Desire Over Misery

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It felt incredible to have something you could call your own.

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Some may oppose the particular subject I'd like to discuss today, but one of many people's ultimate goals is to raise enough money to buy the things they want to possess. It's impossible not to dream about having a good life, a decent house, or the materials that so many people are obsessed to have with. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something as long as you can pay for it with money earned through your own labor. Buying what we want for ourselves has never been wrong, were free to purchase whatever we want to satisfy our desires, even if the satisfaction is merely temporary.

Society is premised on the idea that our possessions are an extension of ourselves, a legacy, and that our essence is focused primarily on what we develop or possess.

Materialistic traits are one of the addictions that are difficult to overcome as they are deeply embedded in our human nature. It's inevitable not to be obsessed with money and material possessions. We have a tendency to purchase things one after the other, believing that we do need or deserve them. It's pleasurable, of course, to have everything we want. Whereas it is also one of the curses that will bring us misery.

I received a phone call earlier from an unknown number, which I assumed was from a courier since I was expecting a delivery today. Casual greetings at first, then she was told she was from a loaning agency and she asked if I knew anyone named "Marites" (this is just an alias I made up for her as I don't want her real name to be released publicly). She continued to discuss some sort of overdue loan transaction, and I only knew her name but had no idea who she was. I couldn't pay attention to what she was saying as I was at work and had a customer at the moment. I just happened to grasp some of what she was saying. I'm about to hang up as I'm already getting distracted, but she asks for my assistance in notifying Marites to repay the loan. I lost my patience, I just said that it is not my obligation to involve myself in someone's problem.

My parents advised me to leave it on a ring and not pay attention to it after they called twice more and sent me a message to contact Marites. My apologies for being rude, but I've decided not to assist them. Consider the possibility that if I agree to cooperate with this agency, there's a possible scenario that Marites would become agitated and accuse me of making up a story.

We take out a loan because we are short on funds, and we agree to repay it at the agreed time. I don't have enough information to determine why Marites was in debt. If there is an emergency and they require financial assistance, it is a reasonable reason to borrow money. However, it is also their responsibility to repay what they borrow because that is what was agreed upon.

This given situation is one of the instances that can be the consequence of being a lavish person who spends nonstop, no offense taken but someone else is persecuted as a result of one's materialistic disposition.

Why waste money on items that aren't actually useful?

Why seek happiness in material possessions?

Being greedy and materialistic can’t be cured if you don’t help yourself get up. There is so much to see in life, and so much that we can do in this existence to be considered our legacy. We just need to find what is our purpose in life apart from what can make us happy. Life isn't always about seeking happiness and satisfaction since we always go through difficulties, it is about the morals and values that we gained along with the progress.

You can check a few of my previous works here

Disclaimer: I am neither a psychologist nor a financial advisor, and all of my pieces were done for entertainment purposes only. What I've written here is merely my personal opinion, and any statements made are based on my personal views and should not be taken as fact. Always do your due diligence.

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$ 2.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Sponsors of GelayyLumiere


It's okay to spend money if it's in our pocket but what's not okay was lending money and then blowing like a bubble.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trueeeee, the audacity to borrow a large some of money then not showing up in the day that they suppose to pay. They didn't think about what disturbance they can cause not just to the agency but also for the referral people they include in their form.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup, spend within or below our means. If we cannot afford it, save for it, and then if you really want it, buy it when you have the money. Don't borrow if it's not really necessary.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly 💯

$ 0.00
2 years ago

On point! We should only be spending a little of our income and live below our means. There is no other secret available.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agreeee, not all material things could be beneficial for each situation, wanting things couldn't make us feel contentment we just end up wanting more things one after another

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being materialistic is not so bad if you only buy what you really need to live a quality life. I think what is bad is being a slave to money. The bad thing is to live in slavery to earn money. In this way the person lives in constant stress always in a struggle looking for more and more money. Good content, food for thought.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your insights I'd appreciate it.

I cannot blamed "Marites" if she chooses to take a loan but for any circumstances she must repay what she borrowed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a selection of words you have.. I am fan of your writing skills, your vocabulary is incredible hehehe... ... And yes being materialistic and greed is a curse.. A person who is helping to others is the real one, an ideal. ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much for the compliments and for the sponsorship too, I too were a fan of your piece🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago