To what extent can you go, to win?. Winning in something everyone likes. They hunger to win might just differ from person to person. In heir quest to win at all cost, some people gather enemies , while some endears themselves to everyone's heart and at the same time battle to win.
I’m sure by now we all have seen "Squid game" or have an idea of what it’s all about with the various posts on social media. Back when ate Jane was writing lessons from each game played I was in the dark about what transpired in each game. After seeing the movie I went back to each article to read it again. This time I could resonate with what she wrote. Fear not, this isn’t another review of the movie. I will take just a bit from it and refer to it from time to time.
Okay straight to business, from the movie we can say the most competitive player was player 218 some will argue that player 456 is the most competitive since he won but being competitive doesn’t mean you will always win.
Some people thrive on competition. They love competing and only feel active when there is a challenge. There are different types of competitors. Some prefer to fight on level ground. They believe in equality, free and fair fighting conditions.
The Fair fighters/competitors
These are the type of people that would rather equip their opponent with more arsenal than to deprive them of a weapon. They believe if they are to win, it should be based on merit. They don’t see their counterpart as an enemy. They see them in the light of a temporary challenger and a prospective long time friend.
At work or school, we have people like that. They befriend almost everyone and never hesitate to help another be it their direct subordinate or rival.
Probable Result
Most times, they end up getting hurt. They are seen as foolish ones and can easily be deceived or cheated. They realize they are the only ones putting effort into a relationship or deal only when it is late. And when they do, they either rescind or persist in being a fair fighter.
In the movie player 456 is an example of this type of competitor. He grew an emotional attachment with other players and was hurt when each got disqualified. I’m sure you are thinking of the competition he had with Player 001 in which he wasn’t fair. As ate Jane said, some of the lessons passed in the movie were contradictory.
The unfair/ aggressive competitor
They go all-in into any challenge. They take guns and cutlass into a fistfight and don’t mind the people they trample on any obstacle that comes their way. An emotional relationship doesn’t matter to this type. Survival and getting to the goal they’ve envisioned is paramount to them. They can go to any lent to get what they want, they can pretend to be friends with you or pretend to help but the venom in them is more than that of a poisonous snake.
At work, homes or school, these types are always taking everything as a competition. They don’t mind what is at stake. They try everything possible to pull down their opponents and feel no guilt afterwards. They justify their actions by giving excuses. They hide opportunities that might benefit others and only talk about it when either someone else is about to say it or it's known to everyone already.
Probable Result
They win most time. Yes, they do! Life is unfair so the unfair ones win almost every time. They gather a lot of enemies as they journey. But do they care? They don’t. Call them names or whatever, what matters most is that they win. If they lose, they realizes their mistakes but only a few change. Most don’t change after all “can a leopard change its skin?”
In the movie player 218 was this type of competitor. He trampled on all obstacles that came his way without remorse. Though he lost the final battle, many believe he is the best player.
Which type of competitor are you?
This is a question I will want us all to answer. What type of Competitor do you think you are? Are you a fair fighter or an unfair fighter?
Which type of fighter do you think is better. The fair fighter often referred to as “the people’s champion” even when they lose or the Unfair fighter that get things done no matter how they go about it?. Tell me which are you?.
Thanks for reading! 🪓💚🏹
Excelente tu articulo y me haz dado tarea pues me haz puesto a pensar (risas) que tipo de jugador soy? Bueno primero soy competidora de nacimiento pues hasta para nacer tuve que competir (risas) pero soy de esas que compite justamente sin trampas, sin rollos, me apego a las reglas. Lucho justamente por que amo la justicia y aborrezco grandemente la injusticia soy de las que piensa "No hagas lo que no quieras que te hagan a ti". En fin pienso que estamos en la vida en continua competencia a veces directa otras veces indirectamente lo importante es buscar hacerlo.sin dañar a los demas. Te saludo y me encanto la dinamica que usastes para desarrollar este articulo. Saludos.