A Little Bit About Myself

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago

It is been two months since I joined this platform. My two months of consistency of writing here. I somehow run out of ideas on what to write. I am sometimes so busy that I forgot to open this platform...

But hey! I am still here writing. I made friends here, too! I always see familiar people here that often comment on my articles and also, the articles that I read.

Now, I want to answer questions for you to know me a little bit more. These questions will be funny, a bit emotional, and everything in between. These questions are from teambuilding.com. So, what are we waiting for? Let's begin!

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1) How do you relax and unwind?

Image from Unsplash

When it is was pre-covid, I used to go to parks like Luneta Park or I book a ticket to unwind and to travel. The last time I saw a beach was back in 2018. I was in Boracay to unwind because I was stressed about the school stuff and also, I was in the first stage of doing my thesis.

I also go to a nail salon. For us girls, pampering is one way to relax. Personally, taking care of myself is the way I relax. I am taking care of myself and also relaxing my headspace.

A simple way to unwind is also just at home, watching movies or baking something. It is just the little me time that I do that makes me relax and unwind.

2) What is your guilty pleasure?

Image from Unsplash

Eating all day! I really feel bad stuffing food in my mouth the whole day, but at the same time, the satisfaction of eating delicious food is ooohh, sooo good!

One time, I binge eat because I said, I deserve to eat today but it was too much. I ate kimchi rice, egg, and longganisa for breakfast, and then I ate cookies. Damn, it was so bad. I was so full that I feel sluggish, I feel lazy doing any work. I regret eating too much because it causes delays in my work.

In that experience, I learned that too much eating can affect your productivity. You will be feeling sleepy or sluggish. You just want to lay down and just scroll through TikTok.

3) Whose death hit you hardest?

Image from Unsplash

To date, it would be my lola's (grandma's) death. It is still hard for me to talk about this because it brings back memories. She is close to my heart. She is the sweetest, the most adorable person I know. She has the longest, repetitive story but I still forever be listening to her. She was suffering from dementia which is why she has the tendency of repeating saying things.

It has been 5 years, I still miss you lola. :( Kinda makes me emotional right now. I do not have a choice but accept it. I know my lola is in heaven now with the best health and body she will be. I always pray to God to say hi for me to my lola. Hays, miss you lola. :(

4) If you could marry any celebrity, who would you choose?

Source: https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEGA549838_094-e1610494005770.jpg?w=681&h=383&crop=1

Captain America, Chris Evans! Are you freaking kidding me? This man is so handsome. Ugh, I would trade my soul to the Gods just to marry this guy hahaha! Just kidding!

Well, first, of course, he has great looks and a great body if I say good body I mean really, really good! He is also a good actor. Besides the Marvel series, I love his character in the movie Gifted. He played Frank and the guardian of his niece who has a very high IQ.

They are fighting with his mom if his niece should be enrolled in a university surrounded by adults or just stay as a kid and enjoy being one. The story is so good and you can see other aspects of life.

5) What food would you choose for your last meal?

Image from Unsplash

If I would choose my last meal, it would be my father's scrambled egg. I have never tasted scrambled eggs as good as my father's. He has mastered this fluffy, light, tasty scrambled egg. I prefer it a little bit wetter than the dry one.

Actually, I have watched a documentary on YouTube about inmates about to execute to prepare their last meal. One inmate requested a seed. He believed that when he died, the seed will turn into a tree.

Another inmate requested a bucket of KFC chicken, ice cream, etc. Then while eating he will watch the whole series of The Lord of the Rings. The authorities did not grant the wish as it will take longer. I wonder what is going on in their heads while eating their last meal on earth.

Final Thoughts

I am happy that I am able to answer all the questions. But just writing, I can imagine things in my head or just going back to some memories. Not all memories are good, sometimes just thinking about them makes us down. But that is life.

There are ups and downs. We cannot say what will happen to us next. We just have to enjoy the ride. If you want to do something, do it now while you can. You might regret not doing it.

If you think it is worth the shot, definitely do it. If you read this part, this is a sign to do that now. Haha!

Well, that's a wrap. Thank you for reading my article about a little of myself. -Jijisaur.

Opensea/Twitter/Noise.cash: @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

❤️ What Do I Think Of These Countries? https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/what-do-i-think-of-these-countries-d741fa8b

❤️ Is It A Yes Or No? https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/is-it-a-yes-or-no-c4814a74

❤️ Dirty This or That Questions https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/dirty-this-or-that-questions-c0a49438

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago


I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. Anyways, sanaol talaga pa trvel2 lang pag stress. When kaya akooo hubuhu. Ahh basta kung may celebrity man akong pakakasalan, I will surely marry Keanu Reeves 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Chris Evans got me! Hahaha but anyway, off topic but about Captain still. He will be the voice actor for the upcoming movie “Lightyear” by disney and pixar. It’s a toy story prequel. For sure you’ll like it. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, i saw his tweets. UWU 😊 Gosh, so excited me! 💞🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah, same here! Bukod sa favorite ko din si Cap because of MCU, favorite ko din toy story. 😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about your grandma my dear. Same as you, its my grandmas' death which hit me hardest. Especially my lola in my mother's side, because I am really close to her. Everytime my mama got mad at me, she was the one I can go to and comforted me..

Ohh.. I miss her... Actually, I miss them.. 🥺😔😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We miss our loved ones but we need to carry one. We will be praying for them this coming Nov 1st. Take care dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes dear. We should do that.. Thank you.. Take care, as well.😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One person I would like to marry with will be Taehyung HAHA! Even though that I'm not that active or updated about them anymore, still my love for him never fades char!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my BTS heart! I will be marrying Jin or Jhope haha! Or maybe RM. lol They are all talented.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my bucket list is Boracay sis. I wish soon I can go there. I love eating also especially now since I am alone always here in the apartment.

It makes me bored and nothing else in my mind is eating. I watched movie also but having a snacks.😄 I love scramble eggs too sis.🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like Captain America and I’ve watched the gifted, It was a very good movie. But among the avengers I love doctor strange a lot so yeah I would love to marry him one day in my dreams😁

$ 0.05
2 years ago

If only dreams turn to reality haha! I like Doctor Strange too! I watched the movie in the cinema. It is so amazing!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha! If only there is a chance or a machine that could turn our dreams into reality, it might be sold out by now. Yeah the first time I watched it, I knew right there and then he is the one. The one that I could only marry in my dreams😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I eat all day too! I love eating but it's not a problem tho. My family likes eating healthy so we usually get some healthy food. But chocolate is like an exception haha because it contains lot of sugar. You got some pretty interesting answers. I feel like I'd marry Leo DiCaprio. But Chris Evans is such a good choice too!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Leo DiCaprio too is a good choice 🥰I like his movies Inception, and Catch Me If You can. Hehe!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about you grandma’s. She was really close to your heart. Hehe, so you trade your soul for chris evan 🤭 . Interesting questions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. He will be my forever crush haha! Chris Evans all the way! 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago