6 Powerful Habits to Master a Better, Healthy Life!

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3 years ago
Topics: My life, Fitness, Health, Mental, Self, ...

This pandemic did a great toll on my health. I forgot to take care of myself and I gained 6 kilos! My, gosh! I am so embarrassed. My face is like a perfect circle. I did not notice it until my father said that I am gaining weight.

I am not bashing people who gained weight. We have different cases and situations. In my case, it deteriorates my body, I am more lazy, and moody. I put myself in a situation without control. I eat whenever I want! Writing this article makes me look back to my bad habits.

Today, I am happy to say that I am in my healthy self. I lose about 6 kilos now and am happier than ever! I am now at 58kg from 64kg. My height is 5'6'' which is proportioned to my weight. My BMI is 21.1.

So, in this article, I will list the things that made me lose weight, also made me mentally disciplined.

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1) Tea is life! Drinking one cup a day.

Image from Unsplash

The first time I drink tea, I spit it out. It was horribly disgusting for me. It tastes like grass. I do not like the smell and the taste. I experimented with the tea by putting honey, sugar, any sweeteners to conceal the bitterness. Until my body is getting used to it, I didn't need anymore to put sugar on my drink. Tea does not really make you lose weight but it has lots of antioxidants and is good for the body system. Also, make me fuller that I do not eat snacks often.

2) Standing up while working on my laptop.

This is a very easy way for me to lose calories. Did you know that standing up for an hour can burn about 100 to 200 calories? That is amazing, right? I do this like twice a week. Sometimes when my back is aching I prefer standing up. Also, when I work standing up I barely notice the time is up. Do not do it too long, though. Your limbs may sore up.

3) I eat a small portion of food.

The real way to lose weight is calorie deficit. What I do before eating is drinking a glass of water to make me full. I eat slowly so that I will not take another bowl of rice haha! I know I am not the only one struggling to take another bowl hahah! Also, I eat more veggie compared to carbs.

4) Working out at least 4 times a week.

Images from Unsplash

I also post my workout routine at noise.cash. I am happy that some people appreciate it. hehe. My workout routine consists of a warm-up-cardio-abdomen. I usually take 30 minutes and then 20 minutes of rest before taking a shower. It is also healhty to take rest in between days. It will help your strained muscle to heal. Do not over do it though, you might hurt yourself.

5) Streching every 30 minutes when seating.

My strategy is I set an alarm every 30 minutes to remind to stretch. I follow some strechings from YouTube. Maximum time for stretching is 5 minutes. It is to combat that computer syndrome. Also, for my posture!

6) Make a cheat day

You do you! Do not be so hard on yourself. Do things what make you happy! :)

My happiness is eating and drinking junk food. Yes, these things makes me happy but I know my limitations. I do not want to restrain myself to eat food that I want. A little cheat day will not make you unhealthy same as eating a bowl of salad for a day will not make you healthy. It is just a matter of responsibility. You only have one life and one body so take care of it.

Images from Unsplash

Final thoughts

Health is really indeed wealth especially this times of pandemic. It is so sad to see that some are suffering because of bad habits. We can avoid these by simply taking care of ourselves. No one will do it but us. In my case, I want to be confident with my body. Also, being healthy physically has an impact on me mentally.

❤️ Twitter/noise.cash/Opensea:@Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

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Avatar for Jijisaur
3 years ago
Topics: My life, Fitness, Health, Mental, Self, ...


With the second habit - very interesting. 😃 My feet are hurting even when I need to wait a few minutes for my train to arrive... Standing for 1 hour? I could not do it. 😂😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am so glad to see that you managed to take care of yourself despite the temptation haha. I miss having tea too, I should order one during the next sale HAHA

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It was really hard to keep up. It is the resisting of temptations that is hard hehe. Tea is good! 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am one of those who gained weight during pandemic and I found this article informative.

I am sitting in front of my PC for my whole 9 hrs shift (except on those washroom break and lunch breaks of course). Good to know that we can burn calories by just simply standing up. I will try to stand-up for at least one hour while working then.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Me too, I stare at my laptop for a long time. Yes, it does burn calories. Glad you saw my article. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ahahaha my pleasure to read your article. I learned something new.

$ 0.00
3 years ago