, I cannot float or swim. I like to learn how to swim because, in case of an emergency, I can save myself from drowning.

Have you had water today?

Yes. I just drank half a liter because I do not like to dehydrate. The weather in the Philippines is like you are in a big oven. It is so freaking hot! My electric fan is giving up on me haha! Yeah, I am not kidding when I say that the water coming out from our faucet is also warm. Now, I am hoping to rain. The clouds are dark right now.

Favorite TV Commercial?


Source: YouTube thailifechannel

This is my favorite TV commercial. It is a Thai insurance company's commercial. It is about a deaf father working hard for her daughter. The daughter though is angry with the world because of the condition of the father. Later on, she tried to end her life. She was saved by her father. The daughter realized how important her father is.

Do you write better with a pen or a pencil?

I think I write better with a pen. Maybe. because I use pen more than pencil that my hands are used to write using pen. Though I like pencil when I am painting because I can easily erase them. I use pencil to make marks and tracings.

Do you collect anything?

I do not collect anything in particular. But close to that is stickers. I like designing my notebook with stickers. I still have few of them unused. I am planning to use them someday if ever I have another notebook. They are just sitting on my cabinet. There are cheap ones available on Shoppee. For 20 pesos, you can have 50 pieces of stickers.

What have you learned about yourself recently?

I learned that I should not be reactive to comments and posts. Some people are being toxic right now and I prioritize my mental health over these things.

By the way, recntly I shared articles about misunderstandings between my friends. You can check it out here.

Update: Finally it rained!!!

That is it for today. Thank you for reading. I will see you at the next one.

Banner edited from Canva. Image is from my NFT Collection

Please follow me on my new NC account. Thank you!

My other articles:

💚 Break From Politics https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/break-from-politics-45b62281

💛 Friendship Over Politics? (True Story) Part 2 https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/friendship-over-politics-true-story-part-2-69fab1cf

🥺 Friendship Over Politics? (True Story) https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/friendship-over-politics-true-story-b0139c90

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago


Swimming is so pleasant if you can learn it .....I like swimming a lot...and don't be worry just need to practice somedays...after that you will also learn it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I hope so. I will be practicing when I am in a swimming pool or in the beach.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

swimming is also very difficult for me because when I am taught by my friends my body always sinks and can't float.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey, we are the same! Hmm, one day I hope that we can swim. Maybe it feels like flying but on water hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grave talaga ang ads ng thai.. nakakaiyak

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pinanuod mo sis? Huhu. Iba talaga pag parent na talaga. One day I will be one din kaya I salute every parent.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such important question but you must learn how to swim asap

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, hopefully I will learn to swim as soon as possible. We do not know when we will need it. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah bad things always after into human being

$ 0.00
2 years ago