I'm really really happy that my new watercolors finally got delivered to me (>w<). I've never had such good watercolors before, I swear. I've always had to make do with those really cheap ones that cost some $0.5 but now though- I think I can make better watercolor paintings and even complete the entire 30 days of inktober with very colorful art ❤
I was originally saving up for a good quality one but even those would cost around $15 which is honestly no joke to me since I'm still waiting for my diploma so that I can apply for work. But what I wasn't expecting was for @Telesfor -san to add to my funds ;;-;; seriously, I don't know how to thank him enough ;;-;; because nobody's ever been willing to support me and my art interest besides my old art teacher/neighbor
I got this, its brand is Saemiart, still a china brand but of much better quality than the old ones I had. The pigments were so vivid ;;-;; I honestly cried while I was trying the pigments out because that kind of pigmentation was the type only achieved from tube paints. @ZiraZir this was what I told you about. Sadly the ones you suggested never got restocked because of a lot of shipping issues here but it was still such a great buy ;;w;; and totally worth it too!
That color chart is not printed, I painted that in, it's the trial sheet to see the color and how it would look like. What I love about this set is that it really doesn't have a chalky finish like all the other watercolers I've had ;;w;;
Of course, I wasted no time in painting with this set after appreciating the color outcome on the sheets for a good 5 minutes or longer, I wasn't sure but my sister said I was smiling like I won the lottery
I had wanted to start off with flowers because I wanted to test out the blending capacity of all the colors but my sister wanted me to draw a galaxy sky for some reason. I just nodded then did so, as long as I can see how it blends.
As you can see though, it blends really well ;;w;; it makes me really really happy because it doesn't damage the paper. Some paints are really hard to blend, specially block types so those really end up tearing the paper but with this one though- it was really nice and again, no chalky finish ❤
Just leaving it like that wouldn't be good though since it lacked details to me so I added a lot of white ink on it. I originally just wanted to highlight things but the stars looked like snow so I thought thise place could be a winter wonderland.
I'll be using that image later to make a sample of how the next stories in series event will be as well so I hope you stay tuned UwU
I honestly cried while I was trying the pigments out because that kind of pigmentation was the type only achieved from tube paints