Better have sense

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2 years ago

This will be a quick one cos I can see people writing about it, I don't want it to go like that without me saying anything about it. I was shocked at first when I saw the news of the popular Nigerian singer who died as a result of maltreatment from her husband. This is not the first time we will hear news like this and I am sure she has also heard of cases like this before she died. I will blame her and I won't blame her at the same time, I understand the fact that she is concerned about what people will say if she definitely divorces her husband. She is a minister which a lot of people look up to and follow in her footsteps. If she divorces, many will backslide cos of who she is, many see her as a small God, mentor and a lot of things you can call it which she also has considered and accepted to stay in the relationship.

The above is the reason why I won't blame her, now get my point, I never said what she did was right, she shouldn't have lived her life based on what people will say. She has her life to live and shouldn't have considered that. Before I move on to the next point, I will like to let's know that, it is only when something bad has happened to someone that some people become very wise in their thinking. Different comments on Twitter concerning the issue which I chose to ignore cos some have no point at all, they all claim to be wise cos it wasn't them it happened to. As I am writing this, stating all points as if I am one island of knowledge, don't be shocked if I have also made some mistakes too but that's not where I am going, what I am saying is that there are some basic things we could have avoided and never let somethings happen.

A quick example to buttress my point

I was in the room in school when one of my roommates said something and ever since then I have always been very careful of my move and action. The guy just came back from the toilet with all his body wet and because they just brought the light, he was eager to plug his phone charger into the socket and my roommate shouted at him that he shouldn't try that. He told him to clean his body up first and avoid the chance of being electrocuted.

We all can see it as a small issue but he said his mom does beat them for every little thing that could have been avoided. He might not get shocked but it's better he avoids that by getting himself dried up before charging his phone.

Back to my point

I am sure we all understood what I wrote up there. She could have avoided being killed by this man by leaving the house for him (maybe divorce too), she just wasted her life and that's why I will blame her. She has a better option to avoid it cos day In day out, different news about maltreatment by of men to their wives is always heading the news but she chooses to ignore which leads to her death.

Point to take note:

Christianity doesn't support divorce because what to do after a divorce is very hard for both couples to bear. You can divorce biblically but after the divorce, none of them has the right to get married to any other person again, is either they remain single till they both die or marry each other back. But we all know that in the present world, it's very hard for anyone to remain single without having to think of s*x and all other things, if they both have s*x with any other person aside from themselves, its already adultery biblically which is wrong and it's a sin and that's why Christians will prefer not to divorce cos it's hard to remain single for many out there.

The title of the article looks harsh and I know that. I should put it that way cos many are guilty of this event and will still never change, I am seriously angry over this issue cos many are still under bondage and aren't ready to leave too till they die.

I have the belief that he will change, he already begged me and he said it won't happen again, I really love him and he does, he just can't control himself which he will soon, where do you want me to start from if I leave him, how will I take care of my four children if I leave him?

All these silly questions and words are those words coming out of most ladies and women out there that couldn't allow them to leave where they are being treated like slaves. To the ladies out there, you should use your sense, don't be fooled and blinded by love or sweet words from guys or men. She must have been seeing the sign during their courtship, yes I believe that too but wait, what if he was able to pretend over the years and never portray that habit? He might not show it during courtship at all.

The big question goes thus "did you pray before getting married to him?" Marriage isn't just about I love him and he loves me too, you should pray about it if truly he is the man or woman for you. If he is the right man for you, nothing of such will happen and if it happens, it is the work of the devil and you must pray about it. It wouldn't lead to your death if he is the right man for you but was used by the devil. Many ladies out there know that their current fiance isn't worth being a husband but they choose to keep quiet and have believed that he will change when they get married, hmmm, you should cut it off now and the best time to do that is now.

Marrying the wrong person will surely lead to all these, it's better you pray very well before going into marriage before it's too late for you. Get the right person as your partner to avoid stories that touch.

I will put a stop here, I stand to be corrected in the comment section wherever you feel I am wrong. Thanks for reading🥰🥰🥰.

Bye for now.

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2 years ago


Gaftek, you've completely nailed it on the head... Oh! I was just smiling as I kept reading this beautiful article of yours... God can't make the wrong choice for us and that's the truth, we can never be wrong in our marriage if we allow God lead the way. It's just that simple!, Let God lead!, Let God help you in making that wonderful choice of who you'd spend the rest of your life with.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

God will never make mistake at all, thanks for the compliment, my head is swelling😅😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wrote about this too and I just couldn't get over the anger I was feeling when I heard what the man did to his wife. I just hope that another woman or man who is in the same shoes as her will learn from her and speak up before it's too late

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I hope other women do so oo, cos it must stop

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don’t even know what to say all I know is a life has been lost and no matter what anyone says she is not coming back

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We know right but lesson learnt

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've said it before, no matter what I don't support home violence and I'll blame any lady that stays in a toxic marriage or relationship. For God's sake, we should stop living life to please People. Selfishness sometime is not a crime

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, selfishness sometimes is not a crime, that's deep and insightful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is crazy. When your life is at risk, there's no point caring about what other people would say. That's one thing about women, many of them can live in pipedreams Sha. Any man who wants to change will change if he loves you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There's no point at all, they don't matter any longer when it's between life and death. It's better not to listen to what people will say at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

About the prayer aspect, some claimed they prayed, some even gave pastors to choose for them, some married pastors that are the ones brutalizing them. This marriage thing is scary. I'm all for separating, na person wey dey alive dey serve God. The crazy thing is how some see domestic violence and say 'It's one of those things'

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I wonder why you will give the pastor to pray for the right person for you, it's a personal thing cos the pastor won't be there when things are going wrong. I pray God will not let ours be like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago