As a boy, he was nicknamed "Angel" (picture in the middle). Maurice was born in Russia and lived there until the age of 14, and then moved to France , where his parents are from. Meanwhile, at the age of 19, he fell ill with acromegaly and gigantism , so he deformed within a year. In order not to be fooled, he left France for the United Statesand accidentally became a wrestler there, then a world heavyweight champion.
Then they called him "the French angel" again. Maurice Tillet (October 23, 1903 – September 4, 1954) was a very talented, sacred man from noble families. He was a poet, an actor, an excellent chess player and spoke 14 languages. The DramWorks studio never confirmed it, it was obviously an inspiration for Shrek. He was married to the beautiful Olga.
Maurice is described as a very dear person, he died at the age of 51 from a heart attack on the same day as his most pleasant approach, the Lithuanian wrestler Karl Pojello (especially when he heard prlusk) and they are especially preserved.
Instead of among the lawyers, which was his wish, he went into the army. He became a wrestler in 1937, became famous in the United States during World War II, and was invincible for a long time. His fights always attracted a huge audience, as everyone wanted to see the unusual figure of the French Angel, as he called himself. After 1945, however, he began to lose duels, his career only going downhill until he officially retired in 1953.