My Roommate and I

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For sure most of us here have experienced living in a boarding house where you share your room with others. If in your household you don’t do the chores, in a boarding house there should be an equal distribution of the chores, in other words, you have to work your ass or else you will be evicted by your roommates.

When I get to college I lived in a boarding house with three roommates. I remembered how harmonious our lives were together because we click easily and there is equality inside the house. Though, sometimes, it’s unavoidable to have conflicts, which we can handle easily. Who wants to share a room with a person you’re not on good terms right? I cannot wish for other roommates other than them.

Now, that I am already working, still away from my house, so there is no choice for me but to live in a boarding house near the school I’m working at. Been working for three years and because of the pandemic, I was told by our school administrator to stay in one of the classrooms which I gladly agreed so I can save too. I have this one colleague who wanted to join me in the room because she got tired of commuting every day.

At first, sharing the room with her was no problem at all. Until months pass by, I discovered her true colors. You will indeed know the person only when you live with them.

It's not that I am being cocky but I cannot stand her anymore. She literally carries all my pet peeves. Like for example, I really hate it when utensils used are just dumped in the kitchen sink. Since we have different time schedules, we do not eat together during lunchtime but every time I go to the kitchen after my classes, it really pisses me off looking at the piles of unwashed utensils. The first time she did that, I just thought of, maybe she will just wash it after she was done with work, but what shocked me was that the piles of utensils are still in the sink. In the end, I was the one who washed her eating utensils. I let it pass so many times, but c'mon I have limitations!

Another is whenever she's on the phone, talking with some random people she's close with, she talks like she's the only one in the random. At night, after doing all the routines before going to bed I either watch K-drama or read my favorite e-books from Colleen Hoover, I will just be surprised hearing her loud laughter. It's not the kind of laughter you want to hear but it's the most annoying thing you could ever hear.

I am used to sharing my food with my roommate before, like back in college, my roommates and I always exchange what we have. It's not that I am pissed because she's not sharing with me but because I share what's mine to her but she never does the same to me. I just wonder if she has the sense of "giving back to others." Well, it's better to give than to receive.

I also don't like someone to touch my things. But her, she just get my stuff even without my permission. If only I could just shout at her and tell her KEEP OUT! But I can't since we work together and I don't like any conflicts and aside from that she's older than me. I'm not being insatiable with my things but my stuff needs PRIVACY!

There's still a lot more to say but I m trying to not include her anymore as I am getting furious again because I saw another pile of unwashed utensils. Actually, I already talked to her about it, I don't know if she's just trying to be annoying. Duh, whatever!

I'm sorry with all these rants, I just don't have someone to release what's in my head. Also, I don't want to share it with my other colleagues because it could be the start of conflicts and I don't want that, I am for world peace. I am aware that I am not a perfect roommate but at least I have the decency to respect my roommate. I know what's right or wrong. All I want is to have a comfortable living in the place I'm staying at.

Thank you 👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Hahaha feel you jud bby. Ana sad ko atu sa bhaus sauna namo. Maka hb bitaw kung naa kay kauban na ingana sa room. Maajo gani kay kami ra ni jef sa room sa una haha. Pero mao lage to uban ka boardmate kay siaw kaayo jud

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lain bja pud og sawayon nimo mmy ninja lainon nijag sabot haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Labaw dai hahaha. Pareha atu nag away mi sa ahu ka boardmate ja laki raba siya hahhaa. Wa urui ko nangayo ug sorry. Siya ang nangayo nahu after months 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magpungot na lang kos kahilom jud ani mmy haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha aduyyy ma everyday na 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magbaton untag kaikod ba hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can feel you Sis as I'm studying and living in boarding schools for almost 7 years but luckily some of my roommates were and very friendly and helpful. If I were there in your place then she would really make me angry on her. Anyway, just try to tell casually what she is doing with you, maybe she will change her behavior towards you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll try to think of ways to talk to her about it without getting any conflicts afterwards 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di ko naranasan mag board sa totoo lang, dati ngs gustomg gusto ko para lang sana matutong mamuhay mag isa kaso di nga nangyari. Anyways, pag ako ang may ganyan na board mate hahanap nalang ako ng ibang titirhan at maigi pa na mag solo lesa Ganyan. Baka sya pa maging reason ng pagka high blood ko naku

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung my choice pa lang talaga ako, sis. Iiwan ko sya haha pero baka magalit admin namin 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can totally relate so whenever I choose a boarding house, it will be only 2 in the room, the one is me and the other one is the roommate. I can't stand having more than that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, aside from it being so annoying, it's also very tiring.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Madalas ako solo room nung nag bbh, ayaw ko may kasama 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung ganito lang din makakasama ko sis, mabuti nga magsolo na lang talaga haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago