If not now, when?
Right now is the best time to create your tommorow.
The time is now, the place is here. Stay in the present. You can do nothing to change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you plan or hope for.
The best time to do what we have to do is now, because if we miss any chance it might not really be possible to get it back. There's nothing that a wise man can do to stop the time, the time is keeping moving everyday by day, so we have to do what we suppose to do, there are much work to do today, and there will be also another work for tommorow, so if we fail to do what we suppose to do today and sift it against tomorrow, it would be so stressful to us.
It may definitely happen as tommorow comes we can not completely it and we keep dwelling on postponing, it will definitely become much load to us. So the purpose for today should be done today instead of doing it tomorrow, because we might not know what tommorow may brings. Each day has its own work and it's own condition, everyday was created for a purpose, though we normally use to keep free day for ourselves, I don't think if the day itself does it. Because if it does it time would have waited for us to come back from the holidays.
If not now, when.? This is a question that I am asking myself and you too may also like to ask yourself, let me first take out the log that is in my own eye, so that I will see clearly the to take the speck out from those of my friends eye. If I fail to do what I suppose to today, that it will be of benefit for me in the future, when will I do it again.? Is it in my old age that I will do it.? If I stop working hard for my brighter future that it's never late when will I start working for it.?
Our youthful age is when we should be working hard for our future, any mistake we make during our youthful age might affect us in our old age, we have to be very careful in the way of doing things today if we want to really enjoy our tommorow. Working hard is stressful, staying broke is painful. So the choice is left for us. Now is the time we have to make our choice, our choice today will tell us where we will be tomorrow, so when we are about to make our choice we should always think if it is going to favour us during our old age.
If not now, when? when else are we going to do it, remember that if we decide to work hard today, that will definitely allow us to work less tommorow. This is just a simple skill that is involve in life, and it looks like solving a mathematics problem, once you have the correct formula and follow it step by step, it will be a little easier for you to get the answer, the only way it seems as if it's hard is that we sometimes lack the right formula to do the calculations.
There is no need of us waiting for the perfect time,the perfect time is now, the right time is here, as a young person we have everything it's takes to push ourselves, there's no need of waiting for the fitting day, is not everyday that will be perfect sometimes we have to fix in ourselves to make it a perfect and a fitting day. Remember that there's nothing that can even stand on way if we want to achieve something, we can always get to that mountain top if only we want, but it is all about us, we become our problems.
Now is the best time for us to move, now is the good time to take actions, because if not now we might not have the chance anymore.
I leave you with quotes by Steve Jobs.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it in living someone else's life.
Don't be trapped by DOGMA-which is the result of living with other people's thinking.
Don't let the voice of other people's opinion to drown out your own inner voice.
And most importantly have the courage to fellow your heart and intuition.
The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago and the next best time is now. If we don't act now, we are leaving things to chances and we would always waste tomorrow complaining about today and we are wasting today, lamenting about yesterday.