Find your Purpose
Before going to bed yesterday, I asked a question on noise app :
The saying (in the screenshot above) is a common one but what many fail to realise is that finding your purpose doesn't mean the obstacles will reduce, rather your coping ability will increase. The problem remains the same but your ability to endure matches the problem.
A purpose is not the same as a goal. A goal is something that you are doing to get to a place. A purpose is where you are going. A purpose is a reason you do what you do. For example, your child may have a goal of graduating from college with a degree in Biology. Your child may have a purpose of wanting to help others understand how their bodies work by becoming a doctor.
Purpose can be found in many things. It can be found in a song, in an interview or conversation with someone, or an event. Purpose is something that comes from a higher power and allows us to move on when things are difficult. If you think about it, the world would be a really boring place if we didn't have anything to make us wonder why we're here and what we should be doing with our time.
Purpose gives each of us a reason to be alive. It will help you go further when things get tough. It makes you want to move even if your body says no. It gives meaning to the mundane activities that we do every day. It also put things into perspective and helps us understand how we fit into the world around us and why we must keep moving forward every day.
Saying you want to be a teacher for instance or a doctor is a sense of purpose. You know what is your aim. But do you say do you want to be a hostess or a bartender or a secretary or even a money collector? That's what you think and you don't say it because it's not as nice. It doesn't give you satisfaction. People do this just to make ends meet.
It saddening to see that people don't know what they are in life, they live day by day doing things they don't like, because they have nothing to drive them forward, and that's why they are unhappy. So the easiest way to drive them forward all the time and that's through buying stuff. They don't need those stuff but they buy them and think it will make them happier. A lot of people who don't have anything to drive them forward except for buying stuff and living a happy life on social media but sad life in reality.
Know your purpose in life, anywhere you are and it will drive you forward because you will do what you like and what you want to do instead of being bored all the time. The popular question we ask ourselves nowadays is:
The young ones ask what they should study and what they should do in order to have a meaningful place in life.
The old ones ask what they should do now that they have retired with time to spare.
Life can be confusing sometimes, but not if you know where to look or search for answers. You can find your purpose in life if you just ask yourself some questions about things that you want in your life, things that scare you about the future and what makes your heart tick. Answering these 5 questions truthfully can help you find your purpose in life:
1) What do I want from my life?
2) What do I really enjoy doing?
3) Which of these 3 things can I do forever: Eating, drinking and sleeping? (None?)
4) How will I define myself 10 years from now?
5) What expectations do I have for myself and others?
These 5 questions help you decide what we call your 'Purpose'. Once you know it, you can become more focused on doing just that and avoid stressful situations or places that may not give you what you want.
There is power in knowing your purpose in life. It gives you something to fight for, to strengthen your resolve in the face of challenges. It's what can get you through the tough times, and is the motivation to be the best version of yourself...
Thanks for Reading! 👍🤗🥳
I'm still confused with what do I really want to do and what I want from life. Too many thoughts and ideas lol!