Keep your eyes on God

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2 years ago
Topics: Message, Advice, Insights, Lesson, Growth, ...

April 16, 2022

Hello my dear readers, how are you? I wasn't able to publish an article for two days because I'm a bit busy on holidays and can't concentrate to write.

Last Thursday we had some things to be done on our little house or we just call it "payag or kubo". My husband do some finishing on the wall on the bedroom. Then, yesterday, we had our bayanihan in the church. We or should I say the men remove a portions of GI sheets at the roof and replace it with a new one.

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Story of Peter

Do you know the story of Peter, Jesus disciple who was able to walk in the water? If yes, that's great that you know it or atleast familiar of it. If no, I will leave the name of the book in the Bible, its chapter and verses for you to read if you have your Bible with you or in your house. You may read the whole story in Matthew chapter 14 verses 22-32.

But for those who don't have a Bible, allow me to give a simple summary.

While the disciples was on the ship, they saw someone walking on the sea. They were afraid and Jesus said to them do not be afraid, its me.

Then Peter said, if it was you let me walk in the water going to you.

Then Jesus said, come out of the ship and walk.

Peter do as Jesus told him and really walk in the water going to Jesus, but when he noticed the air, he was afraid and begin to sink and said, Jesus please save me.

Jesus stretch His hands and save Peter from sinking.

Keep your eyes on God

In our spiritual life, sometimes we were like Peter, we get distracted by the circumstances around. We get fearful in the waves of life. We easily get discouraged when the trials, problems and challenges came in our life. Sometimes we were questioning God why it is happening to us. Then we start sinking, our faith beclouded, until such time will come and we lose our faith in God. We lose hope in everything.

I found this quote, "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Jesus Christ, you'll be at rest."

Just keep your eyes on God. When you have a heavy burden, surrender it to him. When you are given some choices, ask God to guide you in your decisions. When you have a big problem, tell him and ask His help. When you are in the midst of trials and temptations, pray that you can overcome it. When it seems you are sinking, just call God and ask Him to save you. He will be willing to stretch out and give you a helping hand.

Whatever you are going through this time, always remember that there is someone up there who loves you more than anyone else. He is a friend you can talk too. He is a father you can ask on something you need and above all He is a God who knows everything about you. He knows what you are thinking and He knows what is in your heart.

Keep your eyes on God, believe in Him and trust His ways.

I hope that you will be blessed by this article. Thanks for reading.

If you want to read about parenting you can read the following:

Till next article, see you there.

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Avatar for JenThoughts
2 years ago
Topics: Message, Advice, Insights, Lesson, Growth, ...


God bless us always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Look first the kingdom of God and everything will follows that's his promise to us. I think it is good to put our trust in him.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes it is found in Matthew 6:33.. thanks for dropping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When Peter allowed his doubts rule over him, he started sinking. Till he looked unto Jesus before he was boldly able to walk on water. Looking up to Jesus is the safest way to scale through the hurdles of life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, there is no safer place than in the arms of Jesus.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I vividly remember this particular story of Peter. This to me is a kind of motivation, we should always look up to God in whatever situation we face.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Glad to hear that. Yes, we don't have someone to lean on and look up as good and faithful as God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago