About Loneliness

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2 years ago
Date:Thursday,26th of November,2021
Day 4 prompt: About Loneliness 
Published by: Greatwolfman

Yeah, it feels lonely even writing about it. Have you ever been to a camp, church camp, or just school or recreational camp trip filled with a lot of activities, and after a couple of days of having fun it's time to go back home but you can't go because you need to stay behind to assist the camp masters and organizers clean up but you have to say goodbye to every one of your friends as they leave for home, then you are done with cleaning, so you find a place to sit and are alone reminiscing on the good times you had with your friends, even though you will still see them again but for the moment, there seems to be a void you can't fill? that is what loneliness is.

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A few months back, I posed a question to my coursemates, if you had the power to live forever, would you do it? Most people said "Yes, why not" but one person said "No", I was curious so I asked why and his point was "Loneliness",s when you live for a very long time, you will have to see the people close to you pass on, friends, family and loved ones. For days on end, you could just sit down alone, gazing at the sky trying to recall how your life used to be, tears begin to form in your eyes because you miss the good old days. You might be fortunate to have beautiful grandkids and you might be able to tell them stories until you can't anymore due to old age, you won't be able to die but living becomes harder. That is just so lonely and sad.

As teenagers, we often get to a point we just want to disappear, zone out, delete our social media, and ghost everyone for like a week or month depending on how much of an emotional wreck we are at the moment but does that even help? We have that faint idea that somehow loneliness would cure the sadness that we feel disregarding the fact that it only acts as fuel to the burning flame in our hearts.

Image Source: Unsplash

As young adults, when we get tired and lonely we often return home to replenish lost strength through the love of our family but is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone?

Having money does help, but have you ever wondered why people who have enough money end up committing suicide? I won't mention names but if you cast your thoughts towards that and try making use of Google, you would see quite a list, I'm not saying suicide is the answer to loneliness but it is obvious that money might not be the solution to everything. Getting a good promotion and even making a lot of profit from a particular investment. Such news we would want to share it with friends and loved ones but then as Ed Sheeran said, "what is success if you have no one left to share it with?". My greatest fear in life is turning back to see that everyone I have ever loved is gone.

My last article was on "Friends", this article can be linked because it is at such times when it feels lonely that good friends appear and save us from the emotional torment we have intentionally or unintentionally subjected ourselves to.

My friends, when you ever feel lonely look around you, you will discover that the world is filled with a lot of people, a lot of things yet to try, and places to be. You haven't truly lived until you live. So open your eyes and smile through the pain, it gets better. Remember it's always darkest before dawn.

I have to be honest, it was quite difficult writing about this article today. Some topics can be quite sensitive to write about but in this case, it is based on my review of the year and it is definitely something to talk about considering the number of times I have felt that way this year. Everyone gets lonely, but what varies is how long we choose to remain drowned in that sea and the type of friends we have around who help us get through tough times.

Before ending this article I would like to ask a question, If you are given the chance to live forever, would you take it, and why?

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

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2 years ago


The more we dwell in loniless the more we welcome depression. I had been there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, loneliness has never been a cure for emetional troubles, infact when you stay off from people, you have your problem to deal with alone. They said problem shared is half solved, this word is still valid when the issue is shared with reasonable individuals. Living forever? Nah! Let me pass as my loved ones are leaving too. I would prefer to live long but not to live forever

$ 0.03
2 years ago

loneliness is a silent killer, so many people are dying and there is no one to rescue them just because they are lonely and have no one to share there problem with

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is why we need to share the burden rather than keeping it to ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes we may as well be feeling lonely even when we are still with the ones we hold dear. I guess finding the righr moment of happiness for oneslf is all that is very important

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think happiness is a choice?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel loneliness sometimes doesn't have anything to do with being around people. I can be around my friends and still feel lonely

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is also possible, sometimes it can be that deep

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe having a good life without your loved ones is kind of futile. Even if you have a lot of money but you still feel the emptiness. I must say that I will gladly live for a long time if my loved ones also live the same as I do. 💚

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, that's true, it won't be lonely

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dude, you just nailed it. At least I had a big sigh from my chest.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks brother

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love your article. I somehow relate to this. I've become busy with my career. I haven't been home for a long time, trying to make good fortune for my family. I somehow forgot myself for my future. This is probably the reason why I still can't get enough even with the things that I can already afford and the money I give to my family. I should be home.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You know what they say, no place like home, try to take things at your own pace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No I won't take it, because the world every day sinks into confusion. It is better I do my part and leave peaceful. Loneliness is what many teenagers and young adults battle with, money does not completely buy happiness as shown from those who are rich and committed suicide. Loneliness causes depression and it has affected me a number of times

$ 0.03
2 years ago