Asking Yourself 1

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Written by
2 years ago

Got these questions when reading GarrethGrey's article, and you can read it here too and decided to answer the questions myself. Moving on:

Do I like who I am right now?

I am not really sure how to answer this, but that is not to say I don't like who I am right now, but looking back in retrospect, I have grown and changed a lot in the past 5/10 years. It is safe to say I like who I am right now. So, yeah, I do.

When was the last time I laughed so hard?

I would say yesterday, as I remember my aunt telling me something that was very funny and I laughed really hard about it. It did feel good, laughing is healthy and fun.

What would I truly regret not doing if I died tonight?

If I died tonight, I think I would regret not living my dreams and not achieving any of my life goals. Also, I would regret not having the opportunity to take care of my mother for all the times she has taken care of us too. She deserves the best and it would hurt to not give her that before I die.

What advice had someone in my family given, and that I have taken just in time?

Family has advised me not to underrate anyone, and I try not to do that. We never know who we might need tomorrow or who would be in a position to help us out. So, I try to see everyone with the same eyes.

What were the top three lessons I learned the hard way?

  • People will always choose themselves first

  • Money isn't everything

  • Love is not enough

I will just leave it like that, with no explanation whatsoever so this article doesn't become 12 minutes read. Hehehe

What would I do if my biggest fear came true?

I would say my biggest fear is failing. That is not to say that I don't try because I don't want to fail. It is my biggest fear, but I still face it head on and do what I can to ensure that I don't fail at all. So, when it does happen that it comes true, I dust myself up and move on or try again and also learn my lesson from it.

What would I do with my remaining years if I had only a year left to live?

I really am not sure how I would spend the last year of my life in this scenario, but I think I'll spend it with the people I love and doing the things that makes me happy. If I were rich, I'll spend it travelling the world and touching life everywhere I go. That would be killing to life goals simultaneously.

Am I a servant of money or does money serve me?

All things considered at the moment, it wouldn't be far-fetched if I said I wasn't a servant of money, as I am doing what I can do for money. Perhaps when I make enough money, money will start serving me. Hopefully, better than I served it.

Why am I afraid of being true to myself when others are around?

Not sure this is the case, but I can answer that people are judgmental, and if they see you through a lens, anything you do or say will be analysed through that lens, through the image they have of you in their head. That is one reason one may not be true to themselves.

To be continued...

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Written by
2 years ago
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You being here every day and grinding aggressively for some BCH already shows you're a slave to money 😂 the same thing with me sha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's what I meant to type sha, I have updated the article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such a beautiful write up. Honestly, if I had died last night, I would be very sad that I have not achieved my aim on earth.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You and me both Bisola. You and me both

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think everyone of us are afraid of failing and yet we are all brave to try and do some risk to succeed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true, we still take the risk still that is if we want to move forward and not remain stagnant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a beautiful prompt, low-key; I might do this tomorrow, since I'll be in school and will be too stressed to think of an article.

Yes I learnt that the hard way also; people would always choose themselves first, that's just how the world is.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Feel free to jump on it. Indeed, I have come to accept the world that way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we can be happy with ourselves but still demand improvement because we know there are still things we should achieve. We have to constantly push ourselves to be better.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree, for that is the way we won't stay stagnant. Thank you for this sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you too 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago