You are not wasting your time but your life

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1 year ago

Time is endless and will always exist. It neither decreases nor rises. Time is unalterable and present at all times. Time is a game in which nothing is certain except the hope that it will remain unchanged. You don’t waste time. You waste yourself. You and I are the only things that are wasting away. We are the ones going through the time and changing as a result.

When we squander time, we are also squandering ourselves; when someone else wastes your time, they are also wasting you. This means that anyone who spends time with you or works for you is giving you a piece of their life, their worth, and their happiness. If you waste their time, you are also wasting their lives, worth, and happiness.

You say you are wasting your time when it is not working out for you. You say someone is wasting your time when they keep you waiting. The implication is that you are either wasting your life or someone is wasting it for you. Whenever we spend time on anything unproductive, it's a waste of a portion of our life, not the time expended because time does not change, it's constant. We are the one who changes through time.

Time is never wasted because it doesn't change. Therefore, a wasted moment is a waste of our lives. If it takes time to do something, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. Nothing is more wastefully done than when something is not being done at all.

A wasted minute is a waste of our lives, and a wasted hour is a waste of our lives. A wasted day is a waste of our lives, and a wasted year is a waste of our lifetimes. If we are accomplishing nothing in a given day, that's a waste of our lives. The wasted minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years are an attribute of our lives and not the time that has passed by. We must seek out and discover the purpose of our lives. When we know our purpose, we will know how to use our time. When we do, our lives will not be wasted as we pass through time.

It is necessary for us to continually concentrate on and pursue just those things that have the greatest worth and benefit for our lives and others in our environment. You need to be more attentive and purposeful about how you "invest yourself in time" now than ever before.

A major issue we are faced with today is the loss of valuable time. People make wrong decisions when they spend their time on things that are unproductive and waste their lives. The truth is that time is both limited and unconquerable. As a matter of fact, we need to be more mindful of how we live and the way we "invest" our lives through time.

What does an efficient and effective life look like? The answer is in our attitudes and the choices we make. Once we know what it takes to create an efficient and effective life, we can then use that knowledge to intentionally and purposefully create a life that has greater worth and benefit for ourselves and those around us.

We cannot take the time to live a life of efficiency and effectiveness and then, waste our life on pointless activities and unproductive activities. We must take the time to invest and follow a process of learning, application, and practice. The more we learn, the more effective we become, and the more effective we become, the more efficiently we can manage our time.

Your time is your life and, as such, it shouldn't be wasted. When you waste your life in time, you lose yourself. When you waste your time, you waste the lives of those who are around you and depend upon you for their life and happiness. The fact is that we cannot waste our lives or someone else's life and expect to be happy ourselves. Each time wasted is a waste of our lives and those lives around us.

Once again, you don't waste your time, you waste yourself. We can see the value of time when we look at our lives and what we can do with them, yet we still waste our time and so waste our lives. We need to constantly stay focused on what we can do with our lives as we travel through time.

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1 year ago


We need to understand the value. Although time is infinite, our life is limited. So we have to use the present time without wasting our time.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think I understand this in a way.

Like time is infinite but our time on earth is limited so if you was what you assume is your time you are just wasting your life here on earth because no one lives forever.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, it's not just about wasting our time but wasting ourselves as well. Why settle for less, when we can have and we can be what we want

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It has no doubt brother our time is directly linked with us. We all have short span of life to do something incredible. If we waste this time on some toxic relationship then surely we are wasting our life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

we don't have to waste our time to someone that we are not being valued to. time is very important and we should not waste it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Time is a precious jewel that we must value very well, we just don't waste it just like you said, so many things are attached to time which is our lives too, our joy, success etc. We need to be cautious of time every day and every second.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For real, time is something previous and when not used well, the person will realized that he or she has been wasting his or her life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is absolutely Deep, just like I told brother of mine one day, I said I can't work as a civil servant for government, because I can't waste my time and life for a whole 35 years. According to me, I believe I can make more money as a self employed than working under government. This is in correlation to what you have said, if we work under Someone, we aren't wasting time only, we are as well wasting our life

$ 0.00
1 year ago