The father I want to become
If you are conversant with my articles, you will remember I have once written an article titled "husband material", click the link if you want to read it. I talked about what I will do for my wife and children with the romantic attitude I will display from time to time, did I hear someone scream " 1000000 yards husband material"? 😅😅😅, that's my name, you can keep calling it.
I have watched and studied my dad over the years that I have the sense to differentiate what's wrong from what's right and I am like I want to be like this man. What has he done that made him special?
An understanding and friendly father
He is an understanding man, he is a man that understands his wife and his children, he knows when to scold them and he knows when to draw them closer and hug them. That's the kind of father that I want to be, I want my children to come to me freely and talk to me about anything. That can only happen if I am being friendly and feel free with them. It can't happen when I frown my face every time as if I was forced to give birth to them. That's how many fathers do out there and this causes unnecessary fear in the mind of the children and thereby making it hard for their children to come closer to them, I will never be that type of father.
A responsible and reliable father
My dad has always been in the position to provide for the family without putting all the billing on only my mom. He is always there to carry the responsibility needed and will carry it out happily without having any frowning look on his face. I will not be a father that will end up in a beer parlour busy drinking alcoholic drinks with his hard-earned salary and at the end of the day, they will get drunk and return home with empty hands. The wife and children will ask for money but will have nothing to show to them but empty hands, such a father is not a good father but a useless and wicked one.
I want to be a father that will be there to provide for his family wholeheartedly and be responsible for any of their bills. I want to be there for them when they least expected it and also show up for them when they believe I can.
A mentor to my wife and children
I want to be a good role model and a mentor for my family, I don't want them to see me and hiss just because I have failed them. I want them to see me and smile and be proud to call me their father. A life of transparency and a life full of honesty and trustworthiness is what I want to portray before my family. I don't my children to go outside and look for mentors in the world for themselves that can mislead them into sinful ways.
All these qualities and more that I didn't remember to mention are what I want to be so that my children and wife will have a good reason to say "you are the best dad". At the end of my old age, I also want to look back and be grateful to have such wonderful children and a wife too, I want to have peace of mind cos I will be sure of having well-behaved children and a wife.
NB; I am sorry for my disappearance for some days now, I have really been busy with work offline. I am back now and will do the necessary.
Thanks for reading and taking your time to thumb up for me, I do appreciate it all.
Bye for now 🥰🥰🥰.
We might can't be a perfect parents but we have to make sure that we can raise our child full of goodness